One Month Until IC 2020 Registration Opens

August 26, 2019
International S'ganim


Class of 2024

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Can you believe that we are just one month away from the most exciting night of the fall (you know, the one where we nearly break the Internet)?! Clearly, our countdown to #AZABBGIC2020 Launch Night is on, and it’s going to be incredible. Here are some things to note as we rock and roll onwards toward Thursday, September 26: 

1. #AZABBGIC2020 is going to be our largest IC yet. We are so thrilled to be heading back to Dallas, Texas, with our community’s greatest leaders, supporters, mentors, and gamechangers. 

2. Convention is open to every Jewish teen around the world—no matter your involvement or where you come from. If you’re a teen from the United States or Canada, be sure to claim membership before registering!

3. We’ll be together from Thursday, February 13 through Monday, February 17 with IC Summit beginning on Wednesday, February 12. We have ten unique and captivating Summit tracks and we hope you’ll join us starting Wednesday! 

4. Scholarship is available to every Aleph and B’nai B’rith Girl. It's our goal to ensure money is not a barrier to you joining us in Dallas. Be sure to apply for scholarship by Thursday, October 17 and we'll work with you to make it happen. 

5. Every teen looking to come to convention is encouraged to join our #AZABBGIC2020 Facebook group to get excited, meet new friends, and stay up to date with news regarding Convention. 

6. Registration opens at 8:00 PM EST and will sell out within a few hours! Do not miss out on your chance to make Tomorrow Happen Here. 

7. Don’t be afraid to reach out with questions. We can’t wait to see y’all in Dallas! 


Mia Buchband and Adam Weintraub
95th Grand Aleph S'gan & 75th International S'ganit
BBYO International Convention 2020 Coordinators 

P.S. Check this out 😉

From the current Grand Aleph S'gan and International S'ganit.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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