Parshat Lech Lecha: Go Forth

October 27, 2023
BBYO Weekly Parsha


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This week's Torah Portion is Lech-Lecha and it can be found in the book of Genesis.  In the portion Abram is leaving his home as G-d told him to. Despite being seventy-five years old he listens to the command, even though it demands a great and monumental change in his life. He is going somewhere he has never been before because that is what is expected of him. He is promised the reward of being the patriarch of a great nation for taking this action and moving into an uncertain future. This experience is universal, everyone leaves home or somewhere familiar for somewhere new at some point in their lives in order to gain something else. Many of us experience these same emotions when they prepare to leave high school and enter their college years. Leaving behind the comfort of their homes and entering into the challenges of university life can be quite daunting. 

When we go through struggles, it is essential to have conversations with others and not go through these moments alone. Perhaps we can find a friend who successfully managed this transition and ask them. How did you deal with this change? However, we can also take comfort and support from Abraham who not only managed this challenge, but thrived in his new environment. Although we cannot ask Abraham these questions, we can read his story and ask ourselves. How is our experience similar to his? How was he so successful in his move and what can we learn from him as we take these steps in our life? 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Liv Kronenfeld, New England Region

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