BBYO International Convention 2025



Jede Minute mit Spaß verpacken

Unser Engagement füreinander

Bevor Sie in unsere Erfahrungen eintauchen, hören Sie sich kurz an, was unsere Community dazu zu sagen hat, wie wir uns während des internationalen Kongresses am besten gegenseitig unterstützen und behandeln können.

Weitere Informationen über die Bemühungen von BBYO um Sicherheit, Wohlbefinden und Integration finden Sie hier.

BBYO Code of Conduct

Wir sind entschlossen, Sie gut zu ernähren und mit Flüssigkeit zu versorgen. Wir haben einige aufregende Optionen außerhalb der Mahlzeiten zusammengestellt, die ihr während eures Aufenthalts genießen könnt. Schauen Sie sich die Öffnungszeiten auf der Registerkarte Essen 🍟 an und auch das Late Night Food ist wieder da! Vorbestellungen können Sie über die IC-App aufgeben. Viel Spaß!

IC Schedule

Explore the schedule to prepare for an incredible week in Denver.

Besondere Veranstaltung

Welcome to IC 2025 🏔️

8:00 Uhr

AZA & BBG, our Movement's largest annual moment is about to begin. We can't wait to welcome you to Denver, Colorado for our 101st BBYO International Convention. Bring your spirit and energy—we'll be awarding the Max. F Baer Spirit Gavel and Spirit Cup to the regions with the most ruach (spirit)!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Registration Desk Open

9:00 Uhr

Welcome to IC! For all adults arriving for the first time, stop by Adult Registration to officially check into IC and get your credentials. If you're staying with us onsite, you'll proceed to the hotel check-in desk to get your room key.



Welcome Center geöffnet

11:00 Uhr

Ob Sie Informationen, eine Wegbeschreibung, ein neues Namensschild, Programminformationen oder andere Hilfe benötigen, das IC Welcome Center ist immer für Sie da!


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦

13:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

13:00 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!



Teenager-Anmeldung und Gepäckaufbewahrung

13:00 Uhr

Welcome to BBYO International Convention 2025! We're so glad you're here. Your first stop should be to check in, register, and pick up your swag. You'll store your luggage here with us until your room keys are ready this evening.


Februar Execs

The Executive Lounge

13:00 Uhr

Welcome to February Executives Conference! Come play games, reunite with friends, get to know new members of the Executive Body, catch up on what all of our ILN groups and communities have been up to, and even hop on a tour of the IC hotel.


Tägliche Dienste


16:30 Uhr

Join us for Mincha, a little afternoon prayer, as we get ready to kick off our time at IC 2025.



Kicking off the Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA) 2025

17:00 Uhr

Join us as we kick off the 2025 Jewish Youth Assembly with the World Jewish Congress (WJC)! After three virtual sessions, we’re thrilled to welcome JYA delegates to our first in-person gathering. During the opening session, you'll meet fellow delegates, explore conflict resolution, and start brainstorming this year’s resolution!


Michal Cohen-Yeshurun, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Yoni Hammerman, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Máté Holler, World Jewish Congress (WJC)

Februar Execs

Willkommen zur Februar-Führungskräftekonferenz

17:00 Uhr

The AZA and BBG Executive Body unites in 2025 to review where our International Order stands today, celebrate our wins, and set our sights on what we, as the Alephs and BBGs leading BBYO, want to see happen next. We're going to elevate AZA, BBG, BBYO, and the global Jewish community to new heights as we celebrate 101 years of AZA and 81 years of BBG. There are No Limits to what we can do. Game on, BBYO!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

17:30 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.


Februar Execs

February Executives Banquet Dinner | Aruchat Erev

18:30 Uhr

Welcome to IC! Join us to kick off our February Executives Conference with some of BBYO's top supporters. | MENU: Souvlaki-style chicken breast with couscous and roasted carrots. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA) Dinner | Aruchat Erev

18:30 Uhr

Join the World Jewish Congress' Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA) for dinner as we take a break from our strategizing, dreaming, and building together. NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available outside in the hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Mingle with Teen Leadership

18:30 Uhr

Meet with teen leaders from 50 countries across BBYO's global movement that are participating in our February Executives Conference.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BBYO International Board of Directors and Global Supporters Dinner

19:00 Uhr


Februar Execs

Februar Execs: Ausschussberichte und Empfehlungen

19:30 Uhr

The Executive Body's role is to push forward the priorities of AZA & BBG with tangible, time-bound, and clear action plans. We'll work in committees to build out proposals and then come back together to layout our vision for the next term.


Februar Execs

AZA und BBG Internationales Geschäftstreffen

20:00 Uhr

We're open for business! The Aleph Godol and N'siah of every BBYO community will come together to hear, discuss, debate, and vote on legislation that has been submitted for consideration. Governing for AZA and BBG has never been more important—let's get to work.



JYA Committee Workshops: From Ideas to Action

20:00 Uhr

During our final JYA breakout of the day (don’t worry, there’s another one tomorrow!), we’ll huddle in our subcommittees to continue the conversations from our first session.


Michal Cohen-Yeshurun, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Yoni Hammerman, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Máté Holler, World Jewish Congress (WJC)

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Democracy in Action

21:00 Uhr

Get a peek into BBYO’s teen democracy at the AZA & BBG International Business Meeting.


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

21:30 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Sip and Socialize

21:30 Uhr

Join the adult community for drinks and networking at the Embers Lodge Bar in the hotel atrium.


Februar Execs

An Executive Evening Reception

22:00 Uhr

We are so grateful to have such an exceptional core of Alephs and BBGs leading the Movement. All members of the Executive Body, the World Jewish Congress' Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA), and the IC Steering Leadership Team are invited to join us for this special reception.


Tägliche Dienste


22:15 Uhr

Beenden Sie Ihren Tag mit einer traditionellen Ma'ariv-Erfahrung. Das Format, die Rituale und die allgemeine Stimmung werden sich an der klassischen Einrichtung orientieren und könnten Ihnen vertraut sein, egal woher Sie kommen. Wenn Sie jedoch diesen Gottesdienst mit jüdischen Gleichgesinnten aus der ganzen Welt feiern, werden Sie vielleicht einige neue Traditionen kennenlernen oder von einem etwas anderen Ansatz für das Abendgebet überrascht werden.



Good Night | Laila Tov

23:00 Uhr

It's been a great day, but the best week of the year is just getting started. Let's get some rest so we can show up ready to go in the morning. Tomorrow is comfortable clothes in the morning and then wear your regional spirit for Opening Ceremonies. Have a great night, everyone!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Breakfast on Your Own

8:00 Uhr

Enjoy a meal at the hotel restaurants using the meal voucher received at check-in.


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

8:00 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!


Tägliche Dienste

Shacharit: Runde 1

8:00 Uhr

Es ist ein Segen, hier in dieser Gemeinschaft aufzuwachen, mit diesen Menschen und Stunden vor dem Beginn dieses besonderen Ereignisses, auf das wir uns alle so lange gefreut haben. Der Gottesdienst heute Morgen bietet uns die Möglichkeit, über unser Glück nachzudenken und uns an den Zweck unserer Anwesenheit in dieser Woche zu erinnern.



Welcome Center geöffnet

8:00 Uhr

Ob Sie Informationen, eine Wegbeschreibung, ein neues Namensschild, Programminformationen oder andere Hilfe benötigen, das IC Welcome Center ist immer für Sie da!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Registration Desk Open

8:30 Uhr

Welcome to IC! For all adults arriving for the first time, stop by Adult Registration to officially check into IC and get your credentials. If you're staying with us onsite, you'll proceed to the hotel check-in desk to get your room key.


Februar Execs

Making Our 101st Play: Building the Next Century

8:30 Uhr

The countdown clock is on, AZA and BBG. Join the International Executive Body as we take a timeout to celebrate our wins and strategize new plays for the second half of the term. There will be competitions, cheers, and big dreams. Ready to get your head in the game?


Olivia Raykhman, United States Military Academy at West Point

Tägliche Dienste

Shacharit: Runde 2

8:45 Uhr

To wake up here in this community, with these people, and hours from the start of this special event we've all been looking forward to for so long is a blessing. This morning's service offers a chance to reflect on our fortune and remind ourselves of our purpose in being here this week.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BBYO International Board of Directors Meeting (Invite Only)

9:00 Uhr



Good Morning | Boker Tov

9:00 Uhr

Good morning, BBYO! It's a BIG day for our Movement and we can't wait to get started. Don't forget, it's dress comfortably in the morning and then in your regional spirit for Opening Ceremonies. Who's going to win the Spirit Cup and Gavel?! The competition starts now—we'll see you downstairs!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors and Jewish Youth Assembly Breakfast | Aruchat Boker

9:30 Uhr

NOTE: This meal is for teens attending Global Ambassadors Week or the Jewish Youth Assembly only. Time to fuel up for the day! Use this time to mix up who you're sitting with and find new friends you haven't had the chance to meet yet while grabbing some breakfast. | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



JYA Committee Workshops: Crafting the Resolution

9:45 Uhr

In our second Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA) Committee Workshop, we’ll dive deeper into resolution writing, refining our ideas and structuring them into clear, actionable proposals.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Summit on Pluralism (Invite Only)

10:00 Uhr

The Jewish community is experiencing a fundamental shift in how educational leadership is developed and how Jewish education is delivered. Once the domain of denominationally-based schools and religious institutions, educators and content are now emerging from new and independent initiatives that are no longer bound by the dogmas that have defined Jewish communities for over a century. This Summit will explore how this trend might influence the delivery of a more pluralistic approach to Jewish education and content in the years to come. The aim is to spark future conversations between legacy and emerging leaders in Jewish education about how to address the needs of an increasingly diverse Jewish community.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Rabbi, Congregation Beth Tefillah

Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | ADL Words to Action Workshop #1

10:30 Uhr

NOTE: This program is for pre-selected International Delegates only. Join the Anti-Defamation League and your peers from around the world as you gain knowledge to better understand aspects of your Jewish identity and the tools to combat antisemitism in your home communities.


Anyu Silverman, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | ADL Words to Action Workshop #2

10:30 Uhr

NOTE: This program is for pre-selected International Delegates only. Join the Anti-Defamation League and your peers from around the world as you gain knowledge to better understand aspects of your Jewish identity and the tools to combat antisemitism in your home communities.


Tema Smith, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | ADL Words to Action Workshop #3

10:30 Uhr

NOTE: This program is for pre-selected International Delegates only. Join the Anti-Defamation League and your peers from around the world as you gain knowledge to better understand aspects of your Jewish identity and the tools to combat antisemitism in your home communities.


Ilana Steinberg, Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Summit on Pluralism

10:30 Uhr

Before we wrap up Global Ambassadors Week, we'll explore what pluralism means to us as an international Jewish community and learn how we can bring home the values and practices we shared together throughout the past week.


Global Ambassadors

Leadership and Politics in Global Jewish Communities

10:30 Uhr

Kick off the morning with the World Zionist Organization (WZO) as we learn how to leverage the power of a culture of belonging to drive activism and inspire others around us to make a tangible impact on our communities and the world.


Silvio Joskowicz, Zionist Enterprises Department, World Zionist Organization


Teenager-Anmeldung und Gepäckaufbewahrung

10:30 Uhr

Welcome to BBYO International Convention 2025! We're so glad you're here. Your first stop should be to check in, register, and pick up your swag. You'll store your luggage here with us until your room keys are ready this evening.


BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

11:00 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Lounge Hang Time 👥

11:00 Uhr

As we celebrate more than 100 years of brotherhood and siblinghood, we now declare the AZA Lounge officially open for business! Explore this space dedicated to the Cardinal Principles, fraternity, and fun.


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

BBG Lounge Open Space 💞

11:00 Uhr

Anita Perlman's spirit is "alive and well" in the BBG Lounge. Drop by for laughs, crafts, and connecting with sisters and siblings from across the Movement as we strengthen our ties to one another.



Chofesh | Freizeit auf BBYO Boulevard

11:00 Uhr

Willkommen bei IC! Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um sich einzuleben und sich mit dem IC-Raum vertraut zu machen.


Creators Corner

Creators Corner by TalkIsrael: Your Spotlight Awaits 🤳💡

11:00 Uhr

Step into the Creators Corner by TalkIsrael, a dedicated place for your next viral idea to come to life. Whether you're filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend, this is your go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦

11:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!



Get in the Zen Zone 🌀

11:00 Uhr

We've got everything you need to enhance your health and wellness experience at IC. Whether you're looking to get energized, relax, or just take a beat, we're here to support you in finding your zen. Come by any time this week!


BBYO Happen

Grab a Snack at the BBYO Bites Booth 🍗🍟🥤

11:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack or drink between programs? Stop by BBYO Bites to grab a snack. There are Glatt Kosher options available at Sam and Anita's Canteen or the Rockies Marketplace.


Mini Israel

Hang Out at Mini Israel 🏖️

11:00 Uhr

Come relax, listen to your favorite Israeli music, play some Matkot or Shesh Besh, and enjoy everything we love about the sounds, tastes, people, and culture of Israel.


BBYO Boulevard

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Freunde! 🎂

11:00 Uhr

If you are celebrating a birthday during IC 2025, stop by the Welcome Center to grab your IC Birthday Box! We're so glad we get to celebrate you!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

11:00 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.



J-Lab Open Space 🕍

11:00 Uhr

The J-Lab is the playground in which you can explore Jewish principles in an engaging and exciting way. Delve into ethical dilemmas like our people once did in the Temple. Light up the world as you light our Menorah. Build our very own Kotel to bring a piece of Israel to International Convention. Engage with a multitude of interactive learning games. Event-long exhibits will remain open to explore your own Judaism and learn about the values that define BBYO.


BBYO Boulevard

Lectec: Skateboards and Science 🛹

11:00 Uhr

As seen on Shark Tank, come ride with the founders of Lectec's electric skateboards!


Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec

Gaming Zone

Level Up in the Gaming Zone 🕹️

11:00 Uhr

Are you a pro gamer or just looking for a new challenge? Head to the Gaming Zone powered by Shine A Light for the ultimate gamers experience!



Musikstudio Open Jam 🎶

11:00 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together while settling into IC!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

11:00 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!


BBYO Boulevard

Partner Row is Now Open 🪧

11:00 Uhr

Explore IC's interactive partner experiences to learn more about the groups BBYO partners with and get facetime with organizations that are changing the game around the world. 


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

11:00 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


Alumni Association Lounge

The Alumni Association Lounge is Open 🎉

11:00 Uhr

Class of 2025, stop by the Alumni Association Lounge to hang out, pick up your exclusive gift from the Alumni Association, and more!


BBYO Botschaft

The BBYO Embassy is Open 🌎

11:00 Uhr

¡Hola! !שלום Привет! Grab a seat and spend some time at the BBYO Embassy! We're connecting with friends from around the world, learning some languages, and playing games while getting to know one another.



The IC Shuk (BBYO Marketplace) is Open 🛍️

11:00 Uhr

Hier findest du die heißesten Sachen von BBYO , die besten Artikel von BBG und die neuesten Passformen von AZA aus aller Welt! Der Verkauf beginnt jetzt, aber handeln Sie schnell - das Angebot ist begrenzt und die Artikel sind schnell ausverkauft.


Das Museum BBYO

Besuchen Sie das Museum BBYO 🖼️

11:00 Uhr

Head to the BBYO Museum to see videos, photos, pins, books, and many other incredible artifacts from the last 100 years of our Movement.



Welcome to a Winter RootOne-derland ☃️

11:00 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel—in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Welcome to the BBYO On Demand Clubhouse 🤹

11:00 Uhr

Welcome to Denver—our BBYO On Demand Clubhouse is open for business! Come find your friends who, until now, have been Zoom squares. This is a great place to play games, build crafts, and chill.



A Wall of Kindness 🧱

11:15 Uhr

The Western Wall is a critical touchpoint to our people's connection to Israel—and we are building our very own! Come inside the J-Lab, grab a brick, and design your piece of the Kotel. You can add it to our IC Kotel or take your brick home with you as a meaningful keepsake.



Be the Light 💡

11:15 Uhr

Come play with our giant Lite Brite as you explore the light that you give to the world.


Mini Israel

Ausstellung "Israel der Hoffnung" 💙

11:15 Uhr

We will not stop until every one of the hostages is home. Share letters of support and decorate our Board of Hope in this interactive gallery!



Scents of Spirituality 🧴

11:15 Uhr

Explore the power of scent through Ketoret spice bags and create your very own take-home perfume or cologne!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Unbroken: An Exhibit on Israeli Sports in Light of October 7th 🙏🏆

11:15 Uhr

After October 7, 2023, the role of sports transcends competitions, offering a platform for resilience, unity, and healing. Interact with this engaging exhibit exploring how sports have the power to inspire and bring people together in challenging times.



You Be the Judge 🤔

11:15 Uhr

When the Temple stood, the people of Israel could ask about their ethical dilemmas and it is said that the High Priest's jewels would light up with the answers. Join us as we explore modern-day ethical challenges and share your unique light to uncover thoughtful answers.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Explore the History of Maccabi World Union (MWU) 🥇🥈🥉

11:30 Uhr

Dive into the rich history of Maccabi World Union! Maccabi has a rich history of competition that has shaped sports—for the Maccabiah and beyond. Come learn and explore; there might even be some prizes! 🏆


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Eastern Europe and JDC's Active Jewish Teens Delegation Meeting

11:45 Uhr

As Global Ambassadors Week officially comes to a close, join your Hub to connect one last time before IC 2025 begins!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Israel Delegation Meeting

11:45 Uhr

As Global Ambassadors Week officially comes to a close, join your Hub to connect one last time before IC 2025 begins!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Latin America Delegation Meeting

11:45 Uhr

As Global Ambassadors Week officially comes to a close, join your Hub to connect one last time before IC 2025 begins!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Satellite Delegation Meeting

11:45 Uhr

As Global Ambassadors Week officially comes to a close, join your Hub to connect one last time before IC 2025 begins!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors Week | Western Europe Delegation Meeting

11:45 Uhr

As Global Ambassadors Week officially comes to a close, join your Hub to connect one last time before IC 2025 begins!


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Rejuvenation Station: BBG Spa Day 🧖

11:45 Uhr

Meditation, face masks, and more await you at the BBG Lounge. Come by for some Good and Welfare and find good vibes surrounded by your fellow BBGs.


Gaming Zone

Tournament Registration 🕹️

11:45 Uhr

Register for our Super Smash Bros. and Rocket League tournaments at the Gaming Lounge welcome desk. These tournaments will run all weekend long!


Gaming Zone

Warm-Up Matches 🕹️

11:45 Uhr

Ready to be the best in the Movement? Warm up your Smash Bros. and Rocket League skills.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Lunch

12:00 Uhr

Please grab lunch on your own using the provided vouchers.


BBYO Boulevard

Pose, Click, Travel: Summer 2025 Photo Booth 🕺🏼📸

12:00 Uhr

Snap a pic, choose your dream summer destination, and step into your future adventure! With 10 epic backgrounds to pick from, you can strike a pose in places BBYO travels or at camp. Grab your photo and get it sent straight to your phone—because Summer 2025 starts now!



Raiders of the Lost Ark 🔎

12:00 Uhr

Will you crack a 2,000-year-old unsolved mystery? Join the Raiders of the Lost Ark and solve the hieroglyphic clues to find the missing ark. If you succeed, you'll get to take home precious treasure of your own!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

Rap, Riddles, and Rhymes: Hip-Hop Jeopardy 🎶

12:15 Uhr

Test your hip-hop knowledge in the AZA Lounge. We'll see just how good you are in this epic showdown.



Musical Icebreakers and Building Your Personal Soundtrack 💿

12:30 Uhr

Kommen Sie ins Musikstudio, um Ihren eigenen Soundtrack für IC zu entwerfen und Musikliebhaber aus aller Welt zu treffen!



A Card-Felt Thanks 🙏

13:00 Uhr

Expressing gratitude isn’t always easy—whether it’s for a friend or even yourself! Join us to create beautiful, personalized thank-you cards that make saying "thanks" both meaningful and fun. Let your creativity shine as you craft the perfect message of appreciation!


Creators Corner

All About Israel: Chronicles in a Click 🤳💡

13:00 Uhr

Powered by TalkIsrael, film content about your connection with the holy land under the lights of Tel Aviv, with the backdrop of the Kotel, or featuring the vibes of an Israeli coffee shop.


Limitless Horizons Stage

BBYOpenMic 🎤

13:00 Uhr

Cheer on your friends or take the stage yourself at our Movement's FIRST open mic stage. If you sing, play an instrument, or have another unique talent to share, sign up to show us what you've got!


Global Ambassadors

Global Ambassadors and Jewish Youth Assembly Lunch | Aruchat Tzohorayim

13:00 Uhr

NOTE: This meal is for teens attending Global Ambassadors Week or the Jewish Youth Assembly only. We can't wait to hear about everyone's morning! Let's come back together for our final meal before the official start of IC. | MENU: Vegan burger with homemade potato chips.



Take Ski Lift Selfies 🎿

13:00 Uhr

Did you know you can actually ski in Israel? The Mount Hermon ski resort, located in the Golan Heights, is the only place in the country you can hit the slopes. Come snap a selfie on our BBYO ski lifts.


Alumni Association Lounge

Take a New LinkedIn Photo 📸

13:00 Uhr

It's picture day, AZA and BBG! Come get a free headshot from our partners at Hebrew Union College (HUC).



Musikstudio Open Jam 🎶

13:15 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together while settling into IC!



Finde dein Zen: Playlist erstellen 🎧.

13:30 Uhr

No matter the mood you're going for, we can build a playlist to match. Come find your musical zen with us!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Navigating Tough Conversations with Youth

13:30 Uhr

This powerful discussion will provide parents, educators, and community leaders with the tools and insights needed to effectively navigate tough conversations with young people. By blending Jewish wisdom, personal experience, and practical communication techniques, we will explore how to approach sensitive topics—whether related to identity, sexuality, values, or life choices—with empathy, clarity, and confidence. This session is especially relevant for those who are balancing multiple roles in their personal, family, and professional lives, offering a framework for handling difficult conversations in ways that align with Jewish values and parenting approaches.


Drew Fidler, BBYO Center for Adolescent Wellness; Dr. Logan Levkoff, Expert in Difficult Conversations

Mini Israel

Druze Delegation Mifgash 🫶

14:00 Uhr

We're lucky to be joined by a special delegation of teens from the Druze community in Yarka, Israel. Come meet the delegation, learn about the rich history of the Druze people, and hear about life in Israel for this ancient community.


Mufid Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Nadeen Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Ghadi Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Robeen Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Shada Khatib, Yarka Community, Israel



14:00 Uhr

Aufruf an alle Mitglieder der IC Band - es ist Zeit für die Probe!


Limitless Horizons Stage

Karaoke Hour: Today's Pop 💃🏽

14:00 Uhr

Grab the mic and belt out your favorite pop tunes during karaoke! During these hours, everyone is invited to join the stage and share the spotlight.


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

14:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!



Winter Warm-Up with Hot Cocoa ☕️

14:00 Uhr

Welcome to Denver! Warm up with RootOne and a cup of hot chocolate as you learn about traveling with BBYO this summer. Grab a limited-edition RootOne Stanley mug while supplies last!


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Glow and Charm Creations 🕯️

14:30 Uhr

Come connect with friends new and old as we decorate candles and make bracelets in the BBG Lounge!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Insights: Birthright Israel’s Crisis Response

14:30 Uhr

Join Noa Bauer, VP of Marketing at Birthright Israel, for coffee and tea as she shares how the organization tackled crises with strategic messaging, trust-building, and swift action. Learn how they inspired Jewish pride and engagement amid challenges like antisemitic trends, parental concerns, and shifting global events.


Noa Bauer, Birthright Israel

AZA Aufenthaltsraum

Family Feud: AZA Edition 🕹️

14:45 Uhr

Join us in the AZA Lounge for a program packed with fun, hilarious questions ranging from “What’s an iconic Jewish mom line?” to “Things you shouldn’t Google at 2 AM.” Let's see who's quickest on their feet!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators Office Hours 💻

15:00 Uhr

The BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators are offering office hours during which teens around the Order can come ask questions and learn more about BBYO On Demand, the clubs we have, or anything else! Discuss ideas for the year ahead, brainstorm about your next club, and connect with others looking to make big moves.


Limitless Horizons Stage

BBYOpenMic 🎤

15:00 Uhr

Cheer on your friends or take the stage yourself at our Movement's FIRST open mic stage. If you sing, play an instrument, or have another unique talent to share, sign up to show us what you've got!



Chill in the Winter Village ❄️

15:00 Uhr

Meet and reconnect with RootOne travel alumni and make plans for your next big adventure.



Divine Delights 🥖

15:00 Uhr

Step into the ancient tradition of baking Lechem Hapanim, the unique bread baked weekly in the Temple. Join our cookie-decorating crew and bring history to life by recreating intricate shapes on delicious cookies. Fun, creativity, and a taste of the past await you!



Flamethrowers 🔥

15:00 Uhr

Calling all flamethrowers! Test your skills as you attempt to light our Menorah with our balls of fire. Then, explore the light you bring to the world on our giant Lite Brite.


Mini Israel

Get to Know Maccabi Tzair 👋

15:00 Uhr

Head to Mini Israel to meet the teens from Maccabi Tzair Israel and get special surprises from the holy land!


Alumni Association Lounge

Hang Time with Hillel International and AEPi 🤠

15:00 Uhr

Join Hillel International and AEPi for networking and inspiration as we explore opportunities for engagement, leadership, and Jewish life on campus. Connect with Hillel professionals and peers while learning how they support Jewish student life on campuses worldwide.


Creators Corner

The Reel Deal: Content Masterclass 🤳💡

15:00 Uhr

Are you ready to become the real deal? Use professional lights, mics, and set ups to film and produce content that we know will go viral.


