Burnout is Real

March 6, 2024
Rayna Levine

Johns Creek, Georgia, United States

Class of 2024

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Burnout is real no matter who you are or where you come from. As much as you tell yourself you won’t succumb to senioritis, it always creeps up on you. I even experienced burnout while writing this article, as I waited till the last minute to write and submit it. 

After Greater Atlanta Region’s regional board elections last year, I was shocked to hear that my elected friends were burnt out and finally ready to leave BBYO. I always told myself I wouldn’t be the person to give up on school during senior year. I’m not the girl who gives up easily. I always work hard for the things I have or get.  I have always cherished every memory I have created during my three years of BBYO, but now, as a senior in high school, I finally understand the burnout.

My parents have always been hard on me when it comes to school. My mom is the first person to text me when we get notified about an updated grade. It’s hard to hold yourself to a higher standard constantly; this year has hit me hard. Between school and extracurriculars, I have finally succumbed to the burnout. Every day, it gets harder to get out of bed for school, put the effort into studying, and care about what I do with my time. I now have to push myself extra hard to work for my grades and genuinely care about what happens at school. Once I got that first college acceptance letter, this got even worse. It seems pointless to care about anything anymore because I don’t enjoy going to school or extracurriculars as much. I have become burnt out of my current lifestyle and know it is time for change. 

BBYO has been my safe space for the past three years, but now I finally understand what my friends were saying. I am ready to move on and do something else with my life. I want more freedom and to choose what I do with my time. Being at school and stuck to a strict schedule every day has become monotonous, and now is the time to enjoy what I have left and find new passions. I may be burnt out of high school and need to move on to an independent emerging adult life. I have loved every moment of BBYO, but it’s time for the next generation to take over and make unforgettable memories like I have. I have to leave the burnout behind me and move on. 

Rayna Levine is a BBG in Mizrah BBG from the Greater Atlanta Region and is a high school cheerleader as well as a member of her school’s theatre department.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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