Building the Future: Empowering Teenagers to Lead

October 31, 2023
Norah Sheddy

Budaka, Uganda

Class of 2023

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The recently concluded leadership training program the Abayudaya Teens Association organized was a transformative experience for all participants. As a teenager who attended, I can confidently say that this program has empowered us to become confident and effective leaders in our communities.

From day one, the program emphasized the importance of self-awareness and self-confidence. We were encouraged to participate in various team-building activities that challenged us to step out of our comfort zones. Through these activities, we discovered our strengths and weaknesses and learned how to work collaboratively with others. It was amazing to witness young individuals coming together, supporting and uplifting one another in order to achieve common goals.

Furthermore, the program taught us valuable leadership skills such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. We engaged in interactive workshops facilitated by experienced mentors who provided us with practical tools and techniques to navigate various leadership scenarios. These sessions fostered a sense of responsibility within us as we recognized the impact our actions could have on our communities.

One of the highlights of the program was the opportunity to work on a community service project. We were divided into teams and assigned different projects aimed at addressing pressing issues within our society. This hands-on experience enabled us to apply our leadership skills in a real-world context. It was truly inspiring to witness the impact we could make when given the chance to lead initiatives that positively influenced our communities.

In conclusion, the Abayudaya Teens Association's leadership training program has planted a seed of empowerment within us. We have become equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to become leaders who can bring about positive change. As we move forward, we are filled with excitement and determination to implement what we have learned and make a difference in our communities. Through this program, we are confident that the future will be led by a generation of empowered teenagers.

Norah is a BBG from Uganda who is an avid reader and likes writing stories!

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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