BBYO Boulevard

Donnerstag Livestream auf BBYO News Desk

15:00 Uhr

Get ready for an action-packed update from our IC 2025 Press Corps anchors and reporters as they kick off the first day of International Convention! Hear from attendees just arriving at our beautiful venue in Denver, Colorado, and get the inside scoop from teens, brand partners, staff, alumni, and guests. You won’t want to miss these exciting first moments of our epic celebration!



Tribal Jewelry 🧶💎

15:00 Uhr

The Temple's High Priest wore a plate with 12 precious stones, reflecting the essence of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Come create your own tribal bracelet with precious stones that speak to your essence.


BBYO Botschaft

Women in Tech: Bridging the Gender Gap in Technology 👩‍💻

15:00 Uhr

This interactive, data-driven conversation will address the gender gap in the tech sector, promoting a space for dialogue and reflection on the barriers faced by women and sharing strategies to foster a more equitable and accessible environment in the field of technology.


Noelia Vega, Chicas en Tecnología


LGBTQ+ Meetup 🌈

15:30 Uhr

Hang with new and old friends who are all LGBTQ+ teens and allies.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

The Power of Leadership in Shaping the Story of Israel and the Jewish People

15:30 Uhr

This panel discussion brings together experts, journalists, and communicators to explore the critical role of media in shaping the narrative of Israel and the Jewish people, both within the Jewish community and the broader world. In an era of rapidly evolving digital platforms and ever-changing media landscapes, how can Jewish narratives be shared in a way that is both accurate and compelling? How do media outlets and content creators—traditional and modern—impact perceptions of Israel, Jewish identity, and Jewish history?


Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Daniel Elbaum, Jewish Agency for Israel; Shye Klein, Photojournalist & Nova Survivor; Avi Mayer, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post; Brandon Rattiner, Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado

Das Museum BBYO

Explore the History of our Growing Movement 🔎

16:00 Uhr

Growing our Movement has been a priority for AZA and BBG since our founding. Take a look at what existed before MRIHA and how we used to ensure we would build a future for AZA and BBG.



Explore the Rocky Mountains 🏔️

16:00 Uhr

How well do you know the world's mountains? Test your knowledge at the J-Lab in order to win a "Rocky" prize.


Erfahrungen im ersten Studienjahr

Freshman Class of 2028 Meetup 👋

16:00 Uhr

It's time for the Class of 2028 to meet! Check your WhatsApp group for locations and come by for icebreakers and getting to know the rest of your crew.


Limitless Horizons Stage

Karaoke Hour: Rock Music 🎸

16:00 Uhr

Grab the mic and belt out your favorite rock tunes during karaoke! During these hours, everyone is invited to join the stage and share the spotlight.


BBYO Botschaft

Meet Your New Best Friend 👯

16:00 Uhr

Join us at the Embassy for international speed dating. Meet your new best friend and connect in new ways with the global Jewish people!


Tägliche Dienste


16:00 Uhr

Join us for Mincha, a little afternoon prayer, before celebrating BBYO's biggest global reunion yet with IC 2025 Opening Ceremonies.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

16:30 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.


BBYO Botschaft

Not Your Average Dacha Getaway: Russian Speakers and Friends Reunion! 🌐

16:30 Uhr

Whether you grew up speaking Russian, know a few phrases, or just want to connect with the culture, join us for a lively reunion of Russian speakers and friends! Led by Olivia Raykhman, a native Brooklynite from Little Odessa, Tel Yehudah and BBYO alum, and a current cadet at the United States Military Academy, this session promises great conversation, shared stories, and maybe even a few nostalgic surprises—no visa required!


Olivia Raykhman, United States Military Academy at West Point

Limitless Horizons Stage

BBYOpenMic 🎤

17:00 Uhr

Cheer on your friends or take the stage yourself at our Movement's FIRST open mic stage. If you sing, play an instrument, or have another unique talent to share, sign up to show us what you've got!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Press Corps Meetup 📝

17:00 Uhr

Aufruf an alle Mitglieder des BBYO Press Corps - kommen Sie mit uns zum Start des IC! Holen Sie sich Ihren Ausweis ab und lernen Sie die anderen Mitglieder der Gruppe kennen.


Avi Mayer, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post


Seeing Our Reflections 🪞

17:00 Uhr

Mirrors don't just reflect an image, they can show us who we really are. Come and design your own mirror as you go on a journey to discover your true self.



Take Denver Home with You ☃️

17:00 Uhr

Come zone out while doing some arts and crafts inspired by our gorgeous scenery! We'll be making snow globes that will help you remember this unforgettable weekend.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

17:00 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


Das Museum BBYO

Tikkun Olam: How We've Repaired the World 🛠️

17:00 Uhr

Explore how Alephs and BBGs throughout our history have fought for what they believe in to make the world a better place. Every day, we continue to shape our communities for the better by participating in Stand UP.



Abendessen | Aruchat Erev

18:00 Uhr

Come join us for dinner and fuel up as our program officially gets started! | MENU: Egg fried rice with chicken and vegetable spring rolls. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

I-Board Families Meet Up

18:00 Uhr


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Community Welcome Celebration

18:30 Uhr

Join us as we thank the Denver Jewish community and celebrate the power of BBYO's global movement. Enjoy light bites and hear from some of BBYO's special guests as you claim the best seat in the house for BBYO's delegate parade.


Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music

Treffen der Delegation

Sitzungen der Delegationen 👥

19:00 Uhr

Bitte schauen Sie auf der Rückseite Ihres Namensschildes nach, wo sich Ihre Delegation trifft. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich bei Ihrer Heimatgemeinde zu melden, über die bisherige IC nachzudenken und die benötigten Informationen zu erhalten.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

19:45 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.



BBYO UNITES: BBYO IC Opening Ceremonies | Doors Open

20:00 Uhr

Doors are now open for tonight's BBYO International Convention 2025 Opening Ceremonies!



BBYO UNITES: BBYO IC Opening Ceremonies

20:30 Uhr

Join us for an electrifying celebration to kick off BBYO International Convention 2025 and our Movement's second century. We’ll come together to honor our Orders' timeless traditions and the vibrant Jewish future that teens across the globe are shaping. This dynamic, high-energy kickoff event will feature live music, stunning media, inspiring words, and a few incredible surprises, all while highlighting the spirit of resilience and joy driving Jewish teens worldwide toward new horizons. Our night will conclude with an IC-wide party to celebrate the start of our Movement's largest moment yet, setting the stage for a weekend of limitless possibilities. Let's go!


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah; Lorna Courtney, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet; H.E. Isaac Herzog, President, State of Israel; Evan Kinnane, Original Broadway Cast, Moulin Rouge; Governor Jared Polis, State of Colorado; Ben Jackson Walker, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Schusterman Family Philanthropies Late Night Reception (Invite Only)

21:30 Uhr

Enjoy snacks and a nightcap with the adult community.


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

22:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


Tägliche Dienste


23:00 Uhr

Beenden Sie Ihren Tag mit einem Ma'ariv-Erlebnis. Das Format, die Rituale und die allgemeine Stimmung werden sich an der klassischen Einrichtung orientieren und könnten Ihnen vertraut sein, egal woher Sie kommen. Wenn Sie jedoch diesen Gottesdienst mit jüdischen Gleichgesinnten aus der ganzen Welt erleben, werden Sie vielleicht einige neue Traditionen kennenlernen oder von einem etwas anderen Ansatz für das Abendgebet überrascht werden.



Good Night | Laila Tov

23:30 Uhr

It's been a great first official day, and there are so many incredible things still to come. Tomorrow, your outfits are based on your track, dress so you're ready to go. Have a great night, everyone!



Good Morning | Boker Tov

6:45 Uhr

Good morning! Breakfast is waiting for you. If you're headed to the 101st and 81st Elections, dress classy but comfy, if you're headed to AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament, dress for your competitions, and if you're heading to a LEADS Lab, wear your IC 2025 t-shirt. Time to get up and get prepared. We'll see you downstairs! (Don't forget, it's blue and white for Shabbat tonight!)



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker (AZA Wahlen)

7:00 Uhr

Alephs who are voting delegates in today's International Elections for the 101st Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph should plan to be at breakfast on time so that elections can begin on time. Get ready for a historic day! | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker (BBG Wahlen)

7:00 Uhr

BBGs who are voting delegates in today's International Elections for the 81st International Board of the B'nai B'rith Girls should plan to be at breakfast on time so that elections can begin on time. Get ready for a historic day! | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Tägliche Dienste

Shacharit: Runde 1

7:00 Uhr

Let's kick off our first morning at IC with a traditional Shacharit service.



The IC Shuk (BBYO Marketplace) is Open 🛍️

7:00 Uhr

Sometimes a little shopping fix is all you need to start the day off right. If you're up and have a little time on your way to breakfast, check out the IC Shuk and see what kind of swag regions and countries around the world are showcasing this year. Be sure to be at breakfast on time so you don't miss your Friday program!



Welcome Center geöffnet

7:00 Uhr

Ob Sie Informationen, eine Wegbeschreibung, ein neues Namensschild, Programminformationen oder andere Hilfe benötigen, das IC Welcome Center ist immer für Sie da!



Breakfast | Aruchat Boker (LEADS and AZAA & BBGG)

7:30 Uhr

We've got a packed day ahead and we're going to get going on time, so be sure to head to breakfast on time. Please come down to breakfast dressed and ready to depart for our AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament and Leadership Labs! You should plan to bring everything you'll need for today through Chofesh. | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Tägliche Dienste

Shacharit: Runde 2

7:30 Uhr

Let's kick off our first morning at IC with a traditional Shacharit service.



Elections of the 101st Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph

8:00 Uhr

Join us for the International Election of the 101st Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph!



Elections of the 81st International Board of the B'nai B'rith Girls

8:00 Uhr

Join us for the International Election of the 81st International Board of the B'nai B'rith Girls!


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Kickoff Plenary 📣

8:45 Uhr

We're elevating IC's Sports and Wellness experience with our reimagined AZA Athletics (AZAA) and B'nai B'rith Girls Games (BBGG) Global Sports Tournament, featuring 12 sports categories across nine Denver-area venues. The day kicks off with an inspiring plenary session featuring professional leaders and renowned athletes from the sports industry, followed by the ceremonial lighting of the Maccabi Torch, which will next appear in Jerusalem at this summer's International Maccabiah in Israel! Game on, BBYO!


Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Chelsey Goldberg, Team Adidas, Professional Women's Hockey Players Association (PWHPA); Robert Kraft, Chairman and CEO, Kraft Group and Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism; Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Sam Salz, Wide Receiver, Texas A&M Aggies; Claire Weinstein, U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Silver Medalist, Team USA


BBYO LEADS: Kickoff Plenary and Rally 📣

8:45 Uhr

This year's BBYO LEADS Day kicks off with a rally and call-to-action featuring influencers and changemakers dedicated to combating antisemitism, defending Israel on social media, protecting individual, civil, and human rights, and repairing the world in various impactful ways. After our powerful and inspiring morning, thousands of delegates will spread across Denver to learn and volunteer at dozens of Leadership Lab sites, exploring new skills and making a difference in countless lives. Let's get to work, BBYO!


Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Daniel Braun, Content Creator, Talent & Creative Director, Let's Do Something; Jake Goldberg, Actor and Content Creator; Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Robert Kraft, Chairman and CEO, Kraft Group and Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism; Maya Stanton, Activist; Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Beyond the Algorithm: Preparing Teens for Leadership in an AI-Driven World

9:30 Uhr

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and reshaping the future for teens. We will discuss AI's role in everyday life, its impact on future careers, and the importance of ethical innovation rooted in Jewish values. Attendees will gain insights into using AI responsibly, cultivating leadership in a tech-driven world, and envisioning how teens can shape a future where technology and values intersect.


Sean Lynch, Eidra; Jeffrey Stein, Resonance; Tyler Weitzman, Speechify

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Basketball

10:00 Uhr

Lace up your kicks and prepare to take on fellow Alephs and BBGs in a competitive basketball tournament that will feature 3v3 (half court) and 5v5 (full court) games. All experience levels are welcome as long as you're prepared to have fun, get sweaty, and give it your best to be this year’s champions!


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Beach Volleyball

10:00 Uhr

Get ready to pass, set, and hit hard at this epic indoor volleyball tournament—on sand! All experience levels are welcome as long as you're prepared to try your best to keep that ball off the floor. We’ve reserved one of the country’s largest indoor "beach" volleyball facilities just for you!


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Dance with the Pros

10:00 Uhr

Slide on your dancing shoes and get ready to learn from professionals across the industry (tour performers, Broadway, sports teams, etc.)! This unforgettable dance experience will let you take pom, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary classes throughout the day. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, this track is for anyone ready to move, groove, and shake your pom poms!


Carey Channing, Dancer, Actor & Choreographer; Allie Fogel, AF Creative; Hannah Larson, Rogue Co. Contemporary Dance Company

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Dodgeball

10:00 Uhr

A gym class favorite, but with much higher stakes! Dodge an incoming ball and be a hero at our new international dodgeball tournament. Never played before? That’s okay! It’s easy to learn, and all levels of experience are welcome.


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Figure Skating

10:00 Uhr

This is your chance to shine on the rink, learn new tricks, and gain inspiration from local skaters. Let’s skate, have fun, and learn some new moves you can show off next time you’re out on the ice.


Marisa Radow, Figure Skating Instructor

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Flag Football

10:00 Uhr

You bring your speed, agility, and strategy, and we'll bring the flags for this competitive (American) flag football tournament. All experience levels are welcome as long as you're prepared to go long and show off your best touchdown dance moves! Please note this sport will likely be played outdoors, so dress accordingly. (We recommend layers—Denver in February can be cold, moderate, or warm—it changes every day!)


Sam Salz, Wide Receiver, Texas A&M Aggies

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Ice Hockey

10:00 Uhr

Throw on your gear and join us for an action-packed day on the ice! Come together to challenge yourself and make new memories with this iconic winter sport. This track will feature fun training and competitive play, and is perfect for those looking to learn some new skills or anyone who just wants to have fun. (You do not need to bring your equipment to IC; basics will be provided onsite.)


Chelsey Goldberg, Team Adidas, Professional Women's Hockey Players Association (PWHPA)

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Lacrosse

10:00 Uhr

This is your chance to dive into the world of lacrosse, make new friends, and enjoy a great workout while learning the sport. No matter your experience level, it’s all about playing, improving, and having fun on the field! This option may be held indoors and/or outdoors, so dress accordingly. (We recommend layers—Denver in February can be cold, moderate, or warm—it changes every day!)


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Pickleball

10:00 Uhr

Grab a paddle and get ready for a fun-filled day of pickleball—a sport that's quickly sweeping the world! From perfecting your serve to mastering the dink, you'll get to learn from professionals and compete in our first global pickleball tournament to date. We’ve lined up professional pickleball facilities for our exclusive use, so get excited and just make sure you don't step in the kitchen!


Patty Gallegos, Epic Pickleball

Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Soccer and Futsal

10:00 Uhr

Bring your running shoes and shin guards (if you have them, but it's not required!) and get ready to score at our annual global soccer and futsal tournament. Futsal is like traditional soccer, but played indoors and with slightly smaller teams. All experience levels are welcome as long as you're prepared to kick hard, pass far, and high five often! This option may be held indoors and/or outdoors, so dress accordingly. (We recommend layers—Denver in February can be cold, moderate, or warm—it changes every day!)


Randy Weber, Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club


BBYO Leadership Bootcamp: Lessons from the Best

10:30 Uhr

Get ready for BBYO Bootcamp, a fun and high-energy program where you’ll tackle real-world challenges, participate in expert-led workshops, and connect through group activities. You'll have a chance to dive into a dynamic, interactive crash course on core AZA, BBG, and BBYO skills like community mapping, elevating local programming, and increasing your recruitment game. Our special guests will leave you empowered to take on future leadership roles or personal projects, making BBYO Bootcamp the perfect first step toward achieving your goals!


Dan Fields, Walt Disney Imagineering; Sean Lynch, Eidra


BBYO singt

10:30 Uhr

Experience the transformative power of music in this immersive, interactive workshop hosted by BBYO Sings in our own IC Music Studio. Together, we’ll uncover how music touches our emotions, transcends boundaries, and unites communities through shared experiences. Whether you’re a musician, music lover, or simply curious, you’ll leave inspired to use music to foster deeper connections and spark creativity in your own community.


Lorna Courtney, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet; Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music; Evan Kinnane, Original Broadway Cast, Moulin Rouge; Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, Chief Rabbi of Uganda; Ben Jackson Walker, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet; Debra Winter, IC Music Team


Beats of Change: Music and Media for a New Era

10:30 Uhr

Dive into the world of music with top musicians and industry insiders as they reveal how music and media ignite creativity, amplify voices, and drive change. You'll discover how the industry is shaping a new era of storytelling and global impact through the power of sound. Whether you're an aspiring artist or a passionate fan, this is your exclusive backstage pass to the future of music!


Jesse Ruben, Jesse Ruben Music; Noah Shufutinsky, AKA Westside Gravy; Jeremy Sirota, Merlin


Beauty Unfiltered: The Power of Authenticity in the Beauty Industry

10:30 Uhr

Engage with influencers and beauty industry leaders as they share how authenticity and body positivity are transforming the beauty world. You'll discover how breaking stereotypes and embracing individuality can empower self-expression and build confidence, especially within the Jewish community. You'll come away inspired to celebrate your unique beauty and redefine the standards for yourself and others!


Chama Mechtaly, The Emma Lazarus Institute for Liberty & Tolerance; Carly Weinstein, Influencer & Mental Health Advocate; Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC


Bridges Beyond Borders: Interfaith Dialogue and Advocacy for Israel

10:30 Uhr

This practical session will empower you to engage in meaningful dialogue and advocate for Israel across diverse communities. By unleashing the power of storytelling, you’ll learn to craft authentic narratives that resonate, highlighting Israel’s culture and diversity and promoting understanding through empathy and shared values. Featuring insights from experts in peace-building and interfaith collaboration, this session will equip you with the tools to leverage social media, spark impactful conversations, and become a confident and compassionate advocate for Israel and constructive dialogue.


Michal Aharon, Haaretz; Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Hayvi Bouzo, Yalla Productions; Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Avi Mayer, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post


Canvas of Unity: Art That Inspires Change

10:30 Uhr

We all know that art can inspire progress; now's your chance to embrace your inner creativity and work with professionals on pieces that make a difference! In this workshop, you'll merge imagination and action, learning how to use art to inspire change and foster a more inclusive and equitable world.


Elizabeth Campbell, University of Denver; Amy Sanders de Melo, Ceramicist


Feeding Resilience: Empowering Communities Through Food

10:30 Uhr

Gain the skills and mindset needed to combat food insecurity and create positive change in your community. You'll work alongside world-renowned chefs to explore how food can empower neighborhoods and spark lasting social impact. Whether you're passionate about sustainability, food systems, or just love unique flavors, you’ll leave inspired to be part of the solution—no experience needed, just your curiosity and drive to make a difference!


Mikol Hoffman, Longer Tables Fund; Grace Ramirez, Chef, Cookbook Author & TV Personality


For the Love of Dogs: Healing with Help from Our Animal Friends

10:30 Uhr

Make a difference in the lives of shelter animals through hands-on service and care, guided by the Jewish values of compassion, responsibility, and tikkun olam (repairing the world). Assist with feeding, grooming, socializing, and exercising animals, while learning about animal welfare and shelter operations. As you care for these animals, you'll deepen your understanding of our tradition's teachings on kindness to all living beings and the importance of ensuring their well-being and dignity.


Laura Ackerman, Denver Pet Partners; Nancy Pardo, Save a Child's Heart; Morgan Salomon, Save a Child's Heart


From Idea to Impact: The Entrepreneur Journey

10:30 Uhr

Follow the inspiring stories of BBYO alumni-turned-entrepreneurs who transformed their ideas into successful ventures. Get an up-close look at the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned by leaders featured in Forbes' 30 Under 30 List and come away with valuable insights for your own entrepreneurial journey. This will be your unique chance to hear firsthand from those who’ve navigated the startup world and discover how they turned their passions into impactful businesses.


Eric Berdinis, Uber Freight; Jeff Glauser, Glausangeles; Dave Silver, REC Philly; Hannah Westerman, Avenue West


Jewish Youth Assembly: Resolutions for a Brighter Future

10:30 Uhr

Attention: Jewish Youth Assembly delegates! Get ready to make your mark on the Jewish world. This track will bring together JYA delegates to discuss the issues that matter most to the Jewish community and collaborate on drafting the 2025 JYA resolution to be presented to the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Executive Committee. You'll get the chance to share your voice, work with peers from across the globe, and help shape a vision for a better future. Together, we'll turn ideas into action!


Michal Cohen-Yeshurun, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Yoni Hammerman, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Máté Holler, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Ariel Roth, Israel Institute


Lessons from History: Holocaust Education and Combatting Antisemitism

10:30 Uhr

Explore the powerful lessons of the Holocaust and their vital relevance in today’s fight against antisemitism. Through survivor testimonies, historical narratives, and discussions on remembrance, you'll gain the tools to educate others, challenge prejudice, and foster empathy. Join us to honor the past while working together to create a future of awareness, understanding, and justice.


Luke Berryman, The Ninth Candle; Gabriela Rosenblum, AVI, Allied Voices for Israel


Level Up Your Leadership with Top Leaders on Policy, Campaigns, and Civic Impact

10:30 Uhr

Take a dynamic look at how influential leaders shape policy, drive successful campaigns, and create lasting civic impact. This program gives you valuable insights and strategies to become an aspiring leader who can make a difference in your community and beyond. Learn from the best as they share their experiences and expertise on leadership in the public sphere.


Nikki Fried, Florida Democratic Party; Shelley Greenspan, Former White House Jewish Liaison; Sarah Hurwitz, Author; Brandon Rattiner, Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado; Ron Weinberg, House of Representatives, Colorado State Assembly (Republican, District 51); Dafna Michaelson Jenet, Colorado Senate


Local Eats: Discover Denver's Local Food Scene

10:30 Uhr

Take a culinary journey through Denver's vibrant food culture at Safta Restaurant! Located in the heart of the city, Safta—founded by celebrity chef Alon Shaya—is renowned for its modern Israeli cuisine and warm hospitality. Join us on-site at the restaurant for multiple workshops led by their talented chefs, where you'll learn the secrets of crafting authentic dishes and explore the rich flavors of Israeli cuisine. In addition to hands-on cooking experiences, you’ll engage in a meaningful conversation about the role of Jewish and Israeli food in shaping identity, culture, and connection. This is the perfect experience for food lovers eager to immerse themselves in Denver’s culinary scene and discover the stories behind the flavors from one of the city’s most celebrated culinary spots. Please note: All food offerings will be vegetarian. This track is not suitable for teens with dietary restrictions or allergies. We are not able to accommodate special requests or modifications.


Yaffa Hanouna, Chef and Author


Mastering the Game: Leading with Strategy and Skill

10:30 Uhr

Calling all aspiring leaders! This is your chance to sharpen your strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities. Explore key gaming principles like adaptability, decision-making, and leadership under pressure, and learn how to apply them to real-world business challenges. This track will give you the tools to elevate your leadership and tackle obstacles like a true game master.


Sebastian Burton, Gold Standard Gaming


More Than a Game: The Impact of Jewish Athletes

10:30 Uhr

Jewish athletes have been helping shape the sports world and igniting passion in others for decades; join us to explore their impact on sports and society. In addition to a private tour of Coors Field (home of Major League Baseball's Colorado Rockies), you'll hear from Olympians and athletes who have competed on the world stage as they share their journeys and offer valuable insights on leadership, sports, and Jewish identity.


Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Ilana Avergun, New York Yankees; Lane Frank, Schoolyard Sports; Ryan Lavarnway, Turn Left; Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Andrew Moses, Everybody Pulls the Tarp Podcast; Claire Weinstein, U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Silver Medalist, Team USA


Path to Wellness: Vibe and Thrive for a Balanced Life

10:30 Uhr

Unlock the transformative power of mindfulness, wellness, and mental health awareness in this energizing session! Discover how practices like frequency wellness and mindful habits can reduce stress, boost your well-being, and bring emotional balance to your life. You'll walk away with practical tools to nurture your mental health and live a more centered, empowered, and vibrant life.


Heather Aranyi, Alignment Coaching and Consulting; Jennifer Ferris-Glick, Above to Below; Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Robert Schware, Whole Brain Living; Jay Schwartz, PlantHealingWoman; Jeffrey Stein, Resonance; Ophir Haberer, Kinhood

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Personal Narratives: Harnessing Storytelling and Marketing

10:30 Uhr

In today’s fast-paced world of digital content and social media saturation, the power of personal storytelling has become a cornerstone of effective marketing and brand building. This panel conversation explores how individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations can harness the art of storytelling to create authentic connections with their audiences, drive engagement, and strengthen their personal and professional brands. Gain insights into how personal narratives can be integrated into marketing strategies to create lasting impact.


Danielle Coopersmith, Kraft Heinz; Dan Fields, Walt Disney Imagineering; Sarah Hurwitz, Author; Jean Meltzer, Author


Reel to Real: Behind the Entertainment Curtain

10:30 Uhr

Jump inside the world of entertainment and uncover behind-the-scenes secrets of film, TV, and digital media alongside prominent industry professionals. You’ll explore the creative and business forces that bring stories to life, discovering the talent, technology, and teamwork that make entertainment magic happen.


Asher Angel, Actor and Musician; Jeremy Blacklow, Prime Video & Amazon MGM Studios; Brett Gursky, Hollywood Producer; Rachel Titen, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen; Eddie Rubin, Optimistic Pictures


Rhythms of the Land: Exploring Israeli and Jewish Dance Traditions

10:30 Uhr

Experience the heartbeat of our history, culture, and community through movement! Dive into the vibrant world of Israeli and Jewish dance traditions as you learn, express yourself, and connect with others. Whether you’re a dancer, a cultural explorer, or just curious, this exciting program is your chance to celebrate tradition, have fun, and discover the power of dance!


