The Importance of Staying Active in BBYO During a Global Pandemic

May 21, 2021
Danielle Charlip

Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Class of 2023

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It is always important to connect with people that you can relate to, but during these unprecedented times in a global pandemic, it is crucial. BBYO is a place where all teens have at least one thing in common, their Jewish roots. Continuing to attend programs and conventions is a way for teens to have meaningful conversations about what is going on in the world. Having these conversations allows us to not worry about the past or future, but rather gives us the opportunity to understand and make meaning of the present. BBYO is a safe space for thousands of teens all across the globe, and although we may not know what each and every teen is going through during this time, having the option to attend programs gives a feeling of comfort.

BBYO teens who are making connections are given the ability to be themselves, be open, and be kind. When in the moment, you make yourself fully available to the conversation while completely being yourself. Having the capability to trust someone and express your emotions about what goes through your head on a daily basis puts your mind at ease. Connecting is so important during the COVID-19 pandemic especially in order to make relationships with others to exchange insights, help others, and express your feelings. Generally speaking, BBYO is the perfect place to make strong bonds because there are thousands of teens you can relate to that share one primary core value as everyone else in this organization: Judaism.

Danielle Charlip is a BBG from Gold Coast Region and hosted chapter inductions for the first time after not being done for 10 years.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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