How To Know If You Should Run For Board

March 19, 2024
Violeta Saul

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Class of 2024

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Being in a leadership position is one of the most unique experiences BBYO can offer you. However, it is not easy to make the decision to run for board, be part of a committee, or lead an ILN. Nor is to know which position to run for, each being distinctively different. 

How to know if running for board is the right choice for you? 

To answer this question there are different things to take into account:

(Disclaimer: These points are not intended to make anyone scared or insecure. On the contrary, they mean to orientate and be used as prompts to reflect. Remember to always answer to yourself with honesty.)

The first point I believe is valuable has to do with various skills and traits that I consider necessary. To start off, is ambitiousness. Of course, ambition is only positive in a balanced amount, but being in a leadership role expects some. Being capable of dreaming, establishing goals, and working hard to accomplish them. Another important trait is enthusiasm. People tend to have more energy at the start of the term, naturally. Yet it is most important to hold on to that positivity and keep high energy and enthusiasm all throughout the term. Because that not only influences yourself but also your counterparts and the teamwork. Which is another art worth mastering on board. Teamwork means listening to each other, sharing opinions, giving feedback, and always supporting each other. Lastly is time management. I believe that “you make time for what you want", but it’s vital that before committing to a leadership role, you think realistically about the time that will take you and if you are capable of handling it. 

The second point is a little more insightful. Always, when running, ask yourself this question, and answer honestly: Is this the best for my chapter/region? 

Leading is giving and working voluntarily for your chapter/region. And that means that when running, you mustn't think only about yourself, but also about the members. Am I the best option to be in this position right now? Do I believe I have something valuable to give my chapter/region? 

The third point is DON'T BE AFRAID: Don’t be afraid to run if you want to! Don’t be scared of losing against someone! Doesn’t matter if people run against you. Losing is a great teacher, and the most significant thing after that is getting back up and patting yourself on the back, knowing you gave your hundred percent. TRY! What could go wrong? There is some sense of maturity in this topic that comes with thinking that you can not care enough about what others think. If you (especially after reflecting on yourself on these last points) think you are enough, then SHOW IT. Show yourself with all of your colors. That’s the best you can do. 

Lastly, I want to emphasize the beautiful experience of serving in a leadership position. Personally, deciding to run for board has changed my life for the better. I could never thank myself enough for having the confidence to step up and for the two years of pure joy being Mazkirah that followed.

Although being part of a board means tons of fun and learning along the way, running is not a decision to make lightly. It's necessary to take into account all of the above. 

I hope this article helped you reflect and clear your mind about whatever decision is in your way.

Best luck, Mazels, and Yalla! 

Violeta Saul is a BBG from Ligdol #5044 in Argentina and she loves everything spirituality and singing.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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