Erica Goldman, Ma'agal; Inbar Shuv-Ami, Movement Specialist & Wellness Coach


Shaping Our Future: Standing Up Against Antisemitism

10:30 Uhr

Join this empowering session to develop the skills and confidence to confront antisemitism in your daily life. Through engaging discussions and practical workshops, you'll learn how to recognize bias, respond effectively to antisemitic incidents, and advocate for yourself and your community. Join us to gain the tools to navigate difficult conversations, challenge stereotypes, and become a strong voice in the fight against hatred, fostering a future of understanding and respect.


Carolin Aronis, Colorado State University; Jay Aronson, Carnegie Melon University; Daniel Braun, Content Creator, Talent & Creative Director, Let's Do Something; Yoav Davis, Founder of Davis Media & ‘Jews of NY’; Daniel Elbaum, Jewish Agency for Israel


Stories That Shape Us: Storytelling Through the Eyes of Digital Creators

10:30 Uhr

Explore the power of storytelling across dynamic platforms like podcasting, digital media, and the creative arts. In this track, you'll learn essential storytelling techniques, discover how to amplify your voice online, and understand how stories can connect communities and inspire change. You'll also hear firsthand from Shye Klein, a photographer and survivor of the Nova Music Festival, as he shares his moving story. This is your chance to grow as a storyteller and learn to share the stories that matter most.


Noah Gallagher, Camp Tel Yehuda; Shye Klein, Photojournalist & Nova Survivor; Kate Mishkin, Writer, Reporter & Podcast Producer; Alex Salsberg, PokeGravy Studios


Style and Strategy: The Art and Business of Fashion

10:30 Uhr

Discover the intersection of creativity and commerce in the fashion world, where artistic vision meets strategic planning to shape trends and build brands. Dive into the evolution of fashion design, sustainable practices, and the impact of technology on the industry’s future. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, aspiring designer, or budding entrepreneur, you'll gain valuable insights into the artistry and strategy that drive the global fashion landscape.


Ian Lopatin, Co-Founder, Spiritual Gangster; Karla Martinez, Editor in Chief, Vogue Mexico and Latin America; Liraz Cohen Mordechai, Fashionating by Liri; Dalia Strum, RethinkConnect


The BBYO Think Tank: Turning Ideas into Action

10:30 Uhr

Forget everything you think you know about BBYO leadership sessions and get ready to join BBYO alum who are now international business and tech experts to tackle your real-world BBYO challenges! Through creativity and teamwork, you'll develop skills in problem-solving, project management, and collaboration while connecting with industry mentors in a fast-paced environment.


Gabbi Baker, Hinge; Diego Chojkier, The Esther Project; Max Frischman, Purdue Innovates


The Future is Now: Creative Minds in STEM

10:30 Uhr

Explore how cutting-edge ideas in technology and innovation are shaping the future! Featuring visionary leaders from diverse STEM fields, this track will let you explore how creativity drives breakthroughs in accessibility, design, and engineering. You'll leave inspired to think big, innovate boldly, and harness STEM to solve real-world challenges.


Ophyr Hanan, Wix Tomorrow; Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Sara Nost, Wix Tomorrow; Christy Olberding, Wix Tomorrow; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec; Tyler Weitzman, Speechify


The Jewish Kitchen: A Culinary Exploration of Our People

10:30 Uhr

Embark on a culinary journey through the diverse flavors of the Jewish diaspora with hands-on cooking sessions led by Jewish and Israeli food experts. In this interactive experience, you'll explore traditional recipes while celebrating the vibrant history and cultural fusion of Jewish cuisine. This is the perfect opportunity for food lovers and history enthusiasts to cook, connect, and savor the stories behind each dish. Please note: All food offerings will be vegetarian. This track is not suitable for teens with dietary restrictions or allergies. We are not able to accommodate special requests or modifications.


Inbal Baum, Delicious Israel & Cities; Skye Estroff, Food Media & Business Owner; Jake Goldberg, Actor and Content Creator; Micah Siva, Nosh with Micah


The Power Players: Managing the Game Off the Field

10:30 Uhr

Get a behind-the-scenes look into the world of sports with key decision-makers who drive success off the field. Featuring executives and other industry leaders, this session will let you explore the strategies, negotiations, and decisions that shape the future of sports. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of how the business of sports is managed and the powerful individuals who ensure teams and athletes thrive beyond the game.


Claire Weinstein, U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Silver Medalist, Team USA; Andrew Moses, Everybody Pulls the Tarp Podcast; Ryan Lavarnway, Turn Left; Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Ilana Avergun, New York Yankees; Lane Frank, Schoolyard Sports


Together We Give: A Precious Day of Service

10:30 Uhr

Join us for a meaningful day of service at A Precious Child, where we’ll help sort and organize donations to support children and families in need. This hands-on experience will offer you the chance to make a tangible impact while connecting with friends and giving back to the local community. Together, we'll embody the values of kindness and tikkun olam (repairing the world).


Megan Husko, A Precious Child; Yocheved Ruttenberg, Sword of Iron Israel Volunteer Opportunities


Trailblazers: Outdoor Leadership and Skill Building

10:30 Uhr

Combine outdoor activities with leadership teachings and community-building (and some fun photo ops!). Rooted in a historic and inspirational story about Jewish youth using their wilderness savvy to better their community, speakers Afik Friedman and Naomi Schware will guide you through activities that will make you contemplate your own resilience. With the Rocky Mountains as your backdrop, come spend the day building your skills in the beautiful Colorado landscape. Bring your winter jacket as this program will be outdoors!


Afik Friedman, Hechalutz; Naomi Schware, Undivided: Women, War & the Battle for Peace


Who Runs the World: Women’s Leadership in Civic Engagement and Entrepreneurship

10:30 Uhr

Explore how the Jewish identities of women leaders have shaped their leadership styles and perspectives. Our exceptional guest leaders will discuss how they uniquely navigate challenges, giving you the rare chance to examine the intersection of beliefs, culture, and gender. You'll come away with a better understanding of how women leaders can draw on the Jewish values of resilience, community, and justice in order to propel themselves and their causes forward.


Hilary Cohen, TED; Morgan Lerner, GoNanas; Eliza Orlins, The Legal Aid Society; Maya Stanton, Activist; Erica Winsor, Jewish Federation of Greater Houston


Wild Leadership: Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

10:30 Uhr

Answer the call of the wild and get ready to unleash your inner leader as you gather lessons from the animal kingdom. You'll have the unique opportunity to meet a variety of animals and observe their natural behaviors, discovering how instincts, collaboration, and resilience shape their success. Through these encounters, you'll gain valuable insights on communication, teamwork, adaptability, and perseverance, drawing important parallels between the animal world and leadership in our own lives.


Local (Placeholder)

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

From Passion to Purpose: Exploring Wellness, Media, and Creativity

11:30 Uhr

How can mental health and well-being influence creativity, media, and career paths? This conversation dives into the personal and professional journeys of three inspiring leaders who’ve turned their passions into impactful careers. From redefining wellness to leading conversations through written and social media, these panelists will share how their unique perspectives, personal passions, and commitment to well-being have shaped their work. Join this session for an inspiring discussion that explores the intersection of mental health, creativity, and the evolving world of media.


Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Ian Lopatin, Co-Founder, Spiritual Gangster; Karla Martinez, Editor in Chief, Vogue Mexico and Latin America; Dalia Strum, RethinkConnect


Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim (AZA Wahlen)

12:00 Uhr

We'll take a break in between elections of our 101st Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph to chow down on some comforting favorites. 😋 | MENU: Grilled cheese with tater tots and tomato soup. NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim (BBG Wahlen)

12:00 Uhr

We'll take a break in between elections of our 81st International Board of the B'nai B'rith Girls to chow down on some comforting favorites. 😋 | MENU: Grilled cheese with tater tots and tomato soup. NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Lunch

12:15 Uhr

Please join us for lunch as a part of the Adult Experience.


Governor Jared Polis, State of Colorado

BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

14:30 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Lounge Hang Time 👥

14:30 Uhr

Pull up to the AZA Lounge to add your moment to our history. Get an exclusive stamp in your Centennial Blue Book, grab an AZA @ 100 pin, and chill in this space dedicated to the Cardinal Principles, fraternity, and fun.


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

BBG Lounge Open Space 💞

14:30 Uhr

Anita Perlman's spirit is "alive and well" in the BBG Lounge. Drop by for laughs, crafts, and connecting with sisters and siblings from across the Movement as we strengthen our ties to one another.



Chofesh | Free Time on BBYO Boulevard ‼️

14:30 Uhr

Now's your time to relax and explore—everything is open! Check out our IC partners and interactive spaces on BBYO Boulevard, and be sure to leave yourself enough time to get ready for Shabbat!


Creators Corner

Creators Corner by TalkIsrael: Your Spotlight Awaits 🤳💡

14:30 Uhr

Step into the Creators Corner by TalkIsrael, a dedicated place for your next viral idea to come to life. Whether you're filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend, this is your go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦

14:30 Uhr

Hungry? Thirsty? Want to make a friend while sharing a snack? Several restaurants are now open and filled with refreshments, quick grabs, and some larger fare—including Kosher sandwiches, salads, and more. Come on down and purchase whatever sounds yummy. Enjoy!



Get in the Zen Zone 🌀

14:30 Uhr

We've got everything you need to enhance your health and wellness experience at IC. Whether you're looking to get energized, relax, or just take a beat, we're here to support you in finding your zen. Come by any time this week!


Mini Israel

Hang Out at Mini Israel 🏖️

14:30 Uhr

Come relax, listen to your favorite Israeli music, play some Matkot or Shesh Besh, and enjoy everything we love about the sounds, tastes, people, and culture of Israel.



J-Lab Open Space 🕍

14:30 Uhr

The J-Lab is the playground in which you can explore Jewish principles in an engaging and exciting way. Delve into ethical dilemmas like our people once did in the Temple. Light up the world as you light our Menorah. Build our very own Kotel to bring a piece of Israel to International Convention. Engage with a multitude of interactive learning games. Event-long exhibits will remain open to explore your own Judaism and learn about the values that define BBYO.


Gaming Zone

Level Up in the Gaming Zone 🕹️

14:30 Uhr

Are you a pro gamer or just looking for a new challenge? Head to the Gaming Zone powered by Shine A Light for the ultimate gamers experience!



Musikstudio Open Jam 🎶

14:30 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

14:30 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!


BBYO Boulevard

Partner Row is Now Open 🪧

14:30 Uhr

Explore IC's interactive partner experiences to learn more about the groups BBYO partners with and get facetime with organizations that are changing the game around the world.


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

14:30 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


BBYO Botschaft

The BBYO Embassy is Open 🌎

14:30 Uhr

¡Hola! !שלום Привет! Grab a seat and spend some time at the BBYO Embassy! We're connecting with peers from around the world, learning some languages, and playing games while getting to know one another.



The IC Shuk (BBYO Marketplace) is Open 🛍️

14:30 Uhr

Check out the IC Shuk and all that it has to offer during Chofesh before Shabbat. This will be your last chance to stop in until we reopen the Shuk during our AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase on Saturday night.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

14:30 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Throw Down at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

14:30 Uhr

Gear up for non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.


Das Museum BBYO

Besuchen Sie das Museum BBYO 🖼️

14:30 Uhr

Head to the BBYO Museum to see videos, photos, pins, books, and many other incredible artifacts from the last 100 years of our Movement.



Welcome to a Winter RootOne-derland ☃️

14:30 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel—in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.



Calling Home in the Zen Zone 📞

14:45 Uhr

Want to call home to catch everyone up on your first few amazing days at IC? Stop by the Zen Zone to visit our phone booth for some fun prompts and privacy for that convo!



Chill in the Winter Village ❄️

14:45 Uhr

Meet and connect with RootOne travel alumni and make plans for your next big adventure.


Gaming Zone

Super Smash Brothers Preliminary Rounds 🕹️

14:45 Uhr

Get ready... the first round of four-player matches is here. Winners will advance to the next round!


Alumni Association Lounge

The Alumni Association Lounge is Open 🎉

14:45 Uhr

Class of 2025, stop by the Alumni Association Lounge to hang out, pick up your exclusive gift from the Alumni Association, and more!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators Office Hours 💻

15:00 Uhr

The BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators are offering office hours during which teens around the Order can come ask questions and learn more about BBYO On Demand, the clubs we have, or anything else! Discuss ideas for the year ahead, brainstorm about your next club, and connect with others looking to make big moves.


BBYO Boulevard

Lectec: Skateboards and Science 🛹

15:00 Uhr

As seen on Shark Tank, come ride with the founders of Lectec's electric skateboards!


Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec

Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

15:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


BBYO Boulevard

Pose, Click, Travel: Summer 2025 Photo Booth 🕺🏼📸

15:00 Uhr

Snap a pic, choose your dream summer destination, and step into your future adventure! With 10 epic backgrounds to pick from, you can strike a pose in places BBYO travels or at camp. Grab your photo and get it sent straight to your phone—because Summer 2025 starts now!


Gaming Zone

Rocket League Pool Play 🕹️

15:00 Uhr

Teams of three will compete in best-of-three matches!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Shabbat Soccer Showdown ⚽️🕯️

15:00 Uhr

Before Shabbat begins, get into the soccer action. Kick off the weekend with fun and friendly competition.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Ultimate Yard Games Throwdown ⛳️

15:00 Uhr

Whether it’s cornhole, giant Jenga, Spikeball, or ladder toss, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. These games are perfect for showing off your skills, teaming up with friends, and making unforgettable memories.


BBYO Boulevard

Freitags-Livestream auf dem BBYO News Desk

16:00 Uhr

Get connected to all things IC before we power down for Shabbat. The news desk team will be catching up with guests and providing an update on all the excitement of the first 48 hours of convention, including elections for the 101st Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph and 81st International Board of the B’nai B’rith Girls. Shabbat Shalom, BBYO!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

Make Your Mark on AZA ✍️

16:00 Uhr

Explore a life-size timeline of AZA's last 100 years and add the milestones we'll hit in the next 100.


Tägliche Dienste


16:00 Uhr

Haben Sie Lust auf einen Moment der Besinnung und des Innehaltens inmitten des Geschehens am IC? Besuchen Sie das J-Lab zum Mincha-Gottesdienst am Nachmittag.


Mini Israel

Shesh Besh Competition 🎲

16:00 Uhr

Think you're the ultimate backgammon champion? Come prove it at our Shesh Besh competition!


Treffen und Begrüßung

Meet and Greets with Lani Anpo, Daniel Braun, Jake Goldberg, Natan Levy, and Claire Weinstein

16:30 Uhr

Now's your chance to meet some of our incredible guests! Make your way toward the Convention Center and the beginning of our Shabbat celebration to grab a photo with activist and model Lani Anpo, content creator Daniel Braun, actor Jake Goldberg, MMA fighter Natan Levy, and U.S. Olympic swimmer Claire. Join us for this first-come, first-served meet and greet opportunity before your Shabbat photos!


Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Daniel Braun, Content Creator, Talent & Creative Director, Let's Do Something; Jake Goldberg, Actor and Content Creator; Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Claire Weinstein, U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Silver Medalist, Team USA


Take Ski Lift Selfies 🎿

16:30 Uhr

Did you know you can actually ski in Israel? The Mount Hermon ski resort, located in the Golan Heights, is the only place in the country you can hit the slopes. Come snap a selfie on our BBYO ski lifts.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Welcoming Shabbat and Candle Lighting

16:45 Uhr

Join Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Rabbi Emily Hyatt, and songleader Happie Hoffman for an uplifting and inspiring Shabbat welcome and candlelighting where community, tradition, and music come together to celebrate.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah; Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music; Rabbi Emily Hyatt, Temple Emanuel

BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Schabbat-Fotos in der BBG Lounge 📸

17:00 Uhr

Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, den Schabbat mit BBGs aus aller Welt an einem magischen Wochenende zu begrüßen. Komm und mach ein paar Fotos, bevor wir zum Gottesdienst gehen!


Kabbalat Schabbat

Sunset Candle Lighting

17:15 Uhr

Während einige der Gottesdienste die Möglichkeit bieten, Schabbatkerzen anzuzünden, hat das J-Lab die Möglichkeit, sich zum Segen über die Schabbatkerzen zur halachischen Zeit, 18 Minuten vor Sonnenuntergang, zu versammeln.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Alumni at Teen Delegation Meetings

17:30 Uhr


Treffen der Delegation

Sitzungen der Delegationen 👥

17:30 Uhr

Bitte schauen Sie auf der Rückseite Ihres Namensschildes nach, wo sich Ihre Delegation trifft. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich bei Ihrer Heimatgemeinde zu melden, über die bisherige IC nachzudenken und die benötigten Informationen zu erhalten.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

18:15 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


Kabbalat Schabbat

Around the Jewniverse: Shabbat + Trivia

18:30 Uhr

Join us for a vibrant Friday night service that celebrates the rich tapestry of Jewish customs and traditions from around the world. Experience meaningful prayers, uplifting melodies, and cultural insights that unite us with the global Jewish community. Plus, test your knowledge with some fun trivia that adds an interactive twist to this unforgettable evening!


Sam Aboudara, New Jersey Y Camps

Kabbalat Schabbat

Boy Band Kabbalat Shabbat

18:30 Uhr

Get ready to harmonize at this unique service experience, where soulful prayers meet the energy of your favorite boy band hits. Join us for a fun and spiritual evening blending music, community, and Shabbat joy!


Nick May, IC Music Team; Marissa Tait, Congregation Beth Shalom

Kabbalat Schabbat

Creative Connections: Friday Night Art Service

18:30 Uhr

Join us for a spiritually enriching and inspiring evening as we unleash your creativity and explore the theme of kesher (connection) through meaningful rituals and collaborative art.


Hillary Kamin, Jewish Federation of Greater Houston; Rachel Wolman, IC Music Team

Kabbalat Schabbat

Freitagabend im Camp

18:30 Uhr

Vermissen Sie die Sommerstimmung? Liebst du die heißen Sommertage, an denen du mit deinen Freunden abhängst, unter dem Perlman-Baum sitzt, mit deinem CLTC-Kapitel Erinnerungen sammelst oder mit deinen besten Freunden Camp-Aktivitäten unternimmst? Nimm an diesem lebendigen Schabbat-Gottesdienst teil, in dem wir unsere Lieblings-Camp-Lieder singen, uns als Gemeinschaft zusammenschließen und darüber nachdenken, warum der Sommer so besonders ist.


Jordyn Kay, Hillel International; Eva Stupca, IC Music Team

Kabbalat Schabbat

Journaling Our Journey: A Shabbat of Reflection and Responsibility

18:30 Uhr

Join us for an inspiring exploration of our connection to Jewish traditions, sacred spaces, and community. Through guided journaling prompts, we'll reflect on how we engage with our heritage and how to strengthen our bonds. This will be a powerful opportunity to reflect, grow, and help build a more vibrant community!


Rabbi Michael Kent, Library and Archives Canada; Jack Leopold, IC Music Team

Kabbalat Schabbat

Joyous Vibes Only: A Shabbat Celebration

18:30 Uhr

Join us b'simcha (in happiness) as our siblinghood shines through the power of music. Together, we’ll sing, connect, and bring our community closer in a vibrant expression of love and celebration.


Jennifer Ferris-Glick, Above to Below; Ofir Zioni, IC Music Team

Kabbalat Schabbat

Kabbalat Shabbat Latino: Una Celebración Musical

18:30 Uhr

Unite a nosotros para un Kabbalat Shabbat unico que fusiona la cultura latina con la espiritualidad judía. Disfruta de musica tradicionales, personajes familiares y una comunidad acogedora mientras damos la bienvenida al Shabbat. Esta celebración ofrece una experiencia de conexión y alegría, resaltando la diversidad y la unión a través de la música y la tradición.


Michael Harlow, IC Music Team; Kevin Levin, Mem Global

Kabbalat Schabbat

Kibbutz Karaoke: An Israeli Shabbat Experience

18:30 Uhr

Join us for a lively Kabbalat Shabbat featuring Israeli songs and karaoke-style prayers that bring the spirit of Israel to life. Engage in a traditional Israeli game, reflect on our shared past, and envision a meaningful future together.


Rabbiner Ariel Boxman, Tempel Shalom

Kabbalat Schabbat

Mechitza Minjan: Finde deinen Schabbat-Ruach

18:30 Uhr

All are welcome to sing, dance, and bring in a ruach (spirit)-filled Shabbat. This service will include Orthodox siddurim and a mechitza, a traditional partition between men and women.


Kabbalat Schabbat

One Night Only: Shabbat on Broadway

18:30 Uhr

Step into the spotlight! Broadway hits meet the Shabbat spirit in a night of song, prayer, and celebration. Experience the magic of theater and tradition as we weave iconic tunes with meaningful Shabbat rituals.


Tema Cohen, IC Music Team; Rabbi Brandon Bernstein, Congregation Beth Shalom

Kabbalat Schabbat

Shabbachella: A Musical Journey into Shabbat

18:30 Uhr

Shabbachella is a unique celebration that merges the timeless traditions of Shabbat with the energy of a music festival. Enjoy an unforgettable evening filled with live music, soulful prayer, and meaningful community connections, all in a vibrant and joyful atmosphere. It’s the perfect way to welcome Shabbat and experience a festive spirit like never before!


Miriam Bird, IC Music Team; Mayta Cohen, IC Music Team; Chaim Steinberg, PIttsburgh Community Day School

Kabbalat Schabbat

Shabbat Rock: A Spiritual Journey Through Classic Hits

18:30 Uhr

Do you love classic rock music? Does music play a huge role in your life? If you're looking for a good singalong and meaningful discussion then come on down! In this lively experience we'll explore the deep connections between Judaism and rock and roll.


Matthew Ghan, URJ Camp Newman & Koret Conference Center

Kabbalat Schabbat

Shabbat Rock: A Spiritual Journey Through Classic Hits

18:30 Uhr

Do you love classic rock music? Does music play a huge role in your life? If you're looking for a good singalong and meaningful discussion then come on down! In this lively experience we'll explore the deep connections between Judaism and rock and roll.


Matthew Ghan, URJ Camp Newman & Koret Conference Center

Kabbalat Schabbat

Spiritual Painting

18:30 Uhr

Dive into the beauty and meaning of Jewish prayers during this special Kabbalat Shabbat experience, where each prayer comes to life through inspiring explanations. In this guided painting session, you’ll express your personal interpretations of the prayers on canvas, creating a personal, visual celebration of Shabbat.


Elyssa Hurwitz, Mem Global

Kabbalat Schabbat

The Ultimate Shabbat Challenge: Building Resilience Together

18:30 Uhr

Join us for a meaningful program that invites reflection on personal experiences with antisemitism, all while embracing the beauty of Shabbat prayers. Together, we’ll dive into thought-provoking discussions on today’s challenges, enjoy a team-building activity, and strengthen connections in a supportive, uplifting environment. This will be a unique opportunity to reflect, grow, and celebrate Shabbat in a truly memorable way!


Julie Friedman, IC Music Team; Ari Perten, Mem Global

Kabbalat Schabbat

Timeless Tunes: Hallway Shira

18:30 Uhr

Meet by the Perlman Tree in Rockies Square to sing along to your favorite melodies and celebrate the beauty of Jewish music as we welcome in Shabbat.


Kelly Cohen, Marcus Jewish Community Center; Mason Solomon, IC Music Team

Kabbalat Schabbat

Under the Stars: A Shabbat of Jewish Diversity

18:30 Uhr

Join us for a magical evening under the (digital) Colorado stars, where we'll celebrate the rich tapestry of Jewish traditions and cultures. Together we’ll honor the diversity of the Jewish people through prayer, song, and reflection in a beautiful, projected celestial setting, all while staying toasty warm indoors.


Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music


Schabbat Abendessen | Aruchat Erev Shel Schabbat

19:45 Uhr

Shabbat Shalom! Make your way to Aurora Ballroom and join us at a table for a ruach (spirit)-filled Shabbat meal. Find a table by centerpiece—teens at blue, adults at pink, and staff at green. Please note that we will be actively using the screens and microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Grilled chicken breast with roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Schabbat-Abendessen | Aruchat Erev Shel Shabbat (Shomer Shabbat)

19:45 Uhr

Shabbat Shalom! Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? Make your way to Willow Lake 3-5 for a ruach (spirit)-filled Shabbat meal. This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Grilled chicken breast with roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Advisor Appreciation Reception

20:45 Uhr

Calling all advisors staffing IC! Please join us for a moment of relaxation and refreshment as we show our gratitude to you—IC 2025 would not be the same without all your hard work!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Explore the History of Maccabi World Union (MWU) 🥇🥈🥉

20:45 Uhr

Dive into the rich history of Maccabi World Union! Maccabi has a rich history of competition that has shaped sports—for the Maccabiah and beyond. Come learn and explore; there might even be some prizes! 🏆



Get Up and Active in the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

20:45 Uhr

Experience the non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.



Es ist Zeit für ein Spa 💆🏻‍♀️

20:45 Uhr

Indulge in the Zen Zone spa! Try a calming face mask while having some relaxing conversation—we've got what you need to chill out this Shabbat.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

NBA Celebrity All-Star Game 🏀

20:45 Uhr

Watch your favorite celebrities hit the court for a fun-filled, action-packed match at the NBA Celebrity All-Star Game!


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

20:45 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Unbroken: An Exhibit on Israeli Sports in Light of October 7th 🙏🏆

20:45 Uhr

After October 7, 2023, the role of sports transcends competitions, offering a platform for resilience, unity, and healing. Interact with this engaging exhibit exploring how sports have the power to inspire and bring people together in challenging times.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Oneg Shabbat Reception

21:00 Uhr

Join us for a night of nostalgia, networking, and dessert! Reconnect with friends, make new industry connections, and relive BBYO memories. Plus, don’t miss author Jean Meltzer and producer Brett Gursky as they discuss bringing The Matzo Ball to the big screen!


Brett Gursky, Hollywood Producer; Silvio Joskowicz, Zionist Enterprises Department, World Zionist Organization; Jean Meltzer, Author; Rachel Titen, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen


CLTC 2024 Reunion

21:00 Uhr

Calling all CLTC 2024 alumni! It’s time to reunite and celebrate the powerful community we created this summer. Let’s come together to relive the magic, share what we’ve been up to, and reignite that CLTC spirit that made us feel like we could change the world.



Casino Night

21:00 Uhr

Join us for a fun-filled event where you can enjoy classic casino games like poker and blackjack—with no money involved! It’s all about friendly competition, entertainment, and an exciting atmosphere.



Culture Festival: Duolingo Learn a Language

21:00 Uhr

Immerse yourself in the magic of languages at this cultural festival! Explore new cultures, pick up key phrases in various languages, and engage in interactive language games. You can even personalize your own language-themed keepsake to celebrate your journey.



Escape Room: Decode and Defend Presented by the Israeli American Council (IAC)

21:00 Uhr

Do you think you can crack the case? Put your brainpower to the test in a high-stakes escape room, where solving puzzles reveals hidden truths about antisemitism and how to stand against it. Will you rise to the challenge?


Reah Peleg, Israeli American Council (IAC); Sophy Turkea Yurman, Israeli American Council (IAC)


Experience the Magic

21:00 Uhr

Get ready to be amazed as a master magician takes the stage! Witness mind-blowing illusions, epic tricks, and jaw-dropping stunts that will leave you questioning reality. It’s not just a show—it’s an unforgettable experience!


Danny Hernandez, Magician


Game On: The Ultimate Board Game Showdown

21:00 Uhr

Embark on an epic adventure in the game of your choice. Among a variety of fun options, you can hop into our Dungeons & Dragons session, where your imagination brings heroes to life. Team up with friends, solve mysteries, battle monsters, and shape your destiny in a world of endless possibilities. No experience needed—just bring your creativity and a sense of adventure!



Hat Decorating

21:00 Uhr

Get creative and join us to decorate your own IC winter hat! Choose from a variety of patches, vibrant colors, and festive accessories to design your perfect winter accessory. Share your customized hat with friends or save it to remember your winter wonderland fun at IC 2025!



Improv Session

21:00 Uhr

Join an epic showcase featuring a talented improv group performing live. Expect quick wit, hilarious scenarios, and unpredictable moments as they create scenes on the spot based on YOUR suggestions.


Amey Goerlich, Chaos Bloom Theater; Zak Roland, Chaos Bloom Theater


Journal Your Journey the BBG Way

21:00 Uhr

Reflect on your past and dream big for your present and future in this BBG journaling program. Dive into meaningful prompts to explore your personal journey, embrace the present moment, and set inspiring goals for the future.



LGBTQ+ Treffen

21:00 Uhr

Join Keshet in this safe, welcoming space where you can connect with others, make new friends, and share your experiences in a judgment-free zone. Whether you’re looking for support, fun activities, or just want to chat, Keshet has you covered in this celebration of identity.


Amram Altzman, Keshet International; Jaimie Krass, Keshet International

Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

21:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


BBYO Boulevard

Pose, Click, Travel: Summer 2025 Photo Booth 🕺🏼📸

21:00 Uhr

Snap a pic, choose your dream summer destination, and step into your future adventure! With 10 epic backgrounds to pick from, you can strike a pose in places BBYO travels or at camp. Grab your photo and get it sent straight to your phone—because Summer 2025 starts now!



Rabbi’s Tisch

21:00 Uhr

Come vibe with us at a Tisch—an inspiring Shabbat song session led by our very own Rabbi Meir! Get ready for soulful tunes, meaningful stories, and uplifting energy that will bring us all together.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Rabbi, Congregation Beth Tefillah


Rikkudim | Israeli Dancing

21:00 Uhr

Get ready to move and connect with friends through a classic camp Rikkudim experience with the lively rhythms of Israeli and global Jewish folk dancing! This session is all about fun and energy—no experience needed. Join us to learn exciting dance steps, celebrate culture, and make memories that will keep you smiling long after the music stops.


Erica Goldman, Ma'agal


Shabbat Box Creations

21:00 Uhr

Looking for a delightful program where creativity and fun come together? Join us to make your very own Shabbat box! You'll get hands on with arts and crafts, designing beautiful, personalized items to enhance your Shabbat experience. This engaging activity is perfect for anyone looking to bring a special touch to your weekly celebrations!



Soundscapes: Immersive Shabbat Sound-Bath

21:00 Uhr

Take a break from the chaos and join us for a relaxing and unique sound bath experience! Led by an amazing instructor, Shalom Mayberg, this session uses soothing sounds and vibrations to help you unwind, recharge, and find your inner calm.


Schalom Mayberg, Schalom 360


Speed Dating Oneg

21:00 Uhr

Get ready to meet your match! At Oneg speed dating, you'll get to meet new people from across the Order through fast-paced, question-and-answer-style games! Make sure to stop by—you might find a forever friend!



Drag Queen BINGO Bash

21:30 Uhr

Grab your friends and join in this fierce competition with Colorado’s most recognizable entertainer, Miss Jessica. It’s giving bingo realness, honey! Expect a night filled with fun, laughter, self-love… and maybe even some prizes!


Miss Jessica, Screaming Queens Entertainment


Freshmen Frenzy

21:30 Uhr

Freshmen, it’s time for the ultimate meetup to kick off the year and make some epic memories. Whether you're looking to meet new friends, vibe with old ones, or just see what the hype is all about, this is the place to be! Get ready for games, laughs, and good times as we start this journey together. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it—let's make this year legendary! 🙌🎉




21:30 Uhr

Ready to live out your pop star dreams? Step into the spotlight and showcase your talent with a live band backing you up. Whether you're a solo artist or want to perform with a group, this is your chance to shine and create amazing memories with friends cheering you on.



Passport 2024: Relive Your Adventure

21:30 Uhr

Get ready for an unforgettable reunion with your BBYO Passport travel crew! Whether you volunteered across Israel, cruised the Mediterranean, or uncovered the history of Germany, it’s time to relive those moments. From late-night chats to unforgettable adventures, reconnect with your travel buddies and swap stories. The world may be big, but BBYO Passport friends are forever!



Perlman 2024: Back to the Tree, Back to the Fun

21:30 Uhr

Get ready to relive the magic of your Perlman Summer at our epic reunion! All ILTC and Kallah 2024 alumni are invited to take a trip down memory lane and gather once again to laugh and reminisce about our time spent at Perlman. Come for the memories, stay for the fun!


Alumni Association Lounge

Senior Class of 2025 Oneg

21:30 Uhr

Calling all seniors! Come to our throwback lounge to reminisce on your last year in BBYO with nostalgic bracelet-making, coloring pages, Red and Blue Book decorating, and more.



Starry Serenity: A Shabbat Yoga Journey

21:30 Uhr

Beneath the glow of a projected night sky, immerse yourself in the sacred Jewish tradition of stargazing—a bridge between the heavens and the soul. Through gentle movement and guided meditation, we’ll explore the timeless connection between earth and infinity, body and spirit, the human and the Divine.


Jennifer Ferris-Glick, Von Oben nach Unten


Krazy Karaoke 🎤

21:45 Uhr

It's your time to shine! Join us for a night of singing and having fun. With a variety of songs and genres to chose from, you can bet it'll be an unforgettable show where any one can take the stage.



Parody Party

21:45 Uhr

Get ready to laugh and create at our Parody Party! This fun-filled session invites you to showcase your creativity by reimagining songs and trending topics with a hilarious twist. Whether you love to perform, write, or just enjoy good laughs, this is your chance to express yourself and enjoy the spotlight.



Quest for the Holy Land: An Epic Israel Scavenger Hunt Presented by the Israeli American Council (IAC)

21:45 Uhr

In this thrilling Israel-themed escape room and scavenger hunt, you and your team will embark on an exhilarating journey through history, culture, and legend. Packed with clever riddles and interactive challenges, this immersive experience will test your wit, teamwork, and creativity. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a first-time adventurer, you'll enjoy a whirlwind adventure you’ll never forget!


Reah Peleg, Israeli American Council (IAC)


Riff-Off Showdown

21:45 Uhr

Step up to the mic and let the rhythm take over. In this high-energy game, contestants face off by belting out rapid-fire song lyrics, transitioning from one hit to the next based on matching keywords or themes. The pressure's on as the clock ticks down—will your musical knowledge and quick thinking steal the spotlight? Get ready to sing, shout, and riff your way to victory in this electrifying battle of beats and brains!



Spa Night

21:45 Uhr

Relax, unwind, and treat yourself! Join us for a fun and refreshing spa night, where you can enjoy face masks and calm energy. Bring your friends and your chill vibes—it's the perfect way to pamper yourself and de-stress!



JEWperdy ✡️🧠

22:00 Uhr

Join us for an exciting game of Jeopardy... with a twist! Participants will be split into teams and tasked to answer questions from a variety of categories. Test your knowledge and have a blast in this fast-paced trivia celebration!



Jewelry Making

22:00 Uhr

Calling all crafters and jewelry makers! Come join us for a casual jewelry-making session in which you can make bracelets for yourself, and new and old friends alike!



Laugh the Night Away with a Comedian

22:00 Uhr

Have you been binge-watching Netflix comedy specials? Well then this Oneg is for you! Watch a talented, professional comedian deliver a hilarious performance and maybe even inspire your own comedic flair.


Alan Bromwell, Comedian


Schabbat Schira

22:00 Uhr

Get ready to sing your heart out with your friends from near and far! Our amazing IC Music Team will be playing your favorite tunes live, so come and sing along!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Sky's the Limit: Dunk Contest 🏀

22:00 Uhr

Defy gravity with creative tricks by participating in our dunk contest. Hit as many slam dunks as possible to be the ultimate IC dunk champ.



Winter Wonderland Relay ❄️⛸️

22:00 Uhr

Experience the magic of the season with our Winter Wonderland Relay designed just for you! Teams will race through a series of fun and festive challenges from snowball tosses to sled poles, all while navigating a snowy obstacle course. It's the perfect way to enjoy the winter weather and create epic memories with friends.



Good Night | Laila Tov

23:30 Uhr

Sleep well, BBYO! It's been a terrific start to Shabbat with all of you, and we have a long day filled with incredible experiences coming your way tomorrow. Tomorrow is also BBYO Letters Day, so wear your favorite, AZA, BBG, or BBYO branded clothing—we're going to look soooooo good. Get some rest so you're ready to take advantage of every opportunity open to you. Have a great night!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

8:00 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Keeping BBG Fabulous 😍

8:15 Uhr

Meditation, Gesichtsmasken, Good Vibes und mehr erwarten Sie in der BBG Lounge. Kommen Sie vorbei und genießen Sie die guten Schwingungen inmitten Ihrer BBG-Kollegen.



Good Morning | Boker Tov

8:30 Uhr

Good morning, BBYO! Get ready to continue to celebrate Shabbat, hear from some extraordinary and fun speakers during Limmud, celebrate the Order, and share a meaningful Havdalah together before finishing the day with our AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase. Wear your AZA, BBG, or BBYO letters today for BBYO Letters Day! There's so much ahead of us—see you downstairs at breakfast!



Welcome Center geöffnet

8:30 Uhr

Ob Sie Informationen, eine Wegbeschreibung, ein neues Namensschild, Programminformationen oder andere Hilfe benötigen, das IC Welcome Center ist immer für Sie da!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

ZUMBRO: Zumba with your Bros 👯‍♂️

8:30 Uhr

Join us at Zumbro—Zumba for Bros—happening in the AZA Lounge! Bring your energy and best dance moves, and join your brother and sibling Alephs for an epic Zumba session like no other. Whether you're a pro or have two left feet, Zumbro is all about fun, vibes, and breaking a sweat with friends.



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker

9:00 Uhr

It's time to start your day right with a hearty meal. Today is going to be packed with incredible experiences, so get it going on the right foot at breakfast before diving into Shabbat services! Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Scrambled eggs with potato hash and pastries. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker (Shomer Shabbat)

9:00 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? It's time to start your day right with a hearty meal. Today is going to be packed with incredible experiences, so get it going on the right foot at breakfast before diving into Shabbat services! This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Scrambled eggs with potato hash and pastries. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

9:55 am

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Aschkenasisch-orthodoxer Schabbat-Morgengottesdienst

10:00 Uhr

This is your opportunity to experience an Ashkenazi Orthodox Shabbat morning service with a mechitza, a partition that divides men and women. This service will include a complete reading of the weekly Parasha (Torah portion), a thoughtful D'var Torah, and of course, lively singing and prayer.


Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Camp Traditions that Shape Us: Shabbat Morning with Egalitarian Torah Reading

10:00 Uhr

Join us for a nostalgic Shabbat morning Torah service filled with familiar tunes and heartfelt memories of our Jewish childhoods. This service is designed to foster an egalitarian space, where everyone—regardless of gender—has equal access to leadership and participation. Come be part of this special, inclusive experience!


Michael Harlow, IC Music Team; Jordyn Kay, Hillel International

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Choose Your Own Shabbat Adventure

10:00 Uhr

Embark on a unique journey where you’ll have the opportunity to select from two different options for each prayer, offering a fresh take on tradition. Some prayers will be shared by the entire community, while others invite you to explore and create your own path in a personalized and meaningful way.


Sam Aboudara, New Jersey Y Camps; Julie Friedman, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Justice, Justice, You Shall Pursue on this Shabbat Morning

10:00 Uhr

Join us for tzedek and tradition in a Shabbat morning service focused on justice, compassion, and our shared responsibility to the world. Through prayer, reflection, and discussion, we will explore how Jewish values call us to pursue righteousness and work towards a more just society. Featuring a special fireside chat with BBYO CEO Matthew Grossman!


Miriam Bird, IC Music Team; Marissa Tait, Congregation Beth Shalom

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Music as Language of the Soul: A Pop Music Shabbat

10:00 Uhr

Through the sounds of your favorite artists we’ll explore how music can connect us to our spirituality, foster community, and deepen our Shabbat celebration.


Matthew Ghan, URJ Camp Newman & Koret Conference Center; Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Prayer in Motion: A Shabbat Morning of Body and Spirit

10:00 Uhr

Join us in the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center as we explore the powerful connection between prayer, movement, and mindfulness. Through purposeful prayer and physical exercise, we will deepen our understanding of ourselves and the sacred spaces around us, nurturing both body and spirit.


Rabbi Brandon Bernstein, Congregation Beth Shalom

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Senior Class of 2025 Shabbat

10:00 Uhr

Calling all 12th graders! Reminisce about your past and look forward to your future while celebrating Shabbat with your fellow seniors.


Jack Leopold, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Shabbat Around the Perlman Tree 🌳

10:00 Uhr

Join us around the Perlman Tree as we celebrate everything we love about BBYO Summer! With spirited prayers, joyful songs, and the magic of Shabbat, we’ll relive the excitement of camp and the deep sense of community that makes it unforgettable. Come share the energy, memories, and spirit of summer!


Tema Cohen, IC Music Team; Hillary Kamin, Jewish Federation of Greater Houston; Eva Stupca, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Shabbat Around the World: A Journey of Resilience Through the Diaspora

10:00 Uhr

Join us for a dynamic service that blends trivia, cultural insights, and meaningful discussion on the migrations of Jewish communities in the Diaspora. Together we'll reflect on the strength of our people in the face of adversity and explore how we can respond to antisemitism with unity and resilience.


Mayta Cohen, IC Music Team; Ari Perten, Mem Global

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Shabbat Morning at Club Tel Aviv

10:00 Uhr

Get ready for a vibrant and energetic morning at Club Tel Aviv where we'll blend the spirit of Shabbat with the lively energy of Tel Aviv. Join us for a service full of music, dancing, and community, as we celebrate together in a uniquely Israeli style.


Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Temple Shalom; Erica Goldman, Ma'agal; Ofir Zioni, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Shabbat-a-palooza: A Celebration of Song and Spirit

10:00 Uhr

Join us for an unforgettable service filled with high-energy tunes, soulful prayers, and a vibrant community as we celebrate Shabbat through the power of music and connection.


Kelly Cohen, Marcus Jewish Community Center; Mason Solomon, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Shantay You Stay: A Drag Shabbat Extravaganza

10:00 Uhr

Join us for a one-of-a-kind Shabbat morning filled with prayer, pride, and pizzazz! Together, we’ll honor tradition through your favorite melodies and the vibrant artistry of drag performance.


Josh Miller, Drag Queen; Rachel Wolman, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Together as One: A Shabbat of Community and Connection

10:00 Uhr

Through prayer, shared experiences, and meaningful conversations, we’ll celebrate our collective spirit and strengthen the bonds that connect us all. Join us for an uplifting experience that will deepen our connection to one another and inspire a sense of unity.


Chaim Steinberg, PIttsburgh Community Day School; Debra Winter, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Tu B'Shvat Tasting: A Shabbat Celebration of Renewal

10:00 Uhr

Celebrate Tu B'Shvat and Shabbat with a festive gathering of fruit tasting and song! Through prayers, reflections, and blessings for the Earth, we’ll connect with the cycles of growth and celebrate the beauty of our natural world. Come join us for an inspiring evening of renewal and gratitude!


Elyssa Hurwitz, Mem Global; Nick May, IC Music Team

Gottesdienste am Samstagmorgen

Writing Our Shabbat Story: A Reflective Morning

10:00 Uhr

Grab your pen and get ready to blend meaningful prayer with personal reflection through journaling! This service invites you to connect with Shabbat in a deep and thoughtful way, using writing as a tool to explore your spiritual and emotional journey. Come ready to reflect, write, and discover new insights into your Shabbat experience!


Rabbi Michael Kent, Library and Archives Canada

BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

11:00 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


BBYO Botschaft

Around the World Trivia Competition 🗺️

11:00 Uhr

Kommen Sie und testen Sie Ihr Wissen über die Geschichte von BBYO. Wir werden lachen, lernen und einige Preise verlosen.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators Office Hours 💻

11:00 Uhr

The BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators are offering office hours during which teens around the Order can come ask questions and learn more about BBYO On Demand, the clubs we have, or anything else! Discuss ideas for the year ahead, brainstorm about your next club, and connect with others looking to make big moves.


Das Museum BBYO

Blast Through the Past: Global Jewry 🌎

11:00 Uhr

Since 1926, BBYO has been international in reach, and today we celebrate being in more than 60+ countries. Take a look through 100 years of global history.


BBYO Happen

Grab a Snack at the BBYO Bites Booth 🍗🍟🥤

11:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack or drink between programs? Stop by BBYO Bites to grab a snack. There are Glatt Kosher options available at Sam and Anita's Canteen or the Rockies Marketplace.


BBYO Boulevard

Partner Row is Now Open 🪧

11:00 Uhr

Explore IC's interactive partner experiences to learn more about the groups BBYO partners with and get facetime with organizations that are changing the game around the world.


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

11:00 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


Gaming Zone

Rocket League Pool Play 🕹️

11:00 Uhr

Are you ready?? It's time for Round 2 of Rocket League Pool Play!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Throw Down at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

11:00 Uhr

Experience the non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.



Welcome to a Winter RootOne-derland ☃️

11:00 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel—in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.



Design Mind Project: powHER Vision(boarding)

11:15 Uhr

Join interior design and creative enterprise entrepreneur Jodi Finer Zalk for a BBG-only empowerment workshop. This session is focused on connecting with your creativity to power your purpose. There is a unique and impactful path that is waiting to unfold and only you have what it takes to discover it. Let’s envision what that looks and feels like for you!


Jodi Finer Zalk, Founder and CEO of TheFineFind and Creative Director of Fabricut Inc


Family Legends: Storytelling Masterclass

11:15 Uhr

Everyone has family stories that have been passed down through generations, each one a legend in its own right. Whether it's a memory you lived through or a tale that shaped your childhood, this workshop invites you to share, record, and preserve those powerful stories for years to come. Join us for an unforgettable experience where your personal history becomes part of a greater narrative!


Kate Mishkin, Writer, Reporter & Podcast Producer


Feel the Beat: Dancing the Israeli Dream

11:15 Uhr

Ready to dance? Join in as Inbar Shuv-Ami, an incredible Israeli dance instructor, takes us on a contemporary dance journey. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a curious beginner, come move your body and celebrate!


Inbar Shuv-Ami, Movement Specialist & Wellness Coach


Filming Nazi War Criminals

11:15 Uhr

How far would you go in pursuit of the truth? This Limmud is about "Shoah," an epic 9.5-hour documentary made in the 1980s by the French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann. For years, armed with an array of hidden cameras, he and his team bribed and lied their way across Europe—all to get Nazi war criminals to discuss their crimes on camera. We will discuss the limits of ethics and responsibility, the meaning of remembrance and testimony, and the film's legacy.


Luke Berryman, Die neunte Kerze


Flying into the Storm

11:15 Uhr

Three days after October 7, 2023, Yocheved Kim Ruttenberg flew to Israel with $17,000 raised on social media and 23 duffel bags full of supplies; today she is managing volunteer efforts in Israel. Come hear her powerful story and learn how to stand up when the world is standing by.


Yocheved Ruttenberg, Sword of Iron Israel Volunteer Opportunities


For the Love of Food

11:15 Uhr

We use food to hold onto ancient traditions, gather new friends, and explore new places. Join culinary luminaries Grace Ramirez, Inbal Baum, and Mikol Hoffman as they help us understand how food can change the world!


Inbal Baum, Delicious Israel & Cities; Mikol Hoffman, Longer Tables Fund; Grace Ramirez, Chef, Cookbook Author & TV Personality


Vom IDF-Scharfschützen zum visuellen Geschichtenerzähler

11:15 Uhr

Begleiten Sie Naomi Schware, eine Amerikanerin, die als Scharfschützin in den IDF diente, und hören Sie sich ihre außergewöhnliche Geschichte an und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Komfortzone verlassen können. Wir werden kritische Wendepunkte in Naomis Geschichte untersuchen, um ein besseres Bewusstsein dafür zu entwickeln, wann diese Schlüsselmomente in Ihrem Leben auftreten könnten. Sie werden bereit sein, die Lehren von heute zu ziehen und Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Sie herausfordern und zu authentischem Wachstum inspirieren!


Naomi Schware, Ungeteilt: Frauen, Krieg und der Kampf für den Frieden


From Struggle to Strength: Combatting Antisemitism and Celebrating Jewish Pride

11:15 Uhr

Jewish communities worldwide are coming in contact with more extremism than ever. Join Chama Mechtaly—interfaith activist and Abraham Accords advisor—and Sarah Hurwitz—noted author and former speechwriter for President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama—as we talk through combatting the recent increase in antisemitism worldwide and standing proud in our identities.


Sarah Hurwitz, Author; Chama Mechtaly, The Emma Lazarus Institute for Liberty & Tolerance


Going for Gold

11:15 Uhr

Join UFC fighter Natan Levy and Texas A&M D1 wide receiver Sam Salz for an unforgettable look at what it means to be a publicly Jewish athlete on the world stage.


Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Sam Salz, Wide Receiver, Texas A&M Aggies


How-to U: Thriving in College

11:15 Uhr

Calling all seniors, juniors, and forward-thinking teens with academic aspirations! Join Northwestern University and University of Illinois professor Heather Aranyi for a behind-the-scenes look at how to get into and thrive at college.


Heather Aranyi, Alignment Coaching und Beratung


Inspired by Tragedy: Art as Therapy

11:15 Uhr

Don’t miss this powerful opportunity to explore art created in response to the tragedies of October 7, 2023, and experience how creativity can heal and foster resilience. Engage with compelling works that reflect shared trauma and discover how art can become a tool for emotional expression. Plus, dive into your own creative process by making mood boards and sketches, unlocking your personal path to healing.


Liraz Cohen Mordechai, Modedesign von Liri


Israel's PR Problem

11:15 Uhr

Israel seems to make headlines across the world every day, but how is that story being told? Join Michal Aharon, formerly of Haaretz, Jeremy Blacklow of Prime Video, and TV Personality/Yalla Productions founder Hayvi Buozo as we explore the ways Israel's narrative is presented.


Michal Aharon, Haaretz; Jeremy Blacklow, Prime Video & Amazon MGM Studios; Hayvi Bouzo, Yalla Productions


Jewish Youth Assembly: Ensuring a Vibrant Jewish Future | Luncheon and Resolution Building (Invite Only)

11:15 Uhr

In this exclusive Jewish Youth Assembly (JYA) session, teens from around the globe will come together to finalize and vote on a powerful resolution, "Tackling Spheres of Extremism and Polarization," in response to the challenges and opportunities facing the Jewish community today. This session is a cornerstone event at the JYA 2025, where 40+ participants from over 15 countries will voice their collective commitment to a thriving and resilient Jewish future. The resolution will be presented to the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Executive Committee. Lunch is included for all JYA delegates.


Michal Cohen-Yeshurun, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Yoni Hammerman, World Jewish Congress (WJC); Máté Holler, World Jewish Congress (WJC)


Jump Into Business: Startups for Music and Fashion

11:15 Uhr

Join tastemakers, entrepreneurs, and AZA alumni Jeff Glauser and Dave Silver as they share about the innovative businesses they've brought to life. From streetwear to dynamic collaborative spaces, Jeff and Dave are experts on all things creative and they're sharing the keys to starting a business and making an impact in music, fashion, and beyond.


Jeff Glauser, Glausangeles; Dave Silver, REC Philly

Gaming Zone

Level Up in the Shine a Light Gaming Zone 🕹️

11:15 Uhr

Are you a pro gamer or just looking for a new challenge? Head to the Gaming Zone for the ultimate gamers experience!



Leven Global Leadership Academy TED Talks: Big Ideas and Big Impacts

11:15 Uhr

Let's talk big ideas and big impact. Hear from members of the Leven Global Leadership Academy (LGLA), BBYO's elite cohort of up-and-coming leaders, as they share their personal stories in their own TED Talks.



Leven Global Leadership Academy TED Talks: Learn to Live Better

11:15 Uhr

Ready to learn to live better? Hear from members of the Leven Global Leadership Academy (LGLA), BBYO's elite cohort of up-and-coming leaders, as they share their personal stories in their own TED Talks.



Next-Level Brotherhood

11:15 Uhr

As AZA gets ready to celebrate 101 years, let's honor the beauty of brotherhood and build new skills of connection to take our kinhood into the next century.


Ophir Haberer, Kinhood


Not Political. Not Religious. Just Indigenous.

11:15 Uhr

Join Lani Anpo, a multi-tribal Native American and Diaspora Jew whose family found refuge in America. As an influential advocate for global Indigenous and Jewish communities, Lani will dive into Jewish identity, belonging, and the concept of "home" in this engaging session.


Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist


Savor the Moment: A Foodie's Dream Panel

11:15 Uhr

Foodies, this Limmud is for you! Join culinary celebrities and influencers Jake Goldberg, Micah Siva, and Skye Estroff for an interactive panel to discuss our favorite topic: food!


Skye Estroff, Food Media & Business Owner; Jake Goldberg, Actor and Content Creator; Micah Siva, Nosh with Micah


Secrets of the Silver Screen

11:15 Uhr

We can all appreciate the magic of film, television, and theater. But what does it actually look like to take an idea and turn it into a piece of media art? Join us for an incredible panel with actor/artist Asher Angel and film, television, and theater experts Brett Gursky, Eddie Rubin, and Rachel Titen. You'll also get to hear about their exciting upcoming projects!


Brett Gursky, Hollywood Producer; Eddie Rubin, Optimistic Pictures; Rachel Titen, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen


Skate into Innovation

11:15 Uhr

Join inventors Michelle Hickey and Daniel Tellerman (also an AZA alum!) from Lectec—an innovative edtech electric skateboard company just featured on Shark Tank. Come hear about their approach to cutting-edge entrepreneurship, then get your hands on a board and see what all the buzz is about!


Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec


Songwriters in the Spotlight: Acoustic Sets and Creative Conversations

11:15 Uhr

Sit down with songwriters Jesse Ruben and Happie Hoffman as they share their original songs and stories. With millions of streams between them, this is a great chance to learn from the pros during a fun and engaging song session!


Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music; Jesse Ruben, Jesse Ruben Music


Klangwelten mit Shalom

11:15 Uhr

Come experience an immersive, transformative "sound bath." Spirituality and wellness expert Shalom Mayberg will be playing the crystal bowls and taking you through a journey of sound to deepen your Shabbat celebration.


Schalom Mayberg, Schalom 360


Surviving Nova: Shye Klein's Story

11:15 Uhr

Join Shye Klein as he takes you on a powerful photo timeline of the Nova music festival. Through firsthand photos, Shye shares how he and his friends miraculously made it out alive, offering a moving and unforgettable perspective on survival and resilience while also discussing the methods used to convey his experience effectively.


Shye Klein, Photojournalist & Nova Survivor


Tackling Antisemitism Online and Going Behind the Scenes of 'Jews of New York'

11:15 Uhr

When influencer and entrepreneur Yoav Davis launched the "Jews of NY" Instagram account in 2017, he had no idea of the phenomenon it would become. With over 165,000 followers today, Yoav will take us on a journey through his social media success and the story behind the thriving digital community.


Yoav Davis, Founder of Davis Media & ‘Jews of NY’

Das Museum BBYO

The History of Spirit and Swag 👐

11:15 Uhr

Ready to see the neon of the 90s? Foam fingers from the 2010s? Head to the Museum to see how our swag has evolved!



Vogue and the Rise of Latin American Fashion (En Español)

11:15 Uhr

Únanse a nosotros para una entrevista exclusiva con Karla Martínez de Salas, Jefa de Contenido Editorial para Vogue México y América Latina. Karla nos contará sobre el creciente prestigio global que tiene la moda latinoamericana, destacando el papel de Vogue en mostrar el talento emergente celebrando sus 25 años en la región. Join us for an exclusive interview with Karla Martínez de Salas, Head of Editorial Content for Vogue Mexico and Latin America. Karla will dive into the rising global prominence of Latin American fashion, highlighting Vogue’s role in showcasing emerging talent as it celebrates 25 years in the region. (Please note: This session will be conducted in Spanish.)


Karla Martinez, Editor in Chief, Vogue Mexico and Latin America

Creators Corner

Your Spotlight Awaits 🤳💡

11:15 Uhr

Step into the Creators Corner by TalkIsrael, a dedicated place for your next viral idea to come to life. Whether you're filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend, this is your go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.


Gaming Zone

Super Smash Brothers Preliminary Rounds 🕹️

11:30 Uhr

Get ready ... The first round of 4-player matches. Winners will advance to the next round!


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Brunch: Voices from the Druze Community

12:00 Uhr

Join Minister Sawsan Hasson, Head of Public Diplomacy for the Embassy of Israel and Israel's first female Druze diplomat, along with representatives from the Israeli Druze Yarka Community Center, a new year-round teen peer partner with BBYO, in a conversation with teens from Israel’s Druze community. BBYO is the first global Jewish teen movement to establish an ongoing relationship with Israel's Druze community, as part of an effort to deepen Israel education and enrichment for BBYO's teens across Israel and worldwide.


Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Mufid Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Nadeen Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Ghadi Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Robeen Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Shada Khatib, Yarka Community, Israel


Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim

12:00 Uhr

Lunch today is a great opportunity to sit with Alephs and BBGs who you haven't had a chance to get to know yet. There's so much IC left, it's a great opportunity to mix things up and make a new best friend. Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Cheddar mac and cheese with broccolini. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim (Shomer Shabbat)

12:00 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? Lunch today is a great opportunity to sit with Alephs and BBGs who you haven't had a chance to get to know yet. There's so much IC left, it's a great opportunity to mix things up and make a new best friend. This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Cheddar mac and cheese with broccolini. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


BBYO Botschaft

Building Chapters in Small Jewish U.S. Communities 🔨

13:00 Uhr

Learn how we build BBYO in small Jewish communities, boarding schools, and U.S. military bases. If you're one of the only Jewish teens at your school or you are a part of a small community in the U.S. that doesn't have BBYO yet, we're here for you.


Gaming Zone

Fireside Chat with Gaming Industry Experts 🕹️

13:00 Uhr

Talk about career paths, breaking into esports, the role of esports, and what it means to game in the online community. Bring your questions as we talk through all things gaming!


Sebastian Burton, Gold Standard Gaming

Limitless Horizons Stage

Karaoke Hour: Blast from the Past 🪩

13:00 Uhr

Grab the mic and belt out your favorite throwback tunes during karaoke! During these hours, everyone is invited to join the stage and share the spotlight.


BBYO Boulevard

Lectec: Skateboards and Science 🛹

13:00 Uhr

As seen on Shark Tank, come ride with the founders of Lectec's electric skateboards!


Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec

BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

13:00 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


Das Museum BBYO

Shaping Leaders: The Enduring History of AZA 💙

13:00 Uhr

Step into the inspiring story of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA), the fraternity that has shaped generations of young Jewish leaders. This exhibit traces the journey of AZA from its founding in 1924 to its enduring legacy today as a cornerstone of Jewish youth.



Take Ski Lift Selfies 🎿

13:00 Uhr

Did you know you can actually ski in Israel? The Mount Hermon ski resort, located in the Golan Heights, is the only place in the country you can hit the slopes. Come snap a selfie on our BBYO ski lifts.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

13:00 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Throw Down at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

13:00 Uhr

Experience the non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.



A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

13:15 Uhr

Dan Fields, Executive Creative Director at Walt Disney Imagineering, leads an exercise in imagination and innovation. What can we learn from designing a BBYO theme park?


Dan Fields, Walt Disney Imagineering


A Voice for Our People

13:15 Uhr

Join former White House Liaison to the American Jewish community Shelley Greenspan, Senior Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) Brandon Rattiner, and grassroots activist Diego Chojkier to talk about the power of representation and what it means to speak and advocate for the Jewish people in these unprecedented times.


Diego Chojkier, The Esther Project; Shelley Greenspan, Former White House Jewish Liaison; Brandon Rattiner, Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado


College Bound: The Ultimate Prep Challenge

13:15 Uhr

Test your college life preparedness and compete for exciting prizes! Hear firsthand insights from recent BBYO graduates about their real experiences transitioning to college—no filters, no social media spins, just the truth to help you hit the ground running on your next adventure.


Seth Kessler, GapWell


Druze Teen Delegation Mifgash

13:15 Uhr

Join Minister Sawsan Hasson, Head of Public Diplomacy for the Embassy of Israel and Israel's first female Druze diplomat, along with representatives from the Israeli Druze Yarka Community Center, a new year-round teen peer partner with BBYO, in a conversation with teens from Israel’s Druze community. BBYO is the first global Jewish teen movement to establish an ongoing relationship with Israel's Druze community, as part of an effort to deepen Israel education and enrichment for BBYO's teens across Israel and worldwide.


Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Mufid Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Nadeen Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Ghadi Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Robeen Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Shada Khatib, Yarka Community, Israel


Escaping the Holocaust

13:15 Uhr

Join survivor Osi Sladek as he shares his story of being the only child in his extended family to survive the Holocaust. Hearing and carrying the stories of survivors is an honor we too rarely get to fulfill. Don't miss this opportunity!


Osi Sladek, Holocaust Survivor


Everybody Pulls the Tarp: The Mindset Powering the World's Most Successful People

13:15 Uhr

Join us for an inspiring ride with podcast host Andrew Moses. You'll get to discover Andrew's trademarked "Everybody Pulls the Tarp" success mindset, as he shares powerful life and career lessons drawn from engaging conversations with over 165 high-performers, from Olympians and pro athletes to TV stars, Grammy winners, and CEOs. Andrew's invaluable insights will ignite your drive and propel you towards your own success.


Andrew Moses, Everybody Pulls the Tarp Podcast


For the Greater Good: BBYO Alumni Serving in the U.S. Military

13:15 Uhr

BBYO shapes the lives of its members in countless ways. One common reflection many alumni have upon graduation is that AZA and BBG made them feel 'a part of something bigger than themselves'. Many of BBYO's members decide to pursue careers of a 'higher purpose'. Join Ben Foster and Olivia Raykman for a behind-the-scenes exchange featuring a crew of young Jews and recent BBYO alumni about life at the United States Air Force Academy and United States Military Academy West Point.


Ilan Brejt, United States Air Force Academy Cadet; Samuel Cherry, United States Air Force Academy Cadet; Ben Foster, United States Air Force Academy Cadet; Kenlee Griffin, United States Air Force Academy Cadet; Mateo Prusky, United States Air Force Academy Cadet; Colorado Stanley, United States Air Force Academy Cadet


Fostering LGBTQ+ Belonging in BBYO

13:15 Uhr

Join Keshet for a workshop designed to help chapter or regional leaders in their efforts toward LGBTQ+ inclusion and equity in BBYO. This is especially important for chapters or regions located in states where LGBTQ+ rights are being actively targeted.


Amram Altzman, Keshet International; Jaimie Krass, Keshet International


How to Become a Music Mogul in Five Steps

13:15 Uhr

Join Jeremy Sirota—CEO of Merlin and Michael Harlow (half of the duo Late Night Thoughts)—to talk shop about the business of Music. You'll be able to try your hand at creating your own music label and learn how the biz works!


Michael Harlow, IC Music Team; Jeremy Sirota, Merlin


In the Public Eye: Influencer Panel

13:15 Uhr

We are living in an age where our presence online has endless influence and impact. Come hear from social media influencers Daniel Braun, Eliza Orlins, and Carly Weinstein on what it means to live in the public eye and use your platform to spread joy.


Daniel Braun, Content Creator, Talent & Creative Director, Let's Do Something; Eliza Orlins, The Legal Aid Society; Carly Weinstein, Influencer & Mental Health Advocate


Invisible Voices

13:15 Uhr

Join Colombian-American artist Amy Sanders de Melo to explore the power of art and storytelling in a unique interactive experience showcasing artwork created by teens during a ceramic and clay workshop at this year's IC! Attendees are encouraged to foster connections by leaving messages of encouragement, feedback, or shared experiences in vessels paired with each piece. Join us to uplift each other and celebrate the many voices that make us whole.


Amy Sanders de Melo, Ceramicist


Israel on Trial

13:15 Uhr

Israel and its leaders have been accused of acts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity since fighting began in Gaza in response to the October 7, 2023 Hamas-led terrorist attacks. What is the evidence that supports these charges and is it possible to separate legitimate criticism of Israeli actions from antisemitic attacks on Israel's right to exist and defend itself?


Jay Aronson, Carnegie Melon University


Leading from the Front

13:15 Uhr

Shahar Frank is many things, including an IDF veteran and the current CEO of Maccabi Tzair, BBYO's sister movement in Israel. After recently serving in Lebanon, Shahar joins us to talk about the importance of building strong teams, especially in a war zone.


Shahar Frank, Maccabi Tzair Israel


Leven Global Leadership Academy TED Talks: Learning from Tough Topics

13:15 Uhr

Hear from members of the Leven Global Leadership Academy (LGLA), BBYO's elite cohort of up-and-coming leaders, as they share their personal stories in their own TED Talks. In this session you'll learn from fellow teens what their personal experiences have taught them about living life to the fullest.



Life, Frame by Frame: Animated Storytelling

13:15 Uhr

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then animation must be worth a million! Join independent animation director Alex Salsberg for an incredible hands-on workshop. You'll be learning storyboarding and character design, the essential first steps of any animated video, as you bring your own stories to life!


Alex Salsberg, PokeGravy Studios


Poetry of Resistance: Creative Writing Workshop

13:15 Uhr

In a world full of simplified hot takes and click-bait news, how can you use your voice as force of truth and resistance? Sometimes creative expression is the purest form of expression. Join professor Carolin Aronis to find your voice in the poetry of resistance. Selected works will be published in The Shofar.


Carolin Aronis, Colorado State University


Soulful Self-Care: A Journey to Mind-Body Harmony

13:15 Uhr

Elevate your feminine well-being. Immerse yourself in a soulful journey to unwind with guided meditations, explore mindful movements that resonate with your inner self, and delve into the richness of Jewish teachings that nurture a harmonious mind-body connection.


Jennifer Ferris-Glick, Von Oben nach Unten


Sound as Medicine

13:15 Uhr

Albert Einstein famously said, "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." Join us to enjoy a unique meditation experience with Jeffrey Stein, the founder and CEO of RESONANCE, a frequency wellness company that uses bio-generative AI and vocal meditation to help enter people into optimal brainwave states that benefit their health and wellbeing.


Jeffrey Stein, Resonance


Klangwelten mit Shalom

13:15 Uhr

Come experience an immersive, transformative "sound bath." Spirituality and wellness expert Shalom Mayberg will be playing the crystal bowls and taking you through a journey of sound to deepen your Shabbat celebration.


Schalom Mayberg, Schalom 360


Text to Talk: Let Me Hear You

13:15 Uhr

Join Tyler Weitzman, founder and CEO of Black SMS and co-founder of the app Speechify, for a journey through his story and the exciting technological developments we're living through.


Tyler Weitzman, Speechify


The "We" Inside of "Me"

13:15 Uhr

Unlock the power of your brain! What is whole-brain living? Come explore the four distinct parts of your brain and how they shape who you are. This interactive workshop will help you dive deeper into your brain’s potential and give you the tools to take your life to the next level!


Robert Schware, Whole Brain Living


The "Why Not?" Mindset: Stories of Perseverance from a Former MLB Player

13:15 Uhr

Join MLB World Series Champion and Team Israel Captain Ryan Lavarnway as he shares his game-changing "Why Not" mindset. In this inspiring session, Ryan shares real stories from his baseball journey, urging you to break free from limitations and embrace a mindset that turns challenges into opportunities. Get ready to swing for the fences and unlock your full potential with the fearless spirit of "Why Not"!


Ryan Lavarnway, Turn Left


Turn Your S.W.A.G. On

13:15 Uhr

Join BBG alum and fashion entrepreneur Dalia Strum as we level up our S.W.A.G. game! Your chapters and regions deserve better merch. How can we use known brands like Overtime, Edikted, Brandy Melville, Lululemon, and White Fox to take our merch to the next level? You might even walk away with a souvenir.


Dalia Strum, RethinkConnect


WestSide Gravy

13:15 Uhr

Noah Shufutinsky (AKA WestSide Gravy) is an African-American Jewish rapper and activist. He's been vocal in his Israel advocacy and is here to tell his story and share his gift.


Noah Shufutinsky, AKA Westside Gravy

Creators Corner

Bite-Sized Brilliance 🤳💡

13:30 Uhr

Want to be a TikTok influencer? Go viral on Instagram? Come film short form content and produce it in the best place to make it go viral. TalkIsrael is waiting for you.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Explore the History of Maccabi World Union (MWU) 🥇🥈🥉

13:30 Uhr

Dive into the rich history of Maccabi World Union! Maccabi has a rich history of competition that has shaped sports—for the Maccabiah and beyond. Come learn and explore; there might even be some prizes! 🏆


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Unbroken: An Exhibit on Israeli Sports in Light of October 7th 🙏🏆

13:30 Uhr

After October 7, 2023, the role of sports transcends competitions, offering a platform for resilience, unity, and healing. Interact with this engaging exhibit exploring how sports have the power to inspire and bring people together in challenging times.


Treffen der Delegation

Sitzungen der Delegationen 👥

14:15 Uhr

Bitte schauen Sie auf der Rückseite Ihres Namensschildes nach, wo sich Ihre Delegation trifft. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich bei Ihrer Heimatgemeinde zu melden, über die bisherige IC nachzudenken und die benötigten Informationen zu erhalten.



Chofesh | Freizeit auf BBYO Boulevard

2:59 pm

Genießen Sie diese Zeit, wie Sie wollen. Machen Sie ein Schabbat-Schläfchen, erkunden Sie den BBYO Boulevard nach Überraschungen und Pop-ups oder besuchen Sie einige der Lokale, die für Erfrischungen und Snacks geöffnet haben. Kommen Sie nicht zu spät zu den Fototerminen mit unseren besonderen Gästen!


BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

15:00 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Lounge Hang Time 👥

15:00 Uhr

Pull up to the AZA Lounge to add your moment to our history. Get an exclusive stamp in your Centennial Blue Book, grab an AZA @ 100 pin, and chill in this space dedicated to the Cardinal Principles, fraternity, and fun.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

AZA Regional Gizborim Meetup 📘

15:00 Uhr

Come on over, money makers! It's time for the fundraising, philanthropy, and budgeting kings to come together. Join the Gizborim, Mazkirim, and all teens running fundraising in their communities. We'll see you soon, Gizborim!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

AZA Regional Morim Meetup 📘

15:00 Uhr

If you're a Moreh, Mekasher, Recruitment Chair, or you just love membership, education, and retention, come hang and meet the Alephs of the Morim Network!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

AZAA & BBGG Face Offs

15:00 Uhr

Participate in an ultimate showdown to see who will come out on top—the Alephs or BBGs of IC 2025? Game on.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBG Regional Morot Meetup 📕

15:00 Uhr

If you're an Aym Ha, MIT Mom, Mekasheret, Recruitment Chair, or you just love membership, education, and retention, come hang, take our network photo, and meet the BBGs of the Morot Network!


Limitless Horizons Stage

BBYOpenMic 🎤

15:00 Uhr

Cheer on your friends or take the stage yourself at our Movement's FIRST open mic stage. If you sing, play an instrument, or have another unique talent to share, sign up to show us what you've got!



Chill in the Winter Village ❄️

15:00 Uhr

Meet and connect with RootOne travel alumni and make plans for your next big adventure.


Creators Corner

Creators Corner by TalkIsrael: Your Spotlight Awaits 🤳💡

15:00 Uhr

Step into the Creators Corner, a dedicated place for your next viral idea to come to life. Whether you're filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend, this is your go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦

15:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Explore the History of Maccabi World Union (MWU) 🥇🥈🥉

15:00 Uhr

Dive into the rich history of Maccabi World Union! Maccabi has a rich history of competition that has shaped sports—for the Maccabiah and beyond. Come learn and explore; there might even be some prizes! 🏆


Das Museum BBYO

Generations of Strength: The BBG Story 💖

15:00 Uhr

Experience the inspiring evolution of B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG), the sorority that has empowered Jewish women to lead, connect, and thrive for nearly a century. This exhibit showcases the vibrant traditions, meaningful milestones, and enduring values that have shaped BBG’s story.



Get in the Zen Zone 🌀

15:00 Uhr

We've got everything you need to enhance your health and wellness experience at IC. Whether you're looking to get energized, relax, or just take a beat, we're here to support you in finding your zen. Come by any time this week!


Mini Israel

Hang Out at Mini Israel 🏖️

15:00 Uhr

Come relax, listen to your favorite Israeli music, play some Matkot or Shesh Besh, and enjoy everything we love about the sounds, tastes, people, and culture of Israel.



J-Lab Open Space 🕍

15:00 Uhr

The J-Lab is the playground in which you can explore Jewish principles in an engaging and exciting way. Delve into ethical dilemmas like our people once did in the Temple. Light up the world as you light our Menorah. Build our very own Kotel to bring a piece of Israel to International Convention. Engage with a multitude of interactive learning games. Event-long exhibits will remain open to explore your own Judaism and learn about the values that define BBYO.


BBYO Boulevard

Lectec: Skateboards and Science 🛹

15:00 Uhr

As seen on Shark Tank, come ride with the founders of Lectec's electric skateboards!


Michelle Hickey, Lectec; Daniel Tellerman, Lectec

BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Make Your Own Havdalah Spice Kit 😌

15:00 Uhr

Head to the AZA Lounge, BBG Lounge, and BBYO Embassy to make your very own Havdalah spice kit to use tonight during Havdalah. What a mitzvah!



Musikstudio Akustik Open Jam 🪕

15:00 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together on acoustic instruments!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

15:00 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

15:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


BBYO Boulevard

Pose, Click, Travel: Summer 2025 Photo Booth 🕺🏼📸

15:00 Uhr

Snap a pic, choose your dream summer destination, and step into your future adventure! With 10 epic backgrounds to pick from, you can strike a pose in places BBYO travels or at camp. Grab your photo and get it sent straight to your phone—because Summer 2025 starts now!


BBYO Boulevard

Puppy Pawty with Hillel International 🐶🤭

15:00 Uhr

Ready to relax with the puppies? Warm your heart and get ready for a cuteness overload with a visit from Lifeline Puppy Rescue, powered by Hillel International.


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

15:00 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


Gaming Zone

Rocket League Semi-Finals 🕹️

15:00 Uhr

Compete to secure your spot in the Block Party Grand Finals! 🎉


Alumni Association Lounge

Senior Class Networking with BBYO Alumni 🤝

15:00 Uhr

Chat with BBYO Alumni about their careers and how BBYO helped get them there.


Danielle Coopersmith, Kraft Heinz; Emily Trotz, Altria


Take Denver Home with You ☃️

15:00 Uhr

Come zone out while doing some arts and crafts inspired by our gorgeous scenery! We'll be making snow globes that will help you remember this unforgettable weekend.


Alumni Association Lounge

The Alumni Association Lounge is Open 🎉

15:00 Uhr

Class of 2025, stop by the Alumni Association Lounge to hang out, pick up your exclusive gift from the Alumni Association, and more!


BBYO Botschaft

The BBYO Embassy is Open 🌎

15:00 Uhr

¡Hola! !שלום Привет! Grab a seat and spend some time at the BBYO Embassy! We're connecting with peers from around the world, learning some languages, and playing games while getting to know one another.


BBYO Boulevard

The Pool is Open 🏊🏊

15:00 Uhr

It's never too cold for a heated pool. Grab a bathing suit and come take a Shabbat swim. Pools will close 30 minutes before the end of chofesh.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

15:00 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Throw Down at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

15:00 Uhr

Experience the non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.


Das Museum BBYO

Besuchen Sie das Museum BBYO 🖼️

15:00 Uhr

Head to the BBYO Museum to see videos, photos, pins, books, and many other incredible artifacts from the last 100 years of our Movement.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Unbroken: An Exhibit on Israeli Sports in Light of October 7th 🙏🏆

15:00 Uhr

After October 7, 2023, the role of sports transcends competitions, offering a platform for resilience, unity, and healing. Interact with this engaging exhibit exploring how sports have the power to inspire and bring people together in challenging times.



Welcome to a Winter RootOne-derland ☃️

15:00 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel—in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO Bakes Club Meetup 👨‍🍳

15:15 Uhr

Do you enjoy baking, cooking, and meeting bakers from around the Order? Whether you’re a pro in the kitchen or just starting out, BBYO Bakes Club is the place for you! Come bond, talk about recipes, and entertain your palate. You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO Camps Club Meetup 🏕️

15:15 Uhr

Missing camp or feeling excited for it? This club is your solution! Come talk rituals, learn about BBYO Summer opportunities, hear tips and tricks, and more. You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO LATAM Club Meetup 📍🌎

15:15 Uhr

You're invite to this club for BBYO Latin America teens to join together to learn and meet people from other Latin countries, making the LATAM community stronger. Get to know other people, play games, and learn more about different cultures! You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at



Beit Midrash: Our Ancestors Were Immigrants, Too 🤨

15:15 Uhr

Join us for intense Jewish conversations! We will bring the tea, coffee, and lemonade, and you bring your opinions. You'll walk away with new perspectives and a limited-edition (and limited-supply) BBYO sling bag to hold your drink mixes!


Rabbi Brandon Bernstein, Congregation Beth Shalom


Flamethrower Menorah 🔥

15:15 Uhr

Calling all flamethrowers! Test your skills as you attempt to light our Menorah with balls of fire. Then, explore the light you bring to the world on our giant Lite Brite.



Scents of Spirituality 🧴

15:15 Uhr

Explore the power of scent through Ketoret spice bags and create your very own take-home perfume or cologne!



Tribal Jewelry 🧶💎

15:15 Uhr

The Temple's High Priest wore a plate with 12 precious stones, reflecting the essence of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Come create your own tribal bracelet with precious stones that speak to your essence.



Winter Warm-Up with Hot Cocoa ☕️

15:15 Uhr

Warm up with RootOne and a cup of hot chocolate as you learn about traveling with BBYO this summer. Grab a limited-edition RootOne Stanley mug while supplies last!



You Be The Judge 🤔

15:15 Uhr

When the Temple stood, the people of Israel could ask about their ethical dilemmas and it is said that the High Priest's jewels would light up with the answers. Join us as we explore modern-day ethical challenges and share your unique light to uncover thoughtful answers.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

AZA Regional S’ganim Meetup 📘

15:30 Uhr

Calling all S'ganim! It's time to unite with the Alephs you've been sharing ideas with to build excellent chapter experiences and memorable conventions around the Movement. We'll meet each other and take a group photo!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Talent Show 🎤

15:30 Uhr

Can you sing? What about dance? Do you have some hidden talent that you can’t wait to show off? Well if you do, swing by the AZA Lounge to see if you have what it takes to win!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

AZA and BBG Mazkirim (KOMS) Network Meetup 📘📕

15:30 Uhr

Katvanim, Orechim, Mazkrim, and Sopherim, it's time for the KOMS Meetup! Come meet the teens running communications across the Order.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBG Regional Gizborot Meetup 📕

15:30 Uhr

Come on over, money makers! It's time for the fundraising, philanthropy, and budgeting queens of BBG to come together. Join the Gizborot, Mazkirot, and all teens running fundraising in their communities. We'll see you soon, Gizborot Network!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBG Regional S’ganiot Meetup 📕

15:30 Uhr

Calling all S'ganiot! It's time to unite with the BBGs you've been sharing ideas with to build excellent chapter experiences and memorable conventions around the Movement. We'll meet each other and take a group photo!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBGs in Law and Politics Club Meetup ⚖️

15:30 Uhr

Serving as a space for BBGs from around the Order who are interested in pursuing a career in the legal/political field! Whether you intend to major in political science, international relations, legal studies, or anything similar, this club is a place where you can bounce ideas off fellow BBGs, learn more about law and international politics, and discover how to get involved in your local community—while also tying in BBG's rituals and BBYO governance.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Diversity Culture Club Meetup 🗺️

15:30 Uhr

The Diversity Culture Club gives you a space to share and explore the different cultures inside Judaism. Find new passions and make new friends in this shared space! You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at



Divine Delights 🥖

15:30 Uhr

Step into the ancient tradition of baking Lechem HaPanim, the unique bread baked weekly in the Temple. Join our cookie-decorating crew and bring history to life by recreating intricate shapes on delicious cookies. Fun, creativity, and a taste of the past await you!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

JScreen: Jewish Film Society Club Meetup 🎥

15:30 Uhr

JScreen is a space for members to explore Jewish culture, identity, and creativity through the power of film. This is the perfect space for movie fans, aspiring filmmakers, and storytellers! You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Sports Club Meetup 🏀🏈⚽️

15:30 Uhr

Sports fan or player? This club is for you. Come talk about the stats of every game and learn more about what is going on with your favorite sports, players, and teams. You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Der größte Geisterkreis der Welt BBG

15:30 Uhr

"I am one, though only one, there's so much I can do!" BBGs, let's hear it loud and proud: it's time to shatter records with our spirit.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Theater Kids of BBYO Club Meetup 🎭

15:30 Uhr

This club is for those interested in theater to connect with each other and talk about our various experiences and shows! You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


Das Museum BBYO

Explore the History of Our Growing Movement 🔎

15:45 Uhr

Growing our Movement has been a priority for AZA and BBG since our founding. Take a look at what existed before MRIHA and how we used to ensure we would build a future for AZA and BBG.


BBYO Botschaft

Family Reunions 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒

16:00 Uhr

BBYO is bringing families together! Do you have a cousin, sibling, or family member from another community? Come together for some family fun!


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Friendship Bracelet Crafting with SDT 🧵

16:00 Uhr

Join Sigma Delta Tau alumnae for a fun sisterhood event! Make colorful friendship bracelets while chatting about college life and sorority experiences. Get tips, share laughs, and feel inspired for your next big adventure!


Treffen und Begrüßung

Meet and Greets with Asher Angel, Eden Golan, and Ellie Zeiler

16:00 Uhr

Now's your chance to meet some of our incredible guests! Make your way toward the Convention Center to grab a photo with actor and musician Asher Angel, Israel's Eurovision 2024 star Eden Golan, and activist and influencer Ellie Zeiler! Once you're through these Meet and Greet lines, you will have the opportunity to head to the other Meet and Greet options offered concurrently. The lines may be long, but we promise they will move as fast as possible to ensure everyone who wants a photo can get one. This is a first-come, first-served opportunity so make sure you're in line on time!


Asher Angel, Actor and Musician; Eden Golan, Israeli Singer and 2024 Eurovision Contestant; Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC

Treffen und Begrüßung

Meet and Greets with Tara Davis-Woodhall, Giancarlo Esposito, Jake Retzlaff, and Hunter Woodhall

16:00 Uhr

Now's your chance to meet some of our incredible guests! Make your way toward the Convention Center to grab a photo with U.S. Olympian Tara-Davis Woodhall, actor, director, and producer Giancarlo Esposito, BYU Quarterback Jake Retzlaff, and U.S. Paralympian Hunter Woodhall! Once you're through these Meet and Greet lines, you will have the opportunity to head to the other Meet and Greet options offered concurrently. The lines may be long, but we promise they will move as fast as possible to ensure everyone who wants a photo can get one. This is a first-come, first-served opportunity so make sure you're in line on time!


Tara Davis-Woodhall, 2024 U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion, and U.S. National Champion; Giancarlo Esposito, Award-Winning Actor, Director, and Producer; Jake Retzlaff, Quarterback, BYU Cougars; Hunter Woodhall, Three Time Paralympian and 2024 U.S. Paralympic Gold Medalist


Raiders of the Lost Ark 🔎

16:00 Uhr

Will you crack a 2000-year-old unsolved mystery? Join the Raiders of the Lost Ark and solve the hieroglyphic clues to find the missing ark. If you succeed, you'll get to take home precious treasure of your own!


Alumni Association Lounge

Slime Away Stress 😌

16:00 Uhr

Need a break? Come de-stress with fellow seniors and make some slime.


Das Museum BBYO

Tikkun Olam: How We've Repaired the World 🛠️

16:00 Uhr

Explore how Alephs and BBGs throughout our history have fought for what they believe in to make the world a better place. Every day, we continue to shape our communities for the better by participating in Stand UP.



Vocal Workshop 🗣️

16:00 Uhr

Unleash the power of your voice! Are you an aspiring singer or looking to boost your vocal confidence? This workshop is designed for all skill levels!



Song Leading 101 🎼

16:30 Uhr

Song leaders are behind the soundtrack of BBYO. Come to the Music Studio to learn the best tips and tricks for leading and teaching music to others.


Gaming Zone

Super Smash Brothers Semi-Finals 🕹️

16:30 Uhr

Secure your spot in the Block Party Grand Finals and be crowned as the ultimate Smash Bros. player.


Tägliche Dienste


16:45 Uhr

Begleiten Sie uns an diesem wunderbaren Schabbatnachmittag zu einem traditionellen Mincha-Gottesdienst.



Musikstudio Akustik Open Jam 🪕

17:00 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together on acoustic instruments!


BBYO Botschaft

¡Vamos a Hablar en Español! 🗣️

17:00 Uhr

Lass uns sehen, wie fließend dein Español ist, während du dich mit spanischsprachigen Teenagern bei IC triffst und neue Amigos kennenlernst. ¡Vamos!



Embracing Life with a Spiritual Gangster, a Spiritual Leader, and a Spiritual Survivor with Samantha Harris, Ian Lopatin, and Rabbi Pinchas Allouche

17:15 Uhr

Join Samantha Harris, Ian Lopatin, and Rabbi Pinchas Allouche for an enlightening fireside chat as they delve into the interconnected realms of health, wellness, and spirituality. Drawing from their diverse backgrounds—Samantha as a television host and health advocate, Ian as the founder of fitness brand Spiritual Gangster, and Rabbi Allouche as a renowned spiritual leader—they will share personal insights and practical advice on achieving holistic well-being. This engaging conversation promises to inspire and empower you to cultivate a balanced and fulfilling life. This session will be Shomer Shabbat.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah; Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Ian Lopatin, Co-Founder, Spiritual Gangster


In the Eye of the Hurricane: Representing Israel on the World Stage with Eden Golan and Avi Mayer

17:15 Uhr

Join this exclusive fireside chat with Eden Golan, Israel’s rising global star, and Avi Mayer, former Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post. Eden will share insights into her music career and her experience representing Israel at Eurovision 2024, and Avi will share his experience on the front lines of covering major world events. Together, they’ll explore what it truly means to represent Israel and the Jewish people on the global stage.


Eden Golan, Israeli Singer and 2024 Eurovision Contestant; Avi Mayer, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post


Influencing with Purpose: Social Media, Fashion, Beauty, and Beyond with Ellie Zeiler

17:15 Uhr

Join Ellie Zeiler for an inspiring conversation as she shares her journey navigating the world of social media, embracing her Jewish identity, and building a successful career. Hear firsthand how Ellie balances authenticity with creativity, overcomes challenges, and uses her platform to empower others. This session will be Shomer Shabbat.


Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC


Overcoming Hurdles and Chasing Love with Tara and Hunter Woodhall

17:15 Uhr

Join Tara and Hunter Woodhall, accomplished athletes and Olympic power couple, for an inspiring joint interview and Q&A as they share their journey to success in the world of track and field. From their training regimens for Paris 2024 to building a powerhouse partnership as a married couple, this dynamic duo will reveal what it takes to thrive together and overcome adversity.


Tara Davis-Woodhall, 2024 U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion, and U.S. National Champion; Hunter Woodhall, Three Time Paralympian and 2024 U.S. Paralympic Gold Medalist


Ready, Set, Hut! Calling Plays and Making History as the BYJew with Jake Retzlaff

17:15 Uhr

Get to know the BYJew as Jake Retzlaff shares stories of his college football journey, his commitment to representing his Jewish heritage on and off the field, and how he navigates being a trailblazer in the sports world.


Jake Retzlaff, Quarterback, BYU Cougars


Shazam! Finding Your Voice On and Off the Screen with Asher Angel

17:15 Uhr

Get ready for an unforgettable hangout with Asher Angel, the multi-talented actor and singer you know and love. Asher will share his journey in the entertainment industry, his experiences growing up in the spotlight, and his passion for music and acting. Whether you're a fan of his work on screen or his music, this session is all about connecting, having fun, and getting to know Asher.


Asher Angel, Actor and Musician


The Behind-the-Scenes Story of Reinventing Your Life in Hollywood with Giancarlo Esposito

17:15 Uhr

Gain insight into the mind of one of the most dynamic performers of our time, the legendary Giancarlo Esposito. Best known for his unforgettable roles in Breaking Bad, The Mandalorian, and Better Call Saul, Giancarlo joins BBYO at IC amid opening weekend for his latest blockbuster Marvel’s Captain America: Brave New World. He will share captivating stories from his illustrious career in entertainment. Dive into his creative process, the challenges he’s faced, and the inspirations behind his iconic characters. Prepare to be inspired by Giancarlo’s wisdom and passion for storytelling!


Giancarlo Esposito, Award-Winning Actor, Director, and Producer


Abendessen | Aruchat Erev

18:30 Uhr

What a great day—and some of the biggest moments are still to come! Make sure you head to dinner and then join us as we can begin our transition from Shabbat to our Havdalah service and BBYO Honors Plenary filled with very special guests. Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Chicken breast with Mexican rice and cauliflower. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Abendessen | Aruchat Erev (Shomer Shabbat mit Havdalah)

18:30 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. We will also be having Havdalah in this space at the halachik conclusion of Shabbat for those seeking that option. | MENU: Chicken breast with Mexican rice and cauliflower. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



BBYO HONORS | Doors Open

19:00 Uhr

We have an incredible evening ahead—make sure you grab your seat early and prepare for one of the most famously meaningful moments of the year!


BBYO Boulevard

Saturday Night Live! News Desk from the Plenary

19:00 Uhr

Join us as our anchor and roaming reporter recap their epic Shabbat experience, from Kabbalat Shabbat, to Limmud programs, to a behind-the-scenes report on celebrity meet-and-greets. Don’t miss the energy, laughter, and incredible moments as they take you through the highlights of the day and give you a glimpse into the buzz leading up to Havdalah!



BBYO HONORS | Havdalah and State of the Movement

19:45 Uhr

Our Orders' annual celebration has finally arrived—a beautiful Havdalah, hundreds of awards to celebrate, an inspiring State of the Movement, some major, transformative announcements for AZA and BBG, and exclusive time with some of today's biggest influencers and most inspiring speakers. And all of that before we enjoy this year's brand new AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase. This will be a night to remember!


Tara Davis-Woodhall, 2024 U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion, and U.S. National Champion; Bobby Dishell, AZA Alumnus of the Year, Cloudbreak Energy Partners; Giancarlo Esposito, Award-Winning Actor, Director, and Producer; Eden Golan, Israeli Singer and 2024 Eurovision Contestant; Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Jake Retzlaff, Quarterback, BYU Cougars; Attorney General Phil Weiser, State of Colorado; Hunter Woodhall, Three Time Paralympian and 2024 U.S. Paralympic Gold Medalist

Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

19:45 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


BBYO Botschaft

International Game Night 🎲🃏

21:00 Uhr

Liebst du Spiele? Komm zu uns, um einige Spiele aus der ganzen Welt zu spielen, abzuhängen, vielleicht ein paar Preise zu gewinnen und definitiv neue Freunde zu finden!


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

21:30 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!



The IC Shuk (BBYO Marketplace) is Open 🛍️

21:30 Uhr

There are only so many hours left to grab swag from the Shuk! Give us a visit to make sure you have the best merch from across the world.


Erfahrungen im ersten Studienjahr

A BBG Freshman Experience: Building Bonds, Embracing New Beginnings

21:45 Uhr

Your BBG journey is just beginning, and it’s time to step into something much bigger—a legacy built by the past, shaped by your present, and defined by your future. Join your fellow freshmen to reflect, connect, and dream about the impact you will create. Your story starts here!


Ritual Showcase

AZA Bootcamp: Rituals, Roots, and Brotherhood

21:45 Uhr

Are you ready to build brotherhood? Come explore the core traditions and rituals that define AZA through a dynamic and interactive experience. Dive into Aleph traditions, master cheers, and explore the Blue Book in this hour-long intensive.


Ritual Showcase

AZA Separates: The Legacy Continues

21:45 Uhr

Join Alephs from around the world to discuss the legacy and future of the BBYO journey. Younger Alephs, take a moment to envision what you hope to achieve and send a message to your future self. Older Alephs, empower the next generation by sharing your wisdom and experiences, inspiring them to make their mark on the BBYO Movement. This is your chance to reflect, share, and connect.


Ritual Showcase

An Aleph Freshman Experience: Carrying the Torch, Creating Your Legacy

21:45 Uhr

As an Aleph, you're part of a brotherhood built on tradition, strength, and leadership—an now it’s your turn to carry the flame forward. Join your fellow Alephs to reflect on the legacy of those who came before us, explore how we can make our mark today, and commit to ensuring the flame of AZA never goes out.


Ritual Showcase

BBG Bootcamp: Cherishing, Charting, and Cheering

21:45 Uhr

Are you ready to GET LOUD? Join us for an exciting, hands-on experience designed to immerse you in the heart and soul of BBG. Whether you’re a new member or a seasoned BBG, this interactive session will bring you closer to the legacy of our sisterhood as you get the chance to explore and learn all about BBG’s core principles, traditions, cheers, and Red Book.


Ritual Showcase

BBG Getrennt: Setzen Sie Ihr Zeichen

21:45 Uhr

Join us for a traditional BBG Separates experience where we will dive deeper into our identities as leaders in BBG. You'll be inspired to chart your own path in BBYO and lead with vision and purpose.


Ritual Showcase

BBG Separates: Our Past, Present, Future

21:45 Uhr

Join us as we illuminate BBG's core principles and the history of this amazing sisterhood. We'll write letters to BBGs who have impacted our BBYO experience in the past, BBGs who are currently inspiring us, and younger members in whom we will instill the values of BBYO as we become mentors for the future of BBG.


Ritual Showcase

BBG Voices of Impact: Empowering Girls for Change

21:45 Uhr

Step into an exciting and inspiring experience where we will reflect on ourselves as leaders and raise our voices for the issues that matter! In this supportive space, we will unite as young women to uplift each other and make our voices heard.


Ritual Showcase

BBYO Bachelor: Find Your Perfect Match (Underclassmen)

21:45 Uhr

Calling all freshmen and sophomores! This exclusive event is more than just a fun evening—it’s an opportunity to embrace the BBYO tradition of building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. Put on your dancing shoes and join us as we celebrate new friendships, spark inspiring conversations, and create memories that embody the spirit of BBYO. Get your roses ready—this is your chance to grow within our vibrant community and maybe, just maybe, find your perfect match!


Ritual Showcase

BBYO Film Festival: Celebrating Our Young Film Makers

21:45 Uhr

Even in darker times, our International Order is bursting with stories of community, togetherness, and unity. Join us to view some teen-made films that depict the struggles and victories of BBYO members and be a part of voting for which film gets to take home a newly created award!


Ritual Showcase

BBYO Separates: Dear Future Me... Reflect and Set Your BBYO Vision

21:45 Uhr

Sometimes in our fast-paced BBYO Movement, it's hard to stop, look around, and remember why you're here. Take some time to reflect on what you've accomplished in the past few years and set some goals and ideas for your future self. Write a letter, design a vision board, and set intentions for who you want to be.


Ritual Showcase

BBYO Separates: Identity, Identity—Who Am I? Exploring the Intersection of Judaism and Queer Identity

21:45 Uhr

Join your sibling Alephs and BBGs for an inspiring and inclusive session where you'll dive into the diverse, global expressions of Judaism and pride. This unique experience will foster connection, unity, and understanding, allowing us to strengthen bonds within our BBYO family. Together, we’ll honor our collective heritage and shared journeys through meaningful prayers and the power of creativity.


Ritual Showcase

Big/Little: A BBYO Bond Across the Movement

21:45 Uhr

Are you craving a BBYO younger/older sibling bond? This program is designed to connect freshmen and sophomores with juniors and seniors to build friendships and share knowledge about BBYO. Through a series of fun activities, older teens will mentor the younger ones, introducing them to BBYO traditions, leadership skills, and community values. It’s all about learning, growing, and creating bonds that strengthen our BBYO community!


Ritual Showcase

Friday Night Lights: Competing with Heart and Spirit

21:45 Uhr

Join us for a unique spin on your favorite AZAA/BBGG programming in this high-energy program that combines the folds of Recreation and Athletics to teach the principles of healthy competition. Engage in a night of friendly competitive games, fostering teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal growth in a supportive, community-focused environment.


Ritual Showcase

Global Connections: Pen Pals Across Borders

21:45 Uhr

This program gives you the chance to experience a night of IC with a peer from another country, creating a unique cultural exchange. By sharing routines, traditions, and daily experiences, each partner will get an inside look into the other’s life and learn about the similarities and differences in your cultures. It’s all about building friendships across borders and celebrating our global BBYO community!


Ritual Showcase

Going Greek: BBYO's Frat/Sorority Formal Twist (Upperclassmen)

21:45 Uhr

Hey, juniors and seniors! Ever wonder what a college sorority or fraternity formal attire looks like? Well, now's your chance to experience it for yourself: BBYO Style! Come join us for this special, exclusive event where you can meet new people from all over the world and dance all night.


Ritual Showcase

Rooted and Rising: Unleashing the Power of Your Jewish Identity

21:45 Uhr

You’re invited to explore and strengthen your identity as a Jewish teen. Through meaningful discussions and activities, you’ll connect with your roots and learn to amplify your identity with pride, purpose, and passion.


Ritual Showcase

Roots and Routes: BBYO Alumni Stories and the Impact of Tradition

21:45 Uhr

Listen, learn, and laugh with BBYO alumni as they share their experiences from their time in BBYO. Uncover old traditions, get useful advice, and hone your leadership skills as you get facetime with alumni and hear firsthand how their past in BBYO helped shape the people they are today.


Ritual Showcase

Strength in Authenticity: The Aleph Masculinity Journey

21:45 Uhr

Step into a space where strength meets vulnerability and tradition evolves with purpose. In this impactful session, you’ll explore what it means to embody Aleph masculinity in today’s world. Through open dialogue and meaningful activities, we’ll challenge stereotypes, embrace authenticity, and discover how masculinity can be a force for empowerment and growth.


Ritual Showcase

Tradition and Tailgates: A Fraternity-Inspired BBYO Experience

21:45 Uhr

Join us for an epic tailgate experience inspired by the energy of a fraternity gathering, featuring games, music, and tradition. We'll celebrate our community with chapter flags, cheers, and BBYO spirit, creating unforgettable memories and honoring the values that unite us all. This session is open to Alephs and BBGs.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

22:00 Uhr

IC feeling a little too loud? Take a breath, unwind, and recharge in this quiet space. You can also find Wellness Specialist support here.


BBYO Happen

Late Night Food Pickup 🍩🧇🍟

22:30 Uhr

For delegates who ordered food through the app earlier today, your late-night food has arrived! Please pick up your food at Sam and Anita's Canteen on your way up to your room.


Ritual Showcase

Forever BBYO: A Journey of Memories and Lifelong Bonds (Senior Session)

22:45 Uhr

Calling all seniors! Join the BBYO Alumni Association for this heartfelt program featuring a Life Membership Ceremony, a nostalgic video montage, and an uplifting song session led by BBYO’s very best, all designed to honor the legacy of our seniors and mark the beginning of your journey as BBYO alumni.


Tägliche Dienste


23:00 Uhr

After an amazing Shabbat and AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase, begin the new week right with a ma'ariv service.



Good Night | Laila Tov

23:30 Uhr

We hope you've had a ridiculously fun day, you're feeling happy and inspired, and you're excited to do it all over again tomorrow. It's time to get some rest so you can head into tomorrow refreshed. It's your last day to bring the ruach (spirit) to win the Max F. Baer Spirit Cup or Spirit Gavel to take home. Sweet dreams—we'll see you in the morning!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

7:30 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker

7:45 Uhr

Some say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for today's IC line-up that's definitely the case. Join us to fuel up and kick off our biggest day at IC yet: Sightseeing across Colorado, our annual Block Party, and our Closing Concert tonight! | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Good Morning | Boker Tov

7:45 Uhr

Good morning, IC! Get ready for another thrilling day with our sightseeing adventures all around the area. We'll come back together to swap stories with friends and celebrate at our Closing Ceremonies and Centennial Block Party and Concert. Today's the day to wear your IC shirt. See you downstairs!


BBYO Boulevard

Pose, Click, Travel: Summer 2025 Photo Booth 🕺🏼📸

8:00 Uhr

Snap a pic, choose your dream summer destination, and step into your future adventure! With 10 epic backgrounds to pick from, you can strike a pose in places BBYO travels or at camp. Grab your photo and get it sent straight to your phone—because Summer 2025 starts now!


Tägliche Dienste


8:00 Uhr

Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag mit einem traditionellen Shacharit-Gottesdienst.



Welcome Center geöffnet

8:30 Uhr

Ob Sie Informationen, eine Wegbeschreibung, ein neues Namensschild, Programminformationen oder andere Hilfe benötigen, das IC Welcome Center ist immer für Sie da!



Behind the Scenes: Denver Performing Arts Tour and Performance

10:15 Uhr

Let's get a little dramatic with a day at the theater! Go behind the scenes of Denver's theater scene and see costumes, lighting, sets, props, and the massive theater complex's stunning architecture. Then, spend the afternoon watching the world premiere of The Suffragette's Murder, a who-done-it-style murder mystery play set during the budding women's voting movement. Bravo!



Bon Appétit: Food Around the Rocky Mountains

10:15 Uhr

Calling all foodies! If elevated classics are your thing, come along for some of the most delicious fare the Denver region has to offer. You’ll get the chance to see the local area while enjoying options such as Asian food, tacos, pizza, or a variety! Spend the day seeing how those in the Mile High City eat, and level up your IC experience with a satisfying culinary adventure. Please note: All food offerings will be vegetarian. This tour is not suitable for teens with dietary restrictions or allergies. We are not able to accommodate special requests or modifications. Specific tour stops may vary and will not be announced until the day of the event.



Challenge Accepted: Urban Air Adventure Park & Mile High Stadium

10:15 Uhr

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Mile High Stadium, home of eight-time AFC champions and three-time Super Bowl champions the Denver Broncos. Then, go to Coors Field, home of the 2007 National League champions, the Colorado Rockies. This unique look at the headquarters for two major local franchises is perfect for any sports fan. Game on!



Colorado Rocks: Red Rocks & Climbing Gym

10:15 Uhr

Explore the world-famous Red Rocks, a geologically formed, open-air amphitheater. Traverse the amphitheater itself, then check out the Red Rocks visitor center to view its rich geographical and musical history and the Red Rocks Hall of fame. After that, we’ll spend the afternoon conquering manmade rocks at an indoor climbing gym!



Day in the Life of a CU Boulder Student: Pearl Street Mall & Campus Tour

10:15 Uhr

Live like a buff for the day! Start your time in Boulder strolling Pearl Street Mall, the city's hub for shopping, dining, people-watching, and discovering the local art scene. Next, tour the University of Colorado at Boulder campus with CU Hillel students, exploring academic departments, learning about social and professional opportunities, and hearing from students about their experiences being Jewish on campus.



Day in the Life of a DU Student: Campus Tour & Climbing Gym

10:15 Uhr

Live like a DU student for the day! Tour the University of Denver campus with DU Hillel students, exploring academic departments, learning about social and professional opportunities, and hearing from students about their experiences being Jewish on campus. Next, we’ll spend the afternoon conquering manmade rocks at an indoor climbing gym near campus!



Depths of Discovery: Cave of the Winds

10:15 Uhr

From the low-lying eastern plains to the central peaks soaring more than 14,000-feet above sea level, Colorado's landscape has some of the most varied and spectacular geology in the nation. Visit Cave of the Winds Mountain Park and explore the mysteries of underground caverns! Then, experience an outdoor park high above William's Canyon loaded with adrenaline-packed fun, surrounded by some of the most stunning mountain scenery in Colorado. Get out of your comfort zone with an outdoor climbing wall, aerial rides, an obstacle course, and more.



Go for Gold: Olympic & Paralympic Museum & Springs Pickleball

10:15 Uhr

Go for gold! Tour the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum, which offers a timeless experience by capturing the history of Team USA at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as the hopes and dreams of future generations. After touring the museum, delve into a friendly competition of your own at Springs Pickleball.



Ice, Ice Baby: Outdoor Ice Skating

10:15 Uhr

Take to the rink to enjoy a day of ice skating with a unique mountain view before exploring downtown Evergreen, Colorado! Take a spin around the ice with your friends, build up an appetite, then wander around Evergreen’s historic Main Street for gifts, treats, and fun!



Jump On It: Bounce Empire

10:15 Uhr

Bounce around at the largest indoor inflatable park in the world, Bounce Empire! With over 50,000 square feet of exotic adventures, mind-blowing décor, and spectacular fun, you'll find three-story slides, monumental obstacle courses, a wipeout-style arena, and carnival games, all with a live DJ to keep you and your friends moving and grooving.



Life's Better in the Mountains: Snow Tubing

10:15 Uhr

Slide through your day at Echo Mountain tubing hill! Enjoy the incredible views of the Continental Divide as you take some runs down the snowy hill, race friends in solo chutes, and link your tubes for a bobsledding team experience! Build up an appetite on the mountain, then wander around Evergreen’s historic Main Street for gifts, treats, and fun!



Picture Perfect Denver: Red Rocks Amphitheatre & Denver Selfie Museum

10:15 Uhr

Enjoy a picture-perfect day in Denver! Explore the world-famous Red Rocks, a geologically formed, open-air amphitheater. Traverse the amphitheater itself, then check out the Red Rocks visitor center to view its rich geographical and musical history and the Red Rocks Hall of fame. After that, discover the dozens of photo ops at the Denver Selfie Museum, which features a wide array of themed sets and art installations for you and your friends to use to strike the perfect pose.



Reality or Illusion: Graffiti Tour & Museum of Illusions

10:15 Uhr

Denver street artists have been busy brightening and enlightening the urban landscape for decades by making canvases of the city’s alleyways, building exteriors, warehouses, garage doors, and storefronts. Take a walking tour of Denver's premier graffiti neighborhood and then head indoors to experience the Museum of Illusions. Discover a brilliant collection of perspective-changing rooms, enthralling installations, and spellbinding images. Immerse yourself in an intriguing visual and sensory experience, check out dozens of unique photo ops, and get ready to be mesmerized!



Sci-Fi Immersion: Art Installations at Meow Wolf

10:15 Uhr

Step into an immersive art installation like nothing you’ve ever experienced! Created by over 350 local and international artists, Convergence Station features a bustling city created by a rare cosmic event that joined four alien worlds. Delve into four floors of Meow Wolf's most epic art to date and an unforgettable story of multiversal travel. Explore the mysterious melding of universes for one-of-a-kind snapshots and Instagramable moments around every corner!



Soarin' Over the Rocky Mountains: Adventure Ziplining

10:15 Uhr

Observe Colorado at new heights! Ride down Colorado’s longest and fastest ziplines ranging from 850 feet to over 1,900 feet, with speeds up to 60 mph! With over 1.5 miles on six different lines suspended up to 250 feet above ground, this will be a totally unique, adrenaline-filled way to experience spectacular views of the Rocky Mountains.



Take a Bite Out of Denver: Local Table Food Tour

10:15 Uhr

Get an authentic taste of Denver and neighboring cities as you enjoy generous tastings from casual restaurants, hole-in-the-wall gems, and artisan food shops, all local to the Rocky Mountain area. You’ll also get to learn all about the state’s culinary history and how the featured restaurants came to be, as well as experience some unique and Insta-worthy dining spots that can't be missed!



Take the Scenic Route: Jeep Tour

10:15 Uhr

Take an adventure into the Rocky Mountains on a one-of-a-kind Jeep tour that brings the old West to you! Your Garden of the Gods Foothills Tour will highlight Colorado Springs' most well-known landmarks: the Garden of the Gods, Cheyenne Canyon, the Shortline Railroad, and Helen Hunt Falls. The rich history of Colorado, entertaining cowboy Jeep guides, and spectacular scenery will provide an adventure you’ll never forget!



Up in the Air: Wings Over the Rockies & Urban Air

10:15 Uhr

Prepare for takeoff! At Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, explore over 100,000 square feet of aviation and space history. Get up close and personal with historic aircraft, artifacts, and memorabilia, and delve into the future of aviation and space through immersive exhibits and realistic flight simulators. After that, we’ll spend the afternoon defying gravity IRL at Urban Air, the ultimate indoor adventure park. Enjoy trampolines, obstacle courses, go karts, and more!



Walk on the Wild Side: Denver Zoo & Downtown Aquarium

10:15 Uhr

Modeled after a Kenyan nature preserve, the Denver Zoo is home to more than 4,000 animals, including tigers, black rhinos, kangaroos, and orangutans. After getting to know these animals on land, dive deeper at the Denver Aquarium's many incredible habitats! Meet more than 500 species of animals from fascinating ecosystems around the world.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BaBy-YO 🐣

11:00 Uhr

Start your morning by singing your favorite childhood songs with our BBYO music team. All are welcome to sing, dance, and giggle with a special invite to all future Alephs and BBGs! Brought to you by the IC Music Team.


Tema Cohen, IC Music Team; Debra Winter, IC Music Team; Julie Friedman, IC Music Team; Eva Stupca, IC Music Team; Mason Solomon, IC Music Team; Mayta Cohen, IC Music Team; Miriam Bird, IC Music Team; Nick May, IC Music Team; Ofir Zioni, IC Music Team; Rachel Wolman, IC Music Team


Chofesh | Freizeit auf BBYO Boulevard

3:29 pm

As you return from Sightseeing, you have full access to the many offerings available across the hotel and convention center. Make sure to grab your clear bag ahead of the concert tonight and have your wallet in your pocket for the tasty treats that will be available for purchase!



Chill in the Winter Village ❄️

15:30 Uhr

Meet and connect with RootOne travel alumni and make plans for your next big adventure.



J-Lab Open Space 🕍

15:30 Uhr

The J-Lab is the playground in which you can explore Jewish principles in an engaging and exciting way. Delve into ethical dilemmas like our people once did in the Temple. Light up the world as you light our Menorah. Build our very own Kotel to bring a piece of Israel to International Convention. Engage with a multitude of interactive learning games. Event-long exhibits will remain open to explore your own Judaism and learn about the values that define BBYO.


BBYO Boulevard

Partner Row is Now Open 🪧

15:30 Uhr

Explore IC's interactive partner experiences to learn more about the groups BBYO partners with and get facetime with organizations that are changing the game around the world.


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

15:30 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!



Take Ski Lift Selfies 🎿

15:30 Uhr

Did you know you can actually ski in Israel? The Mount Hermon ski resort, located in the Golan Heights, is the only place in the country you can hit the slopes. Come snap a selfie on our BBYO ski lifts.



Welcome to a Winter RootOne-derland ☃️

15:30 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel—in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.


BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

15:45 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Lounge Hang Time 👥

15:45 Uhr

Pull up to the AZA Lounge to add your moment to our history. Get an exclusive stamp in your Centennial Blue Book, grab an AZA @ 100 pin, and chill in this space dedicated to the Cardinal Principles, fraternity, and fun.


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

BBG Lounge Open Space 💞

15:45 Uhr

Anita Perlman's spirit is "alive and well" in the BBG Lounge. Drop by for laughs, crafts, and connecting with sisters and siblings from across the Movement as we strengthen our ties to one another.



Be the Light 💡

15:45 Uhr

Come play with our giant Lite Brite as you explore the light that you give to the world.


Das Museum BBYO

Blast Through the Past: Global Jewry 🌎

15:45 Uhr

Since 1926, BBYO has been international in reach, and today we celebrate being in more than 60+ countries. Take a look through 100 years of global history.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦

15:45 Uhr

Hungry? Thirsty? Want to make a friend while sharing a snack? Several restaurants are now open and filled with refreshments, quick grabs, and some larger fare—including Kosher sandwiches, salads, and more. Come and purchase whatever sounds yummy. Enjoy!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Get Your Game On at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

15:45 Uhr

Experience the non-stop action at the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, where the courts, fields, and tables come alive! Whether you're shooting hoops, sinking putts, or competing in epic matches, it's the ultimate spot to test your skills and bring the heat.



Get in the Zen Zone 🌀

15:45 Uhr

We've got everything you need to enhance your health and wellness experience at IC. Whether you're looking to get energized, relax, or just take a beat, we're here to support you in finding your zen. Come by any time this week!


Mini Israel

Hang Out at Mini Israel 🏖️

15:45 Uhr

Come relax, listen to your favorite Israeli music, play some Matkot or Shesh Besh, and enjoy everything we love about the sounds, tastes, people, and culture of Israel.s


Gaming Zone

Level Up in the Shine a Light Gaming Zone 🕹️

15:45 Uhr

Are you a pro gamer or just looking for a new challenge? Head to the Gaming Zone for the ultimate gamers experience!


BBYO Boulevard

Open Gym Hours 🏋️

15:45 Uhr

There's no need to miss out on your fitness routine while you're here at IC. Come lift, run, stretch, and get those reps in. We'll always have staff onsite when you're in here!



Seeing Our Reflections 🪞

15:45 Uhr

Mirrors don't just reflect an image, they can show us who we really are. Come and design your own mirror as you go on a journey to discover your true self.


BBYO Botschaft

The BBYO Embassy is Open 🌎

15:45 Uhr

¡Hola! !שלום Привет! Grab a seat and spend some time at the BBYO Embassy! We're connecting with peers from around the world, learning some languages, and playing games while getting to know one another.



A Wall of Kindness 🧱

16:00 Uhr

The Western Wall is a critical touchpoint to our people's connection to Israel—and we are building our very own! Come inside the J-Lab, grab a brick, and design your piece of the Kotel. You can add it to our IC Kotel or take your brick home with you as a meaningful keepsake.


BBYO Boulevard

Aleph Centennial Leadership Cohort Meetup 🤙

16:00 Uhr

Any Aleph-identifying teen at IC is welcome to join other Alephs from around the world to learn more about the largest year-round cohort of AZA ever formed. If you're seeking new connections with Brother and Sibling Alephs throughotu the Order, take advantage of this exciting gathering, and find out how you can stay involved in AZA on a global scale after IC!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators Office Hours 💻

16:00 Uhr

The BBYO On Demand Club Coordinators are offering office hours during which teens around the Order can come ask questions and learn more about BBYO On Demand, the clubs we have, or anything else! Discuss ideas for the year ahead, brainstorm about your next club, and connect with others looking to make big moves.


Limitless Horizons Stage

BBYOpenMic 🎤

16:00 Uhr

Cheer on your friends or take the stage yourself at our Movement's FIRST open mic stage. If you sing, play an instrument, or have another unique talent to share, sign up to show us what you've got!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Explore Israel Club Meetup 🌐

16:00 Uhr

This club is a hub of idea generation, open conversation, and resource collection to bring Israel awareness and dialogue to the AZA and BBG experience around the world.BLVD


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Explore the History of Maccabi World Union (MWU) 🥇🥈🥉

16:00 Uhr

Dive into the rich history of Maccabi World Union! Maccabi has a rich history of competition that has shaped sports—for the Maccabiah and beyond. Come learn and explore; there might even be some prizes! 🏆



Musikstudio Open Jam 🎶

16:00 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together!



The IC Shuk (BBYO Marketplace) is Open 🛍️

16:00 Uhr

Tonight is your final chance for this year's most in-demand items! Check out our hottest BBYO swag, top BBG merch, and fresh AZA fits from around the world.


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

16:00 Uhr

Ist IC ein bisschen zu laut? Kommen Sie zum Durchatmen, Entspannen und Auftanken in diesen ruhigen Raum. Hier finden Sie auch Unterstützung durch Wellness-Spezialisten.


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Unbroken: An Exhibit on Israeli Sports in Light of October 7th 🙏🏆

16:00 Uhr

After October 7, 2023, the role of sports transcends competitions, offering a platform for resilience, unity, and healing. Interact with this engaging exhibit exploring how sports have the power to inspire and bring people together in challenging times.



A Card-Felt Thanks 🙏

16:15 Uhr

Expressing gratitude isn’t always easy—whether it’s for a friend or even yourself! Join us to create beautiful, personalized thank-you cards that make saying "thanks" both meaningful and fun. Let your creativity shine as you craft the perfect message of appreciation!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Block Blast Club Meetup 🧱

16:30 Uhr

Are you a gamer? Do you play Block Blast? Or do you want to learn and play with friends? This club is a space created for everyone to come sit back, relax, and play the game, while making new connections with people.


Creators Corner

Creators Corner by TalkIsrael: Your Spotlight Awaits 🤳💡

16:30 Uhr

Step into the Creators Corner by TalkIsrael, a dedicated place for your next viral idea to come to life. Whether you're filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend, this is your go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.


Alumni Association Lounge

Mezuzah Making with MyZuzah 🎨

16:30 Uhr

Make your very own Mezuzah with our partners at MyZuzah.


Gaming Zone

NBA All-Star Skills Competition ⛹️‍♂️

16:30 Uhr

From dribbling and passing to shooting and scoring, show off being an elite player and compete for the ultimate bragging rights in a thrilling display of skill and athleticism.


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

16:30 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


Alumni Association Lounge

The Alumni Association Lounge is Open 🎉

16:30 Uhr

Class of 2025, stop by the Alumni Association Lounge to hang out, pick up your exclusive gift from the Alumni Association, and more!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Combatting Antisemitism Club Meetup 🔯

16:45 Uhr

This club is a focus group dedicated to Alephs and BBGs who encounter antisemitism. Share stories and gain skills and tools to feel more equipped, educated, and prepare to respond accordingly. You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

ADL Rise Up Cohort Meetup 💪

17:00 Uhr

Join team members from Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for a casual meet-and-greet ahead of your virtual combatting antisemitism learning series. You'll also receive a free giveaway from the ADL team! You can join this Cohort, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

AZA Regional Sh’lichim Meetup 📘

17:00 Uhr

Calling all regional Sh'lichim! Come by and hang with members of the Sh'lichim network from around the world as we celebrate all of your hard work so far this year. We can't wait to meet you!


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBG Regional Sh'lichot Meetup 📕

17:00 Uhr

Calling all regional Shlichot! Come by and hang with members of the Shlichot network from around the world as we celebrate all of your hard work so far this year. We can't wait to meet you!



Don't Miss a Moment: Journal with the University of Denver 📝

17:00 Uhr

IC 2025 is going to go by in a flash. Stop by the Zen Zone to do some journaling and reflect on your experiences alongside the pros from the University of Denver.


BBYO Boulevard

Sonntags-Livestream auf dem BBYO Newsdesk

17:00 Uhr

Tune in as our anchors recap the weekend and spotlight some of the amazing experiences delegates had on their Denver sightseeing tours on Sunday. They’ll also give you a sneak peek of tonight’s highly anticipated Block Party and Concert. Plus, catch up with our final convention guests for one last round of interviews from an unforgettable IC 2025!


BBYO Botschaft

The 5th Annual Swag Exchange: Thrift Store 🧢

17:00 Uhr

Refresh your BBYO wardrobe and help the planet at our 5th Annual SWAG Swap! Bring your gently used swag and trade them. It’s free, fun, eco-friendly, and the perfect way to update your BBYO collection. Grab your friends and join the swap!


Creators Corner

The Scroll-Worthy Story Lab 🤳💡

17:00 Uhr

Record content all about your time at IC, powered by TalkIsrael! You can record a podcast, film a TikTok, or be interviewed in someone else's short form content to make sure IC 2025 goes viral!


Das Museum BBYO

Besuchen Sie das Museum BBYO 🖼️

17:00 Uhr

Head to the BBYO Museum to see videos, photos, pins, books, and many other incredible artifacts from the last 100 years of our Movement.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

BBYO Finance Club Meetup 💰

17:15 Uhr

Interested in exploring business and finance through creative, engaging initiatives? In this club, you’ll have the chance to make connections, develop your own business ideas, access entrepreneurship tools, and gain essential skills for financial success. You can join this Club, or choose from dozens more, that meet year round on BBYO On Demand. Learn more at


Tägliche Dienste


17:15 Uhr

Take a break from the busy IC schedule and join us for a traditional Mincha experience in the J-Lab.



Musikstudio Open Jam 🎶

17:15 Uhr

Music is a universal language—let it connect you to people from all around the world as we jam together!



Abendessen | Aruchat Erev

18:00 Uhr

This is the perfect time to take a beat, debrief the day with friends, and fuel up for an epic time tonight. | MENU: Beef Bolognese with tomato basil marinara and rolls. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Erfahrungen im ersten Studienjahr

Dinner | Aruchat Erev: Freshman Class of 2028

18:00 Uhr

Calling all 9th graders! Join your fellow freshmen for a special Class of 2028 dinner. You'll have the chance to connection with your peers from across the Order to learn and ask questions about summer 2025 opportunities as well as ways to be involved at the international level all year-round through BBYO's International Leadership Network. | MENU: Beef Bolognese with tomato basil marinara and rolls. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Treffen der Delegation

Sitzungen der Delegationen 👥

19:00 Uhr

Bitte schauen Sie auf der Rückseite Ihres Namensschildes nach, wo sich Ihre Delegation trifft. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich bei Ihrer Heimatgemeinde zu melden, über die bisherige IC nachzudenken und die benötigten Informationen zu erhalten.


Block Party

A Look Into the Future: Know Your Fortune 🔮

20:00 Uhr

Are you ready to have the mysteries of your future revealed? Discover what lies ahead with our fortune teller!


Block Party

A Look into Our Global Movement 👀🌎

20:00 Uhr

Discover the impact of our global Movement as we explore our members' connections to their communities and how they have shaped BBYO across the world.


BBYO Boulevard

AZA & BBG International Award Pickup 🏆

20:00 Uhr

Did you win an International Award? Come to the booth next to the IC Dining Hall and pick up your certificates and pins!


AZA Aufenthaltsraum

AZA Ritual Trivia and DJ Party 🪩🎧

20:00 Uhr

Head to the AZA Lounge for an awesome DJ party celebrating brotherhood, siblinghood, unity, and unforgettable vibes.


Block Party

All That Glitters: Get a Glitter Tattoo 🪩

20:00 Uhr

Are you glittering? Get dazzling, temporary glitter tattoos to shimmer at the Block Party!


Block Party

Blaaaaaaaahk Party with the Goats 🐐

20:00 Uhr

Meet our eight cutest guests at International Convention! Pet, feed, and play with the goats from Farmhouse Farms.


Block Party

Block Party at the Block Party 🧱

20:00 Uhr

Put together your own Block Party and unleash your wildest LEGO dreams with giant blocks!


Block Party

Bucket Ball with the World Jewish Congress (WJC) 🪣🏀

20:00 Uhr

Join the World Jewish Congress (WJC) to blow off steam, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Celebrate the Block Party at the Perlman Tree 🌳

20:00 Uhr

Celebrate the end of International Convention under the lights of the Perlman Tree. Who knows... maybe that's where you'll be this summer?


Block Party

Feiern mit Henna-Kunst 🤩

20:00 Uhr

Get an intricate henna design to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your Block Party experience!


BBYO Happen

Chicken Tenders and Fries 🍗🍟🥤

20:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack? Come and grab some delicious Chicken Tenders or Fries—they're available until they sell out. The meat offerings from the hotel are not Kosher, but check out our Glatt Kosher stand which has Soft Pretzels, Chicken and Tater Tots, Tacos, and Chocolate Chip Cookies!



Chill in the Winter Village ❄️

20:00 Uhr

Meet and connect with RootOne travel alumni and make plans for your next big adventure.



Craft Along in der Zen Zone 🖌️

20:00 Uhr

Unleash your inner crafter and find peace with creating in the Zen Zone!


BBYO Botschaft

DJs from Around the World 🎧🌎

20:00 Uhr

Every 30 minutes we'll be highlighting a DJ from another country, playing the best local hits.


Block Party

Filter im wirklichen Leben: Karikaturen 👩🎨

20:00 Uhr

Have your unique features captured with a one-of-a-kind caricature!


Block Party

Freeze Time in the Snow Globe ❄️

20:00 Uhr

Take what we know will be your favorite photos at BBYO International Convention. Don't worry, you won't be too cold!


BBYO Happen

Fried Treats and Sweets 🥨 🥒🥤

20:00 Uhr

There's a reason we call it a Block PARTY, and this stand just might be it. Power walk to get your fried pickles, soft pretzels, and other surprises before we sell out!


Block Party

Get Your Glow On: Glitter Tattoos ✨

20:00 Uhr

Sparkle and shine with your very own glitter tattoo for a touch of sparkle!


Block Party

Give it Your Best Shot: Bubble Soccer 🏟️

20:00 Uhr

Suit up and bounce into action for a showdown full of your best kicks, tricks, and flips.


BBYO Happen

Glatt Kosher Sweets and Treats 🥨🌮🍗🍟🥤

20:00 Uhr

Looking for Glatt Kosher food? We've got you covered. Come by for soft pretzels, chicken and tater tots, tacos, and chocolate chip cookies!


AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

Go Big or Go Home: It's Time to Ball Out 🏀 ⛳️ ⚽️ 🏓

20:00 Uhr

From dribbling and passing to shooting and scoring, you're invited as IC's most elite players compete for the ultimate bragging rights.



Hang at the RootOne-derland ☃️

20:00 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel... in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.



IC's Got Talent 🎤🎸

20:00 Uhr

Alephs and BBGs, watch your brothers, sisters, and siblings from around the world showcase their incredible skills and creativity.


Block Party

It's a Winter Wonderland ☃️🏂

20:00 Uhr

Make your own beanie, have a snowball fight, play hockey, and more at the Block Party Winter Wonderland!


Block Party

Hier draußen ist es wie im Zoo: Luftballon-Tiere 🎈

20:00 Uhr

Watch as your favorite wild creatures are turned and twisted for you to take home with you!



J-Lab After Hours ✨

20:00 Uhr

The J-Lab is the playground in which you can explore Jewish principles in an engaging and exciting way. Delve into ethical dilemmas like our people once did in the Temple. Light up the world as you light our Menorah. Build our very own Kotel to bring a piece of Israel to International Convention. Engage with a multitude of interactive learning games. Event-long exhibits will remain open to explore your own Judaism and learn about the values that define BBYO.



Late Night at the BBYO Shuk 🤑

20:00 Uhr

Hier findest du die heißesten Sachen von BBYO , die besten Artikel von BBG und die neuesten Passformen von AZA aus aller Welt! Der Verkauf beginnt jetzt, aber handeln Sie schnell - das Angebot ist begrenzt und die Artikel sind schnell ausverkauft.


Alumni Association Lounge

Life Membership Candle Making 🕯️

20:00 Uhr

Celebrate your life membership by creating your very own candle to take home!


Block Party

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: 360° Photos with Hillel International 🪞

20:00 Uhr

Say cheese! Take a photo in the mirror (photo booth) with Hillel International.


Block Party

Neon Nights: Gaming Edition 🌟

20:00 Uhr

Step into the ultimate neon gaming room for epic battles and a next-level head-to-head gaming experience.


Block Party

Night Owls' Craft Nook 🧶

20:00 Uhr

Get creative late into the night in our cozy space for crafting, unwinding, and connecting with your fellow night owls!


Limitless Horizons Stage

Open Karaoke: BBYO Favorites 🎶

20:00 Uhr

Grab the mic and belt out your favorite BBYO tunes during our late-night karaoke. Everyone can hit the stage—it's your time to be in the spotlight!


BBG Aufenthaltsraum

Out-of-This-World Game Night at the BBG Lounge 🚀

20:00 Uhr

Get ready for a game night filled with cosmic challenges, intergalactic fun, and stellar competition—are you ready to be an out-of-this-world champ?


Mini Israel

Party in Mini Israel All Night Long 🎉

20:00 Uhr

Golden Boy? Tel Aviv? Party in Mini Israel to the best Israeli tunes.


BBYO On Demand Klubhaus

Party in the Club(house) 🪩

20:00 Uhr

Come party at the BBYO On Demand Clubhouse. Play board games, build crafts, and chill with friends. See you there!


Block Party

Party in the Spotlight with TalkIsrael 🤳🎉

20:00 Uhr

Wrap up your time at IC by filming a TikTok, snapping a story, or crafting the next viral trend. Head to our go-to spot for creativity, collaboration, and capturing the IC content that will shine.



Paws and Peace: Play with Joyous Paws Pet Therapy Team 🐾

20:00 Uhr

Experience the comfort and joy of therapy dogs to brighten your time at the Block Party! Enjoy the wags with our furry friends. 🐶


Podcast Studio

Podcast Studio Open Mic 🎙️

20:00 Uhr

Step into the IC Podcast Studio, brought to you by Table Talk with BBYOInsider, where your voice takes the spotlight and creativity knows no limits! Whether you’re sharing stories, diving into epic convos, or catching a podcast in action, this is where you can let your ideas come to life. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled; our Press Corps will be interviewing surprise VIPs right here in the studio!


BBYO Happen

Purchase Snacks at the BBYO Bites Stands 🍟🍗🥨🌮

20:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack? We have chicken tenders, fried pickles, soft pretzels, and just about everything else you could dream of. The meat offerings from the hotel are not Kosher, but check out our Glatt Kosher stand for lots of great options!


Podcast Studio

Record Your Favorite Moments of IC at the Podcast Studio 🎙️

20:00 Uhr

Capture and share the best moments from IC 2025, as you step into the spotlight and record a podcast episode.


BBYO Boulevard

Rock Your Swag with Liquid Screen Design 👕👚

20:00 Uhr

Come create your own swag with Liquid Screen Design. Our swag partner is offering live printing, in-person consultations, and fun raffles and games to win exclusive branded swag items, brought to you by RootOne. Visit their booth and explore what they have for you!


Gaming Zone

Rocket League and Super Smash Bros. Grand Finals 🎮

20:00 Uhr

Featured on large screens with sports commentary, see the Rocket League and Smash Bros. finalists compete to be crowned in the prize ceremony!


Block Party

Still sitzen, hübsch aussehen: Karikaturen 🖌️

20:00 Uhr

Sit back, relax, and let our caricature artist capture your essence!



Take Ski Lift Selfies 🎿

20:00 Uhr

Did you know you can actually ski in Israel? The Mount Hermon ski resort, located in the Golan Heights, is the only place in the country you can hit the slopes. Come snap a selfie on our BBYO ski lifts.


Block Party

The Block Party Game Extravaganza ♟️🎯

20:00 Uhr

Love a classic board game? Want some friendly competition? Head to the Block Party Game Extravaganza for non-stop fun for everyone!


Stiller Raum

Der Raum der Stille ist geöffnet

20:00 Uhr

Ist IC ein bisschen zu laut? Kommen Sie zum Durchatmen, Entspannen und Auftanken in diesen ruhigen Raum. Hier finden Sie auch Unterstützung durch Wellness-Spezialisten.


BBYO Happen

Walking Taco Stand 🌮🥤

20:00 Uhr

Yep, you read that right. Pull up and purchase a delicious on-the-go taco.


Block Party

Warm Up in RootOne-derland ❄️

20:00 Uhr

Join RootOne to learn about traveling to Israel... in a winter wonderland! From snow-filled adventures to festive lights and winter cheer, come by this wintry lounge.


Block Party

Welcome to the BBYO Block Party 🎪 🎉

20:00 Uhr

Expect the unexpected, AZA and BBG! BBYO Boulevard is alive with surprises, experiences, and treats for you to explore. Don't skip any lounge or corner of this wild event—you never know what surprises await you during your time in BBYO or at the Block Party. Build a life-size tower in our room of blocks, get ready to throw down in the AZAA & BBGG Sports Center, pet a goat or a puppy, grab a bite to eat, play some games in the LED glow room, or get your picture taken at the BBYO Summer photo booth. Stop by the Perlman Tree to take those last photos with your friends and scoot over to the BBYO Museum to explore the archives. Whatever you do, keep your eyes peeled and your cameras out!


Block Party

BBYO Block Party: Closing Ceremonies and Concert

20:15 Uhr

Get ready for our BIGGEST BBYO Block Party yet! We've lined up incredible games, attractions, competitions, delicious treats, and a massive Closing Concert featuring Swae Lee and Galantis. We'll also announce the winners of the Max F. Baer Spirit Cup and Max F. Baer Spirit Gavel, and premiere our IC 2025 recap video! There's something for everyone tonight—enjoy your final night in Denver!


Swae Lee; Galantis

AZAA & BBGG Sports Center

AZAA & BBGG Finals 🏀⚽️

21:30 Uhr

Don't miss the moment to get your final competition in before IC 2025 comes to a close. It's time for the grand finale—let's go!


Tägliche Dienste


11:15 Uhr

After an incredible time at the BBYO Block Party, stop by to join us for Ma'ariv on your way back up to your room.



Good Night | Laila Tov

11:45 Uhr

As you make your way back to your room, it's time to make sure you're packed for departures tomorrow morning. Get as organized as possible tonight so you can spend more time tomorrow morning hanging out and saying goodbye to all your friends. Sleep well, and thank you for another great day!



Good Morning | Boker Tov

6:45 Uhr

Good morning, IC! We're so sad to see you go, but we know we'll all remember this experience for years to come. We hope you've had an incredible time and made some amazing new friends. See you next year in Philly!



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker

7:00 Uhr

Breakfast this morning is your chance to hang out and say goodbye to all of your friends—new and old! You can store your luggage in the dining hall and wait for your bus to be called. Hurry on down to take advantage of every minute left! Breakfast will end at 9:30 AM. | MENU: Continental breakfast with fruit, Greek yogurt, cereal, pastries, muffins, bagels, juice, and coffee. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Tägliche Dienste


7:45 Uhr

It's been an unbelievable week together, and while we're sad to head home, we're motivated and inspired—ready to strengthen our Movement all over the world and make an impact on the lives of so many others. Before we begin our journey home, let's join together for one last Shacharit service. This option offers a traditional experience with classic rituals and tunes.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦



13:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦



11:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!


BBYO Happen

Grab a Snack at the BBYO Bites Booth 🍗🍟🥤



11:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack or drink between programs? Stop by BBYO Bites to grab a snack. There are Glatt Kosher options available at Sam and Anita's Canteen or the Rockies Marketplace.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦



14:30 Uhr

Hungry? Thirsty? Want to make a friend while sharing a snack? Several restaurants are now open and filled with refreshments, quick grabs, and some larger fare—including Kosher sandwiches, salads, and more. Come on down and purchase whatever sounds yummy. Enjoy!


BBYO Happen

Grab a Snack at the BBYO Bites Booth 🍗🍟🥤



11:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack or drink between programs? Stop by BBYO Bites to grab a snack. There are Glatt Kosher options available at Sam and Anita's Canteen or the Rockies Marketplace.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦



15:00 Uhr

It's snack time and several restaurants are now open! Scoot on over to purchase a drink, take a bite, or just catch up with friends. There are Glatt Kosher options available in the Rockies Marketplace. Bon appétit!


BBYO Happen

Late Night Food Pickup 🍩🧇🍟



22:30 Uhr

For delegates who ordered food through the app earlier today, your late-night food has arrived! Please pick up your food at Sam and Anita's Canteen on your way up to your room.


BBYO Happen

Restaurant Row genießen 🌮🥤🍦



15:45 Uhr

Hungry? Thirsty? Want to make a friend while sharing a snack? Several restaurants are now open and filled with refreshments, quick grabs, and some larger fare—including Kosher sandwiches, salads, and more. Come and purchase whatever sounds yummy. Enjoy!


BBYO Happen

Chicken Tenders and Fries 🍗🍟🥤



20:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack? Come and grab some delicious Chicken Tenders or Fries—they're available until they sell out. The meat offerings from the hotel are not Kosher, but check out our Glatt Kosher stand which has Soft Pretzels, Chicken and Tater Tots, Tacos, and Chocolate Chip Cookies!


BBYO Happen

Fried Treats and Sweets 🥨 🥒🥤



20:00 Uhr

There's a reason we call it a Block PARTY, and this stand just might be it. Power walk to get your fried pickles, soft pretzels, and other surprises before we sell out!


BBYO Happen

Glatt Kosher Sweets and Treats 🥨🌮🍗🍟🥤



20:00 Uhr

Looking for Glatt Kosher food? We've got you covered. Come by for soft pretzels, chicken and tater tots, tacos, and chocolate chip cookies!


BBYO Happen

Purchase Snacks at the BBYO Bites Stands 🍟🍗🥨🌮



20:00 Uhr

Looking for a snack? We have chicken tenders, fried pickles, soft pretzels, and just about everything else you could dream of. The meat offerings from the hotel are not Kosher, but check out our Glatt Kosher stand for lots of great options!


BBYO Happen

Walking Taco Stand 🌮🥤



20:00 Uhr

Yep, you read that right. Pull up and purchase a delicious on-the-go taco.


Tägliche Dienste


16:30 Uhr

Join us for Mincha, a little afternoon prayer, as we get ready to kick off our time at IC 2025.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

17:30 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Mingle with Teen Leadership

18:30 Uhr

Meet with teen leaders from 50 countries across BBYO's global movement that are participating in our February Executives Conference.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BBYO International Board of Directors and Global Supporters Dinner

19:00 Uhr


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Democracy in Action

21:00 Uhr

Get a peek into BBYO’s teen democracy at the AZA & BBG International Business Meeting.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Sip and Socialize

21:30 Uhr

Join the adult community for drinks and networking at the Embers Lodge Bar in the hotel atrium.


Tägliche Dienste


22:15 Uhr

Beenden Sie Ihren Tag mit einer traditionellen Ma'ariv-Erfahrung. Das Format, die Rituale und die allgemeine Stimmung werden sich an der klassischen Einrichtung orientieren und könnten Ihnen vertraut sein, egal woher Sie kommen. Wenn Sie jedoch diesen Gottesdienst mit jüdischen Gleichgesinnten aus der ganzen Welt feiern, werden Sie vielleicht einige neue Traditionen kennenlernen oder von einem etwas anderen Ansatz für das Abendgebet überrascht werden.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Breakfast on Your Own

8:00 Uhr

Enjoy a meal at the hotel restaurants using the meal voucher received at check-in.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BBYO International Board of Directors Meeting (Invite Only)

9:00 Uhr


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Summit on Pluralism (Invite Only)

10:00 Uhr

The Jewish community is experiencing a fundamental shift in how educational leadership is developed and how Jewish education is delivered. Once the domain of denominationally-based schools and religious institutions, educators and content are now emerging from new and independent initiatives that are no longer bound by the dogmas that have defined Jewish communities for over a century. This Summit will explore how this trend might influence the delivery of a more pluralistic approach to Jewish education and content in the years to come. The aim is to spark future conversations between legacy and emerging leaders in Jewish education about how to address the needs of an increasingly diverse Jewish community.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Rabbi, Congregation Beth Tefillah

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

11:00 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Lunch

12:00 Uhr

Please grab lunch on your own using the provided vouchers.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Navigating Tough Conversations with Youth

13:30 Uhr

This powerful discussion will provide parents, educators, and community leaders with the tools and insights needed to effectively navigate tough conversations with young people. By blending Jewish wisdom, personal experience, and practical communication techniques, we will explore how to approach sensitive topics—whether related to identity, sexuality, values, or life choices—with empathy, clarity, and confidence. This session is especially relevant for those who are balancing multiple roles in their personal, family, and professional lives, offering a framework for handling difficult conversations in ways that align with Jewish values and parenting approaches.


Drew Fidler, BBYO Center for Adolescent Wellness; Dr. Logan Levkoff, Expert in Difficult Conversations

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Insights: Birthright Israel’s Crisis Response

14:30 Uhr

Join Noa Bauer, VP of Marketing at Birthright Israel, for coffee and tea as she shares how the organization tackled crises with strategic messaging, trust-building, and swift action. Learn how they inspired Jewish pride and engagement amid challenges like antisemitic trends, parental concerns, and shifting global events.


Noa Bauer, Birthright Israel

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

The Power of Leadership in Shaping the Story of Israel and the Jewish People

15:30 Uhr

This panel discussion brings together experts, journalists, and communicators to explore the critical role of media in shaping the narrative of Israel and the Jewish people, both within the Jewish community and the broader world. In an era of rapidly evolving digital platforms and ever-changing media landscapes, how can Jewish narratives be shared in a way that is both accurate and compelling? How do media outlets and content creators—traditional and modern—impact perceptions of Israel, Jewish identity, and Jewish history?


Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Daniel Elbaum, Jewish Agency for Israel; Shye Klein, Photojournalist & Nova Survivor; Avi Mayer, Former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post; Brandon Rattiner, Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado

Tägliche Dienste


16:00 Uhr

Join us for Mincha, a little afternoon prayer, before celebrating BBYO's biggest global reunion yet with IC 2025 Opening Ceremonies.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

IC Site Tour

16:30 Uhr

Learn how BBYO teens and professionals transform a hotel into an immersive, Jewish environment designed to inspire and astonish! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour highlighting how innovation and imagination create an incredible experience for the entire community at IC.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Community Welcome Celebration

18:30 Uhr

Join us as we thank the Denver Jewish community and celebrate the power of BBYO's global movement. Enjoy light bites and hear from some of BBYO's special guests as you claim the best seat in the house for BBYO's delegate parade.


Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music


BBYO UNITES: BBYO IC Opening Ceremonies | Doors Open

20:00 Uhr

Doors are now open for tonight's BBYO International Convention 2025 Opening Ceremonies!



BBYO UNITES: BBYO IC Opening Ceremonies

20:30 Uhr

Join us for an electrifying celebration to kick off BBYO International Convention 2025 and our Movement's second century. We’ll come together to honor our Orders' timeless traditions and the vibrant Jewish future that teens across the globe are shaping. This dynamic, high-energy kickoff event will feature live music, stunning media, inspiring words, and a few incredible surprises, all while highlighting the spirit of resilience and joy driving Jewish teens worldwide toward new horizons. Our night will conclude with an IC-wide party to celebrate the start of our Movement's largest moment yet, setting the stage for a weekend of limitless possibilities. Let's go!


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah; Lorna Courtney, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet; H.E. Isaac Herzog, President, State of Israel; Evan Kinnane, Original Broadway Cast, Moulin Rouge; Governor Jared Polis, State of Colorado; Ben Jackson Walker, Original Broadway Cast, & Juliet

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Schusterman Family Philanthropies Late Night Reception (Invite Only)

21:30 Uhr

Enjoy snacks and a nightcap with the adult community.


Tägliche Dienste


23:00 Uhr

Beenden Sie Ihren Tag mit einem Ma'ariv-Erlebnis. Das Format, die Rituale und die allgemeine Stimmung werden sich an der klassischen Einrichtung orientieren und könnten Ihnen vertraut sein, egal woher Sie kommen. Wenn Sie jedoch diesen Gottesdienst mit jüdischen Gleichgesinnten aus der ganzen Welt erleben, werden Sie vielleicht einige neue Traditionen kennenlernen oder von einem etwas anderen Ansatz für das Abendgebet überrascht werden.


Tägliche Dienste

Shacharit: Runde 1

7:00 Uhr

Let's kick off our first morning at IC with a traditional Shacharit service.


Sport und Wellness

AZAA & BBGG Global Sports Tournament: Kickoff Plenary 📣

8:45 Uhr

We're elevating IC's Sports and Wellness experience with our reimagined AZA Athletics (AZAA) and B'nai B'rith Girls Games (BBGG) Global Sports Tournament, featuring 12 sports categories across nine Denver-area venues. The day kicks off with an inspiring plenary session featuring professional leaders and renowned athletes from the sports industry, followed by the ceremonial lighting of the Maccabi Torch, which will next appear in Jerusalem at this summer's International Maccabiah in Israel! Game on, BBYO!


Ari Ackerman, Miami Marlins, Influencer; Chelsey Goldberg, Team Adidas, Professional Women's Hockey Players Association (PWHPA); Robert Kraft, Chairman and CEO, Kraft Group and Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism; Natan Levy, Professional MMA Fighter, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC); Sam Salz, Wide Receiver, Texas A&M Aggies; Claire Weinstein, U.S. Olympic Swimmer and Silver Medalist, Team USA


BBYO LEADS: Kickoff Plenary and Rally 📣

8:45 Uhr

This year's BBYO LEADS Day kicks off with a rally and call-to-action featuring influencers and changemakers dedicated to combating antisemitism, defending Israel on social media, protecting individual, civil, and human rights, and repairing the world in various impactful ways. After our powerful and inspiring morning, thousands of delegates will spread across Denver to learn and volunteer at dozens of Leadership Lab sites, exploring new skills and making a difference in countless lives. Let's get to work, BBYO!


Lani Anpo, Native American and Jewish Advocate, Model & Anti-Propagandist; Daniel Braun, Content Creator, Talent & Creative Director, Let's Do Something; Jake Goldberg, Actor and Content Creator; Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Robert Kraft, Chairman and CEO, Kraft Group and Founder of the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism; Maya Stanton, Activist; Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Beyond the Algorithm: Preparing Teens for Leadership in an AI-Driven World

9:30 Uhr

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and reshaping the future for teens. We will discuss AI's role in everyday life, its impact on future careers, and the importance of ethical innovation rooted in Jewish values. Attendees will gain insights into using AI responsibly, cultivating leadership in a tech-driven world, and envisioning how teens can shape a future where technology and values intersect.


Sean Lynch, Eidra; Jeffrey Stein, Resonance; Tyler Weitzman, Speechify

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Personal Narratives: Harnessing Storytelling and Marketing

10:30 Uhr

In today’s fast-paced world of digital content and social media saturation, the power of personal storytelling has become a cornerstone of effective marketing and brand building. This panel conversation explores how individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations can harness the art of storytelling to create authentic connections with their audiences, drive engagement, and strengthen their personal and professional brands. Gain insights into how personal narratives can be integrated into marketing strategies to create lasting impact.


Danielle Coopersmith, Kraft Heinz; Dan Fields, Walt Disney Imagineering; Sarah Hurwitz, Author; Jean Meltzer, Author

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

From Passion to Purpose: Exploring Wellness, Media, and Creativity

11:30 Uhr

How can mental health and well-being influence creativity, media, and career paths? This conversation dives into the personal and professional journeys of three inspiring leaders who’ve turned their passions into impactful careers. From redefining wellness to leading conversations through written and social media, these panelists will share how their unique perspectives, personal passions, and commitment to well-being have shaped their work. Join this session for an inspiring discussion that explores the intersection of mental health, creativity, and the evolving world of media.


Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Ian Lopatin, Co-Founder, Spiritual Gangster; Karla Martinez, Editor in Chief, Vogue Mexico and Latin America; Dalia Strum, RethinkConnect

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Lunch

12:15 Uhr

Please join us for lunch as a part of the Adult Experience.


Governor Jared Polis, State of Colorado

Tägliche Dienste


16:00 Uhr

Haben Sie Lust auf einen Moment der Besinnung und des Innehaltens inmitten des Geschehens am IC? Besuchen Sie das J-Lab zum Mincha-Gottesdienst am Nachmittag.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Welcoming Shabbat and Candle Lighting

16:45 Uhr

Join Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Rabbi Emily Hyatt, and songleader Happie Hoffman for an uplifting and inspiring Shabbat welcome and candlelighting where community, tradition, and music come together to celebrate.


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah; Happie Hoffman, HAPPIE music; Rabbi Emily Hyatt, Temple Emanuel

Treffen der Delegation

Sitzungen der Delegationen 👥

17:30 Uhr

Bitte schauen Sie auf der Rückseite Ihres Namensschildes nach, wo sich Ihre Delegation trifft. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit, sich bei Ihrer Heimatgemeinde zu melden, über die bisherige IC nachzudenken und die benötigten Informationen zu erhalten.



Schabbat Abendessen | Aruchat Erev Shel Schabbat

19:45 Uhr

Shabbat Shalom! Make your way to Aurora Ballroom and join us at a table for a ruach (spirit)-filled Shabbat meal. Find a table by centerpiece—teens at blue, adults at pink, and staff at green. Please note that we will be actively using the screens and microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Grilled chicken breast with roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Schabbat-Abendessen | Aruchat Erev Shel Shabbat (Shomer Shabbat)

19:45 Uhr

Shabbat Shalom! Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? Make your way to Willow Lake 3-5 for a ruach (spirit)-filled Shabbat meal. This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Grilled chicken breast with roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Ellie Zeiler, Influencer & Activist, Founder, EJZ Brands, LLC

Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Oneg Shabbat Reception

21:00 Uhr

Join us for a night of nostalgia, networking, and dessert! Reconnect with friends, make new industry connections, and relive BBYO memories. Plus, don’t miss author Jean Meltzer and producer Brett Gursky as they discuss bringing The Matzo Ball to the big screen!


Brett Gursky, Hollywood Producer; Silvio Joskowicz, Zionist Enterprises Department, World Zionist Organization; Jean Meltzer, Author; Rachel Titen, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen


Frühstück | Aruchat Boker

9:00 Uhr

It's time to start your day right with a hearty meal. Today is going to be packed with incredible experiences, so get it going on the right foot at breakfast before diving into Shabbat services! Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Scrambled eggs with potato hash and pastries. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Frühstück | Aruchat Boker (Shomer Shabbat)

9:00 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? It's time to start your day right with a hearty meal. Today is going to be packed with incredible experiences, so get it going on the right foot at breakfast before diving into Shabbat services! This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Scrambled eggs with potato hash and pastries. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

Adult Experience Brunch: Voices from the Druze Community

12:00 Uhr

Join Minister Sawsan Hasson, Head of Public Diplomacy for the Embassy of Israel and Israel's first female Druze diplomat, along with representatives from the Israeli Druze Yarka Community Center, a new year-round teen peer partner with BBYO, in a conversation with teens from Israel’s Druze community. BBYO is the first global Jewish teen movement to establish an ongoing relationship with Israel's Druze community, as part of an effort to deepen Israel education and enrichment for BBYO's teens across Israel and worldwide.


Minister Sawsan Hasson, Minister for Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Israel; Mufid Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Nadeen Abu Rish, Yarka Community, Israel; Ghadi Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Robeen Kanan, Yarka Community, Israel; Shada Khatib, Yarka Community, Israel


Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim

12:00 Uhr

Lunch today is a great opportunity to sit with Alephs and BBGs who you haven't had a chance to get to know yet. There's so much IC left, it's a great opportunity to mix things up and make a new best friend. Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Cheddar mac and cheese with broccolini. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in the dining hall—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Mittagessen | Aruchat Tzohorayim (Shomer Shabbat)

12:00 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? Lunch today is a great opportunity to sit with Alephs and BBGs who you haven't had a chance to get to know yet. There's so much IC left, it's a great opportunity to mix things up and make a new best friend. This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. | MENU: Cheddar mac and cheese with broccolini. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.


Tägliche Dienste


16:45 Uhr

Begleiten Sie uns an diesem wunderbaren Schabbatnachmittag zu einem traditionellen Mincha-Gottesdienst.



Abendessen | Aruchat Erev

18:30 Uhr

What a great day—and some of the biggest moments are still to come! Make sure you head to dinner and then join us as we can begin our transition from Shabbat to our Havdalah service and BBYO Honors Plenary filled with very special guests. Please note that we will be actively using microphones during this meal. If you are looking for a Shomer Shabbat meal experience, please head to Willow Lake 3-5. | MENU: Chicken breast with Mexican rice and cauliflower. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



Abendessen | Aruchat Erev (Shomer Shabbat mit Havdalah)

18:30 Uhr

Seeking a Shomer Shabbat meal environment? This dining hall is a technology and instrument-free space for those teens and guests looking for an unplugged Shabbat experience. We will also be having Havdalah in this space at the halachik conclusion of Shabbat for those seeking that option. | MENU: Chicken breast with Mexican rice and cauliflower. | NOTE: Requested Glatt Kosher and other special meals are available in both Shabbat dining halls—please see our staff team at the labeled table to collect your meal.



BBYO HONORS | Doors Open

19:00 Uhr

We have an incredible evening ahead—make sure you grab your seat early and prepare for one of the most famously meaningful moments of the year!



BBYO HONORS | Havdalah and State of the Movement

19:45 Uhr

Our Orders' annual celebration has finally arrived—a beautiful Havdalah, hundreds of awards to celebrate, an inspiring State of the Movement, some major, transformative announcements for AZA and BBG, and exclusive time with some of today's biggest influencers and most inspiring speakers. And all of that before we enjoy this year's brand new AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase. This will be a night to remember!


Tara Davis-Woodhall, 2024 U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, World Champion, and U.S. National Champion; Bobby Dishell, AZA Alumnus of the Year, Cloudbreak Energy Partners; Giancarlo Esposito, Award-Winning Actor, Director, and Producer; Eden Golan, Israeli Singer and 2024 Eurovision Contestant; Samantha Harris, BBG Alumna of the Year, TV Host, Author, and Certified Health Coach; Jake Retzlaff, Quarterback, BYU Cougars; Attorney General Phil Weiser, State of Colorado; Hunter Woodhall, Three Time Paralympian and 2024 U.S. Paralympic Gold Medalist

Tägliche Dienste


23:00 Uhr

After an amazing Shabbat and AZA & BBG Ritual Showcase, begin the new week right with a ma'ariv service.


Tägliche Dienste


8:00 Uhr

Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag mit einem traditionellen Shacharit-Gottesdienst.


Erfahrung für Erwachsene

BaBy-YO 🐣

11:00 Uhr

Start your morning by singing your favorite childhood songs with our BBYO music team. All are welcome to sing, dance, and giggle with a special invite to all future Alephs and BBGs! Brought to you by the IC Music Team.


Tema Cohen, IC Music Team; Debra Winter, IC Music Team; Julie Friedman, IC Music Team; Eva Stupca, IC Music Team; Mason Solomon, IC Music Team; Mayta Cohen, IC Music Team; Miriam Bird, IC Music Team; Nick May, IC Music Team; Ofir Zioni, IC Music Team; Rachel Wolman, IC Music Team

Tägliche Dienste


17:15 Uhr

Take a break from the busy IC schedule and join us for a traditional Mincha experience in the J-Lab.


Block Party

BBYO Block Party: Closing Ceremonies and Concert

20:15 Uhr

Get ready for our BIGGEST BBYO Block Party yet! We've lined up incredible games, attractions, competitions, delicious treats, and a massive Closing Concert featuring Swae Lee and Galantis. We'll also announce the winners of the Max F. Baer Spirit Cup and Max F. Baer Spirit Gavel, and premiere our IC 2025 recap video! There's something for everyone tonight—enjoy your final night in Denver!


Swae Lee; Galantis

Tägliche Dienste


11:15 Uhr

After an incredible time at the BBYO Block Party, stop by to join us for Ma'ariv on your way back up to your room.
